Adjectives for Anger

Adjectives For Anger

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing anger, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the nuances of adjectives paired with the word anger opens a window to the complex world of emotions. Words like own, great, righteous, sudden, and fierce each paint a unique shade of anger, from the deeply personal to the overwhelmingly powerful, the morally justified to the unexpectedly swift, and the intensely strong. These adjectives not only describe the intensity and source but also the moral undertones and the immediacy of the response. Understanding these subtle differences enriches our grasp of human emotion and communication. For those keen on diving deeper, the full spectrum of adjectives linked to anger awaits below, revealing the intricate ways we express this potent emotion.
ownHe could feel his own anger rising within him.
greatHe was filled with great anger
righteousThe righteous anger of the people erupted after the revelation of the politician's corruption.
suddenHer sudden anger startled me.
muchHis words ignited much anger within her.
divineThe divine anger raged furiously, incinerating all in its path.
suppressedJohn's suppressed anger could be felt as a palpable tension in the room.
violentHis violent anger frightened the children.
deepI felt a deep anger within me that I couldn't ignore.
coldShe gave him a withering look, her cold anger evident in her icy blue eyes.
realThe words he said to her filled her with real anger
bitterHis bitter anger at the injustice of it all was palpable.
extremeHe was filled with extreme anger
repressedDespite his calm exterior, her words stirred up repressed anger within him.
popularPopular anger has become increasingly evident in recent months.
furiousHer furious anger nearly caused her to blackout.
terribleThe woman's terrible anger made her face pale.
impotentJohn was filled with impotent anger at the injustice of it all.
passionateHer passionate anger surged through her veins, fueling her determination to fight for justice.
uncontrollableThe man's uncontrollable anger led him to commit a violent crime.
controlledThe controlled anger burned inside him, like a fire held in check.
sullenThere was sullen anger in the depths of his eyes.
considerableThe announcement was met with considerable anger by the public.
unresolvedThe unresolved anger festered in his heart, threatening to explode at any moment.
excessiveThe excessive anger he felt was clouding his judgment.
justThe just anger she felt was seething beneath the surface.
jealousThe accusations fueled a jealous anger within her.
helplessHelpless anger churned within her, a fire she could not extinguish.
blindThe boy was consumed by blind anger
uncontrolledHer uncontrolled anger led to a heated argument.
quickHis quick anger made him say things he regretted later.
unexpressedThe body language hinted at her unexpressed anger
explosiveHis explosive anger flared up instantly, a tempestuous storm within his soul.
irrationalThe irrational anger that surged through me made me do things I later regretted.
genuineThe genuine anger in his eyes sent shivers down her spine.
momentaryThe momentary anger faded away as she took a deep breath.
chronicHer chronic anger was rooted in a deep sense of injustice.
frustratedThe frustrated anger simmered within me, threatening to explode like a volcano.
parentalParental anger can be a powerful emotion that can have a lasting impact on children.
dullHis dull anger gnawed at him, a constant ache that never truly subsided.
justifiableHer justifiable anger towards the situation was palpable.
holyHer holy anger erupted after hearing of the child's mistreatment.
slowHis slow anger burned like a fire, consuming him from the inside out.
mingledHer face was contorted with mingled anger and sorrow.
savageHis eyes burned with savage anger
silentShe sat in the corner, her silent anger radiating from her like a storm.
widespreadWidespread anger erupted throughout the city.
justifiedHis justified anger turned into violent rage.
unreasoningHer unreasoning anger at him made things worse.
pureHis eyes flashed with pure anger
displacedHer displaced anger was taking its toll on her relationships.
destructiveThe destructive anger that had been simmering within him finally erupted.
inappropriateJohn's inappropriate anger towards his colleagues led to a tense work environment.
apparentThe man stared at her with apparent anger
quietHer soft words belied a quiet anger
obviousHis obvious anger was palpable in the room.
overtJohn's overt anger made everyone uneasy.
royalThe royal anger was palpable in the air, sending shivers down the spines of all who witnessed it.
nobleHer noble anger was directed at the injustice she witnessed.
tremendousThe tremendous anger that filled her soul was almost unbearable.
sheerThe sheer anger in her eyes made my blood run cold.
healthyHealthy anger can help us overcome obstacles and protect our rights.
legitimateHer legitimate anger flared up when she confronted her betrayer.

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