Adjectives for Belief

Adjectives For Belief

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing belief, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The choice of adjectives used with the noun 'belief' can significantly alter the nuance of what is being conveyed. For instance, a 'religious belief' emphasizes a spiritual or faith-based perspective, whereas a 'popular belief' highlights widespread societal acceptance. 'Common' and 'general' beliefs point to the ubiquity and broad agreement among people, respectively. Conversely, a 'firm belief' communicates unwavering conviction, demonstrating the depth of commitment to a particular stance. Similarly, 'Christian belief' specifies the religious tradition these beliefs adhere to, indicating a more specific alignment of faith. Each adjective opens a window to the diversity and richness of beliefs and their expressions in language. Discover the full range of adjectives that bring different shades of meaning to the noun 'belief' below.
religiousI respect everyone's religious beliefs, even if I don't agree with them.
popularContrary to popular belief the world is not flat.
commonThe common belief is that the world is round.
generalThe general belief is that life exists on other planets.
firmI have firm belief that the new project will be successful.
christianThe Christian belief in the Trinity is a mystery.
widespreadThere is a widespread belief that ghosts exist.
strongShe had a strong belief that she would succeed.
falseThe belief that the sun revolves around the Earth is a false belief
trueHe had the true belief that he could win the lottery.
heldIt was against his held belief but he decided to go anyways.
traditionalHer life was marked by the traditional beliefs of her family.
personalHer personal belief dictates how she interacts with others.
ancientThe ancient belief has been passed down through generations.
erroneousThe erroneous belief that all cats are friendly led to the unfortunate incident.
fundamentalThe fundamental belief of the church is that Jesus is the Son of God.
sincereI was amazed to find out that his sincere belief did not include a desire to debate the issue.
basicOur basic belief is that everyone deserves a chance to succeed.
rationalTom is a person who holds a rational belief in the existence of God.
currentIn recent years, our current belief about the origins of the human species has undergone revision.
superstitiousThe superstitious belief that a black cat crossing your path will bring bad luck is still prevalent in many cultures.
mere"Mere belief" is not enough to prove anything.
reasonableI have a reasonable belief that the defendant committed the crime.
profoundMy profound belief in the power of education guides my every decision.
implicitThe implicit belief in his own infallibility made him blind to the risks he was taking.
orthodoxThe orthodox belief is that God created the world in seven days.
naiveGavrilo Princip's naive belief that killing Archduke Franz Ferdinand would bring about Serbian independence led to World War I.
deepThe students had a deep belief in their teacher's ability.
mistakenJohn's mistaken belief about the new policy cost him the job.
genuineHis genuine belief in the cause motivated him to work tirelessly.
prevalentThe prevalent belief is that people should follow the rules and laws
primitiveThe primitive belief that the Earth is flat persisted for centuries.
blindBlind belief can lead to dangerous consequences.
honestHe acted in the honest belief that he was doing the right thing.
irrationalI held onto the irrational belief that everything would work out in the end.
confidentShe spoke with confident belief in her voice.
sharedOur shared belief in justice is what unites us.
underlyingHer underlying belief in her abilities gave her the confidence to succeed.
passionateHer passionate belief in the cause drove her to work tirelessly for its success.
theisticTheistic belief is a belief in the existence of a god or gods.
optimisticThe company remained hopeful, maintaining an optimistic belief that the economy would rebound.
catholicThe Catholic belief emphasizes the importance of the sacraments and the authority of the Pope.
vagueThey held a vague belief that nothing could harm them.
absoluteHe spoke with absolute belief in his words.
persistentHer persistent belief in her abilities led her to overcome numerous obstacles.
fixedHe had the fixed belief that he would succeed.
hinduHindu belief includes personal discipline and yoga as a path to spiritual enlightenment.
theologicalTheological belief is a set of beliefs about the nature of God and the universe.
ferventThe players shared their fervent belief in the coach's abilities.
correctA correct belief is one that is supported by evidence.
instinctiveHer instinctive belief in her own abilities was unshakeable.
islamicThe Islamic belief is that Muhammad is the last of the prophets
priorI did not change my prior belief
conventionalThe conventional belief is that the Earth is flat.
dogmaticHis dogmatic belief in his own superiority was blinding.

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