Adjectives for Asthma

Adjectives For Asthma

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing asthma, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Understanding the nuances of adjectives used with the noun 'asthma' can significantly enhance comprehension and communication about the condition. Descriptors like 'bronchial' pinpoint the area affected, while 'severe' and 'acute' indicate the intensity and suddenness of symptoms, respectively. 'Chronic' highlights the long-lasting nature of some asthma cases, contrasting with 'induced' or 'occupational,' which suggest specific triggers. Each adjective unveils a new layer of meaning, providing deeper insight into the individual's experience with asthma. Explore the full range of adjectives to discover more about the diverse manifestations of asthma.
bronchialThe patient has a history of bronchial asthma
severeThe severe asthma patient suffered from frequent and debilitating attacks.
acuteI went to the emergency room because of my acute asthma
chronicMy chronic asthma has been acting up lately, so I've been using my inhaler more often.
inducedInduced asthma is a type of asthma that is caused by specific triggers.
occupationalThe worker developed severe occupational asthma from her time working in a chemical plant.
allergicJohn was diagnosed with allergic asthma after he started experiencing difficulty breathing around cats.
mildShe was diagnosed with mild asthma as a child.
cardiacCardiac asthma is a condition in which excessive fluid accumulates in the lungs as a result of heart failure.
spasmodicLast night, he was seized with spasmodic asthma and was unable to sleep.
persistentThe boy has persistent asthma
extrinsicExtrinsic asthma is a type of asthma that is caused by external triggers such as allergens or pollutants.
intrinsicThe patient has intrinsic asthma which is a type of asthma that is not caused by an allergic reaction.
moderateHe was diagnosed with moderate asthma and was prescribed an inhaler.
fatalHer fatal asthma attack was triggered by the smoky environment.
atopicI have atopic asthma which is a type of asthma that is caused by an allergy.
dependentManuel has been suffering from dependent asthma for many years.
intractableThe patient was diagnosed with intractable asthma
trueHis persistent cough and wheezing were signs of his true asthma
pediatricThe pediatric asthma prevalence is increasing worldwide.
sensitiveMy sensitive asthma makes it difficult to breathe during pollen season.
stableShe has been experiencing stable asthma for several months now.
experimentalMy doctor recommended I take part in an experimental asthma study.
adultSally's adult asthma caused her to have regular coughing fits.
clinicalMy clinical asthma has been acting up recently.
intermittentThe patient has intermittent asthma which flares up only occasionally.
resistantThe patient has resistant asthma which is difficult to treat.
uncomplicatedHer uncomplicated asthma improved.
thymicThe patient was diagnosed with thymic asthma a rare condition characterized by obstruction of the airways due to an enlarged thymus gland.
relatedMy doctor said my related asthma is due to allergies.
perennialShe suffered from perennial asthma which was exacerbated by exposure to dust and pollen.
threateningThe patient was admitted to the hospital with threatening asthma
seasonalThe onset of seasonal asthma is often triggered by the presence of allergens like pollen and grass.
exerciseinducedSarah's exerciseinduced asthma made it difficult for her to participate in sports.
symptomaticThe doctor diagnosed her with symptomatic asthma
uncontrolledHer uncontrolled asthma caused her several sleepless nights.
nonallergicShe was later diagnosed with nonallergic asthma
variantThe patient is affected by variant asthma which is characterized by specific triggers that induce severe exacerbations.
infectiousThe infectious asthma is difficult to treat.
recurrentJohn had recurrent asthma attacks when he was younger.
standingHer symptoms were consistent with standing asthma
infectiveInfective asthma is a type of asthma that is caused by an infection, such as a cold or the flu.
refractoryThe patient had a history of refractory asthma that had been unresponsive to inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting beta-agonists.
episodicEpisodic asthma also known as intermittent asthma, is a type of asthma that occurs less than twice a week.
bronchiticI'm sorry, but I don't know what bronchitic asthma is.
renal"My neighbor has renal asthma a rare condition that triggers asthma attacks in response to decreased kidney function."
humidThe humid asthma made it difficult for her to breathe.
nonatopicNonatopic asthma is not caused by an allergic reaction and is therefore not related to eczema or hay fever.
brittleHe was diagnosed with brittle asthma at a young age.
controlledHer controlled asthma did not require additional medication.
mediatedThe patient's mediated asthma was exacerbated by exposure to pollen.
humoralHumoral asthma is a type of asthma that is caused by an allergic reaction to an external allergen.
asymptomaticHe was given an emergency inhaler for his asymptomatic asthma
maternalMaternal asthma is a risk factor for impaired fetal growth.
unstableThe patient has a history of unstable asthma
psychogenicHis psychogenic asthma manifested itself in acute attacks of breathlessness.
existingThe patient was diagnosed with existing asthma at the age of 10.
idiopathicThe patient suffers from idiopathic asthma which means the cause is unknown.
infantileThe child's infantile asthma has been a constant struggle for his parents.
associatedMany of the symptoms associated asthma including wheezing and shortness of breath, are caused by inflammation of the airways.
concomitantHis concomitant asthma has been improving.
hayMany people suffer from hay asthma an allergic reaction to pollen and other allergens found in hay.
hystericalThe hysterical asthma made the patient laugh uncontrollably.
controlDr. Johnson uses a humidifier to control asthma in the house.
dyspepticIndividuals with dyspeptic asthma often experience concurrent gastrointestinal symptoms.
pulmonaryPulmonary asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that affects the lungs.
paroxysmalThe patient was diagnosed with paroxysmal asthma a condition characterized by sudden and severe attacks of wheezing and shortness of breath.
convulsiveThe doctor diagnosed the patient with convulsive asthma a severe form of the condition.

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