Adjectives for Attraction

Adjectives For Attraction

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing attraction, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The word 'attraction' takes on nuanced dimensions when paired with different adjectives, each casting a unique light on its essence. 'Sexual attraction' delves into the deeply personal and instinctive connections between individuals, whereas 'great attraction' magnifies the interest or appeal something holds. The term 'mutual attraction' speaks to the shared allure between parties, hinting at a reciprocal recognition of appeal. On a more specialized front, 'gravitational attraction' enters the scientific domain, explaining the pull between celestial bodies. Meanwhile, 'strong attraction' amplifies the intensity of fascination or appeal, regardless of context. Each adjective adds a layer of specificity, revealing the multifaceted nature of attraction. Dive into a full exploration of how these adjectives and more uniquely color our understanding of attraction below.
sexualI am not comfortable discussing my sexual attraction
greatThe great attraction was the beautiful mountains.
mainThe polar bear exhibit was the main attraction
gravitationalThe Earth's gravitational attraction keeps the Moon in orbit.
magneticThe two magnets were drawn together by their magnetic attraction
majorThe city's major attraction is the towering skyscraper.
chiefThe chief attraction of the town is its ancient cathedral.
capillaryThe capillary attraction between the water and the glass causes it to rise in the tube.
specialThe zoo is a special attraction for children.
electrostaticThe electrostatic attraction between the two charged particles caused them to stick together.
addedThe park's new playground is an added attraction for families.
popularThe Louvre is a popular attraction in Paris.
greaterThe singer's powerful vocal performance drew greater attraction from the audience.
greatestThe greatest attraction was the live music and entertainment.
molecularMolecular attraction between the two substances is necessary for the formation of a solution.
principalThe Eiffel Tower is the principal attraction in Paris.
additionalOur itinerary includes the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, and an additional attraction of our choice.
bigThe Eiffel Tower is a big attraction for tourists in Paris.
peculiarThe garden was a peculiar attraction with its strange plants and unusual flowers.
strongerThe stronger attraction between the two objects caused them to collide.
universalEinstein's theory of universal attraction states that every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other particle.
biggestThe biggest attraction of the city is its historical buildings.
lessThe new product has less attraction compared to the old one.
primeThe prime attraction of the city is its historical architecture.
counterThe counter attraction of the new restaurant was its unique atmosphere.
intermolecularWater molecules have stronger intermolecular attraction than alcohol molecules.
cohesiveThe cohesive attraction between water molecules causes surface tension.
uniqueThe unique attraction of the city draws tourists from all over the world.
topThe Great Wall of China is one of the top attractions in Asia.
resultantThe resultant attraction was not enough to make the spacecraft escape Earth's orbit.
heterosexualMany heterosexual attractions are based on physical appearance.
singularThe dog's unwavering devotion exemplifies singular attraction
coulombicThe two positive charges repel each other due to the coulombic attraction
scenicThe scenic attraction is a popular destination for tourists.
superiorThe store's superior attraction enticed many customers.
tremendousThe beautiful scenery possessed a tremendous attraction for tourists.

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