Adjectives for Associations

Adjectives For Associations

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing associations, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Associations play a critical role in shaping our experiences and expectations. When prefixed with adjectives like 'professional', 'voluntary', 'local', or 'national', the term 'associations' transforms, reflecting diverse connotations and purposes. A 'professional association' suggests a formal network with shared career-related interests, while a 'voluntary association' emphasizes participation by choice, driven by personal or social motives. 'Local' and 'national' associations denote the scope and scale of operation, subtly indicating the level of impact or outreach. Using various adjectives with 'associations' not only specifies the kind of group or organization being referred to but also invites consideration into their function, reach, and significance. Discover the full spectrum of nuances by exploring the entire list of adjectives associated with 'associations' below.
professionalMany career professionals have joined professional associations to connect with peers, learn new skills, and advance their careers.
voluntaryVoluntary associations are groups joined on a voluntary basis to pursue common interests.
suchThere are such associations between my family and the old house.
localLocal associations were formed to discuss the matter.
nationalThe various national associations have supported the project.
variousThe forum hosted speakers from various associations
politicalThe political associations of the candidate have been examined.
historicalThe city's historical associations are evident in its many ancient ruins.
cooperativeCooperative associations engage in a diverse range of economic and social activities.
religiousThe church has many religious associations including the belief in the Holy Trinity.
regionalWe will be working with our regional associations to coordinate our efforts.
privatePrivate associations may form to help individuals share ideas and interests.
freeThe free associations brought about unexpected memories.
strongThe smell of the ocean evokes strong associations with happy memories.
significantThere were significant associations between exposure to air pollution and increased rates of asthma.
civicMany civic associations responded to the call for disaster relief volunteers.
positiveShe had positive associations with the park after she met her best friend there.
industrialThe project was funded by various industrial associations
negativeThe news was filled with negative associations and left me feeling down.
culturalThese images have strong cultural associations with the area.
operativeThe operative associations within the organization remain strong.
medicalThat is the reason why the medical associations are so resistant to change in the medical field
literaryHis literary associations were evident in his writing.
mutualThe mutual associations among members of the group helped foster a sense of community.
closeShe has close associations with a number of celebrities.
numerousNumerous associations can sometimes be overwhelming during the summer.
educationalThe conference brought together educational associations from across the country.
agriculturalFarmers in the region formed agricultural associations to promote their interests.
historicThe building has historic associations that date back to the 18th century.
traditionalThe traditional associations of colors with certain qualities or emotions can be found in many cultures.
ethnicMany cultures have ethnic associations with specific foods.
pleasantThe pleasant associations of the scent of lavender calmed her.
formalHe was more successful in formal associations than in friendships.
independentThe charity recruits and trains volunteers to work with independent associations that help people with disabilities.
pastHer past associations with him made her wary of his intentions.
symbolicThe ancient amulet had deep symbolic associations with the wearer's lineage.
emotionalThe scent of lavender carries strong emotional associations for her.
interestingI found some interesting associations with the data.
verbalThe test prompted verbal associations between stimuli and responses.
sacredThe ancient tree had sacred associations for the local people.
benevolentBenevolent associations are built on the principles of charity and goodwill.
informalThe non-profit organization forged informal associations between scientists and business leaders.
looseHer dreams had taken on an almost hallucinatory quality, with loose associations and vivid, nonsensical imagery.
unincorporatedUnincorporated associations do not require formal registration or incorporation.
secretThe secret associations of the university were a hot topic of debate.
charitableThe wealthy industrialists supported the charitable associations
unpleasantThe smell of old milk brought back unpleasant associations
athleticThe student body will vote for the presidents of the student government associations, athletic associations and the honor societies.
provincial Provincial associations exist to address issues of local concern.
statisticalThere were a few statistical associations between the two groups that were deemed significant.

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