Adjectives for Bend

Adjectives For Bend

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing bend, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

In the intricacy of language, the noun 'bend' becomes a canvas for a myriad of adjectives, each painting a distinct picture. A 'sharp' bend suggests a sudden change of direction, evoking a sense of caution and alertness. 'Great' and 'big' imbue the noun with vastness and importance, magnifying the scale of the curve. 'Next' and 'first' situate the bend in a sequence, offering a temporal dimension that guides anticipation or reflection. Meanwhile, a 'slight' bend introduces a subtlety, a gentle deviation that might go almost unnoticed, yet plays a crucial role in the journey. Each adjective enriches 'bend' with unique shades of meaning, inviting us to explore the full array below.
sharpThe road took a sharp bend to the left.
greatThe river formed a great bend in the valley.
nextTurn left at the next bend
slightHe was having a slight bend in his arm.
firstTurn left at the first bend
bigI'm taking a trip to the Big bend National Park next month.
lastThe road straightened out after the last bend
suddenShe narrowly avoided an accident when she took the sudden bend too fast.
deepThe trail wound through a deep bend in the river.
secondTurn left at the second bend
doubleI took a double bend in the road to arrive at my destination.
longThe long bend in the road made it difficult to see oncoming traffic.
forwardI did a forward bend to stretch my back.
wideThe road took a wide bend to the left.
rightThe road has a right bend after the bridge.
finalThe cyclist rounded the final bend with ease.
abruptThe road took an abrupt bend to the right.
angledThe road took an angled bend to the right.
shortThe path took a short bend before continuing on.
handShe demonstrated her hand bend to the amazed crowd.
northernWe drove north, following the river's northern bend
lowerThe river makes a lower bend before it reaches the village.
upperA sharp upper bend can only be achieved by a heavy rain.
upwardThe upward bend in the road gave us a clear view of the valley below.
downwardHe did a downward bend with his knees slightly bent and his palms were facing down.
leftThe road curves with a slight left bend
lateralThe lateral bend in the road had been there since before Elisa could remember.
considerableShe has a considerable bend in her spine.
gentleThe gentle bend in the road offered a stunning vista.
grecianShe struck a graceful Grecian bend as she danced across the stage.
tightThe road had a tight bend that required careful navigation.
southSouth bend is a great place to live.
backwardThe gymnast performed a backward bend arching his back with impressive flexibility.
acuteThe road has an acute bend ahead.
slowShe did a slow bend at the waist to investigate the noise.
angularThe pipe has an angular bend at the end.
broadThe broad bend in the river concealed the small fishing boat.
narrowThe narrow bend in the road brought traffic to a standstill.
kneeThe coach instructed the players to do knee bends.
pointAt the point bend the river meandered through the valley.
distantThe distant bend of the river beckoned us closer.
beautifulThe river took a beautiful bend around the mountain.
circularThe circular bend in the road made it difficult to navigate.
permanentThe metal wire had a permanent bend after it was used to hang the heavy picture.
innerThe inner bend of the river was a great place to fish.
distinctThe road took a distinct bend to the left.
pitchThe singer used pitch bend to add emotion to their performance.
smoothThe path took a smooth bend to the left.
gradualThe road took a gradual bend to the left.
coldThe cold bend of the metal made it perfect for the project.
outerThe water rushed against the outer bend of the river.
inwardThe inward bend of the river created a peaceful lagoon.
easternThe eastern bend of the river was particularly scenic.
remarkableThe tree's trunk had a remarkable bend
insideThe skier leaned into the inside bend of the curve.
wickedThe road makes a wicked bend just before the bridge.
hugeThe river made a huge bend around the mountain.
verticalThe vertical bend in the road made it difficult to see oncoming traffic.
peculiarThe peculiar bend in the road led to the hidden village.
outsideThe outside bend of the river was where we went for our picnic.
pronouncedThe path took a pronounced bend just before the bridge.
southerlyThe road took a southerly bend just past the old oak tree.
characteristicThe detective had a characteristic bend in his posture from years on the job.
blindI slowed down as I approached the blind bend
steepThe road took a steep bend to the left.
semicircularThe river wound its way through the valley, forming a semicircular bend
quickWith a quick bend she reached for the doorknob.
shallowThe hiker carefully navigated the shallow bend in the trail.
nearestTurn right at the nearest bend
horizontalThe horizontal bend in the pipe allowed for a smooth transition in flow direction.

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