Adjectives for Anniversary

Adjectives For Anniversary

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing anniversary, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Adjectives associated with the noun anniversary significantly impact the tone and context of how we convey the passage of time and celebrate milestones. A first anniversary radiates freshness and celebration of new beginnings, whereas a fiftieth or 50th anniversary conveys a sense of accomplishment and enduring commitment. Each adjective, be it fifth, tenth, or second, highlights a unique emotional resonance and societal perception tied to the event. Understanding these nuances helps in appreciating the depth and diversity of human experiences surrounding anniversaries. Explore the full range of adjectives used with 'anniversary' to capture every shade of celebration.
fiftiethThe couple celebrated their fiftieth anniversary last year.
firstWe celebrated our first anniversary with a romantic dinner.
fifthOur fifth anniversary is coming up soon.
tenthThe tenth anniversary of their marriage was a joyous occasion.
50thThis year marks the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.
secondWe celebrated our second anniversary last week at our favorite restaurant.
25thThis year marks the 25th anniversary of their wedding.
twentiethThis year is the twentieth anniversary of our meeting.
fortiethWe celebrated our fortieth anniversary with a special dinner out.
100thThis year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of our city.
thirdWe celebrated our third anniversary with a special dinner and a walk on the beach.
thirtiethWe are commemorating the thirtieth anniversary of our founding this year.
20thThis year marks the 20th anniversary of the company's founding.
fourthWe celebrated our fourth anniversary at the same restaurant we had our first date.
150thThe celebration will mark the city's 150th anniversary
40thThe couple celebrated their 40th anniversary with a special dinner.
hundredthWe celebrated the hundredth anniversary of the company's founding last year.
yearOur company is celebrating its 5th year anniversary next month.
30thWe celebrated our 30th anniversary with a vow renewal ceremony.
goldenThey celebrated their golden anniversary with a grand party.
75thThe couple celebrated their 75th anniversary with a small party surrounded by close friends and family.
200thThe United States celebrated its 200th anniversary in 1976.
sixthToday is our sixth anniversary and I couldn't be happier.
60thWe celebrated our 60th anniversary with a grand party.
fifteenthThe couple celebrated their fifteenth anniversary at a fancy restaurant.
500thThe 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation is coming up in 2017.
eighthWe are celebrating our eighth anniversary next month.
250thIn 1976, the United States celebrated its 250th anniversary
400thThe 400th anniversary of the founding of Quebec City was celebrated in 2008.
happyTogether, let's celebrate this happy anniversary
300thThe 300th anniversary of the founding of the city is coming up next year.
ninthThey celebrated their ninth anniversary by renewing their vows.
seventiethWe celebrated the seventieth anniversary of the founding of our company.
125thThe 125th anniversary of the iconic tower will be celebrated this year.
70thThis year marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.
15thOur 15th anniversary is coming up next month.
centennialThe centennial anniversary of the school was celebrated with great pomp and show.
twelfthMy twelfth anniversary is approaching soon.
twentyfifthThe couple celebrated their twentyfifth anniversary by renewing their vows.
eightieth"Let's celebrate our eightieth anniversary with a special party!"
350thThe town celebrated the 350th anniversary of its founding.
monthI can't believe it's already our six-month anniversary!
80thThe 80th anniversary of the event will be celebrated next year.
eleventhToday is our eleventh anniversary
silverThey celebrated their silver anniversary with a romantic getaway.
90thThe 90th anniversary of the founding of the company was celebrated with a grand party.
thirteenthMy thirteenth anniversary is just around the corner.
5thWe are celebrating our 5th anniversary this weekend.
seventeenthOur seventeenth anniversary is coming up next month.
600thThe 600th anniversary of the city was a grand celebration.
sixteenthJohn and Mary celebrated their sixteenth anniversary with a romantic dinner.
eighteenthOur eighteenth anniversary is coming up next month.
175thThe college marked its 175th anniversary with numerous celebratory events, including a special convocation at Carnegie Hall.
21stOur 21st anniversary is coming up next month.
700thThe 700th anniversary of the city's founding was celebrated with a grand parade.
gloriousThe couple celebrated their glorious anniversary last weekend.
2500thThe city of Athens celebrated its 2500th anniversary in 1985.
sixtiethThe couple celebrated their sixtieth anniversary with a grand party.
450thThis year marks the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare's birth.
800th2023 marks the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta, a seminal document in the history of democracy and civil liberties.
750th2023 marks the 750th anniversary of the founding of the city.
sadIt was a sad anniversary but we remembered him with love.
65thThe couple celebrated their 65th anniversary with their family and friends.
26thThey have been married for their 26th anniversary
900thThe 900th anniversary of the founding of the university was celebrated last year.
55thThey celebrated their 55th anniversary with a grand party.
17thToday is our 17th anniversary
4oothThe city is preparing for the 4ooth anniversary of its founding.
27thOur 27th anniversary was amazing.
13thWe are celebrating our 13th anniversary this year.
1000thThe 1000th anniversary of the founding of the monastery was celebrated last year.
14thWe celebrated our 14th anniversary at the restaurant where we first met.
2oothThe 2ooth anniversary of the United States was celebrated in 1976.

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