Adjectives for Achievement

Adjectives For Achievement

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing achievement, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe an achievement can significantly alter the impact of a sentence. Whether it's academic, reflecting success in the realm of education, or great and remarkable, which imbue a sense of grandeur and distinction, adjectives play a pivotal role in highlighting the magnitude and nature of an accomplishment. The term high achievement underscores excellence and surpassing standards, while greatest and educational achievements emphasize unparalleled success and learning milestones respectively. Each adjective carries its own weight and color, painting achievements in lights that range from personal triumphs to historical milestones. Discover the full array of adjectives to appropriately commend achievements and learn the nuances each brings to your narrative below.
academicAcademic achievement is not just about getting good grades.
greatThey celebrated their great achievement with a lavish party.
educationalThe study shows a strong correlation between educational achievement and income.
greatestThe greatest achievement in my professional career was winning the Employee of the Year award.
remarkableThe remarkable achievement was a testament to years of hard work and dedication.
highHer high achievement earned her the scholarship.
majorThis is a major achievement
individualCelebrating individual achievement and innovation are crucial for a thriving society.
humanThe relentless pursuit of human achievement has propelled us to remarkable heights.
intellectualThe student's intellectual achievement was evident in his insightful essay.
personalI'm proud of my personal achievement in completing the marathon.
outstandingHer outstanding achievement in the field of science earned her the prestigious award.
scholasticStudents with higher scholastic achievement tend to have better job prospects.
importantThe discovery of the Higgs boson was an important achievement in particle physics.
artisticHis artistic achievement was widely recognized.
highestHer highest achievement was winning the gold medal in the Olympics.
significantThe team's significant achievement was the successful launch of the new product.
scientificThe scientific achievement of the century was the discovery of the structure of DNA.
literaryHis literary achievement is a testament to his dedication and hard work.
successfulOur team's successful achievement is a testament to their hard work and dedication.
lowDespite the student's low achievement the teacher remained optimistic about his future.
notableHis notable achievement in the field of medicine has earned him widespread recognition.
actualHis actual achievement was quite different from his expectations.
realReal achievement requires perseverance amidst adversity.
meanThe mean achievement of the students in the class was 85.
greaterWith greater achievement comes greater responsibility.
considerableHis scientific research led to a series of considerable achievements.
higherThe student's higher achievement in the class is due to hard work and dedication.
supremeWinning an Olympic gold medal would be her supreme achievement
culturalThe most recent cultural achievement of the city is the opening of a new art museum.
technicalThe team celebrated their technical achievement with a dinner.
creativeHer creative achievement was recognized with a prestigious award.
extraordinaryHer extraordinary achievement in the field of science has brought honor to her country.
finalEvery development process has its final achievement
brilliantThe brilliant achievement was met with much fanfare and celebration.
ultimateHer ultimate achievement was to become a successful doctor and help countless people.
impressiveThe professor's impressive achievement as a pioneer in the field of quantum computing, where he invented a new type of qubit, earned him international recognition.
positiveThe student's positive achievement was a source of pride for their parents.
occupationalHer occupational achievement is a result of her hard work and dedication.
uniqueThe scientist's unique achievement earned him a prestigious award.
poeticHer poetic achievement was recognized with the prestigious award.
technologicalThe new technological achievement has revolutionized the way we communicate.
finestThe completion of the project was his finest achievement
pastShe was proud of her past achievement as a world-renowned scientist.
splendidThe students' splendid achievement filled the principal with pride.
professionalI am proud of my professional achievement in the field of software engineering.
solidThe students' solid achievement in the competition made their teachers proud.
magnificentThe magnificent achievement was a testament to their hard work and dedication.
spiritual"Spiritual achievement is not about having more money or possessions, but about having a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world."
tremendousThe launch of the satellite into orbit was a tremendous achievement for the space program.
wonderfulThis was a wonderful achievement that deserves to be celebrated.
gloriousThe glorious achievement was celebrated by all.
overallThe student's overall achievement in the class was excellent.
heroicThe heroic achievement was awarded a medal.
cognitiveThe cognitive achievement of our students has been outstanding.
superiorHer superior achievement has placed her in the top 1% of her field.
substantialHer substantial achievement in the field of medicine was widely recognized.
rareThe rare achievement is a testament to her hard work and dedication.
difficultEthan has accomplished a difficult achievement by completing the marathon.
monumentalThe completion of the project was a monumental achievement for the team.
spectacularThe team's spectacular achievement was recognized with a standing ovation.
scholarlyHer scholarly achievement earned her great admiration in academia.
architecturalThe Taj Mahal is an architectural achievement that has inspired countless others.
historicThe scientist's discovery was a historic achievement in the field of medicine.
underI am disappointed by your under achievement at school.

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