Adjectives for Accordance

Adjectives For Accordance

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing accordance, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe accordance can subtly or significantly change the meaning of a sentence, highlighting the level of alignment or agreement. A strict accordance emphasizes rigorous adherence to rules, whereas a perfect accordance denotes a flawless match. Exact and full accordances point to precise and comprehensive agreement, respectively. Meanwhile, a complete accordance suggests nothing is left amiss, and a good accordance indicates a satisfactory level of conformity. The nuances each of these adjectives bring to the noun 'accordance' reveal the depth of alignment being communicated. Explore the full spectrum of adjectives that paint a vivid picture of accordance in various contexts below.
perfectThe two melodies were in perfect accordance with each other.
exactThe contract was drawn up in exact accordance with the law.
fullThe two parties were in full accordance on the matter.
completeThey lived in complete accordance their goals and values perfectly aligned.
goodThe results of the study are in good accordance with other research on the topic.
entireThe two plans are in entire accordance with each other.
generalThe two reports were in general accordance with each other.
closeThe two plans are in close accordance with each other.
approximateThe estimates were in approximate accordance with the actual numbers.
preciseThe specification should be developed in precise accordance with the law.
frenchThe french accordance is not necessary for this application.
directWe need to work in direct accordance with the regulations.
substantialThe amended agreement is in substantial accordance with the original agreement.
strictestHe always requires his students to follow the strictest accordance to his rules.
betterWe should act in better accordance with nature.
strikingThe two plans are in striking accordance
remarkableThe two accounts of the event show remarkable accordance
absoluteThey acted in absolute accordance with the law.
roughThe budget was in rough accordance with the original proposal.
dueDue accordance was given to the request.
beautifulThe dancers moved in beautiful accordance with the music.
closerThe two sets of data are now in closer accordance
reasonableThe two accounts of the incident were in reasonable accordance
fairThe distribution of the grant was in fair accordance with the population's needs.
sweetThe birds sang in sweet accordance their melodies blending seamlessly in the warm summer breeze.
satisfactoryThe results were in satisfactory accordance with the predictions of the model.
nonThis rule will not be applied for abnormal situations conducted in non accordance with normal procedures.
thoroughThe answers were in thorough accordance with the question.
apparentThe apparent accordance between the two theories is misleading.
admirableThe admirable accordance among the staff helped the company to achieve its goals.
partialThere was partial accordance between the two theories.
literalThe literal accordance of their words and actions was impressive.
closestThe army's actions were in closest accordance with the letter of the law.
singularThe singular accordance between the subjects and verbs in the sentences made the text easy to read.
qualitativeThe research question is not in qualitative accordance with the study design.
logicalHer actions were in logical accordance with her principles.
illThe two statements were in ill accordance
stricterThe new rules will be enforced with stricter accordance
harmoniousThe symphony played in harmonious accordance creating a captivating melody.
happyThe two friends lived together in happy accordance
rigidThe boy followed his mother's rules with rigid accordance
faithfulThe records have been maintained in faithful accordance with the procedures.
marvellousThe two plans were in marvellous accordance
fullestWe worked in fullest accordance with the schedule.
nearerThe platform should be in nearer accordance with the needs of the participants.
scrupulousHe followed the rules with scrupulous accordance
etherealThe ethereal accordance of the music created a surreal atmosphere.

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