Adjectives for Bits

Adjectives For Bits

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing bits, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the world of bits reveals a rich tapestry of meaning, each shaped by the adjectives preceding it. A little bit might suggest a tiny portion, hinting at something more to be discovered. Small and tiny bits emphasize the minuscule, often overlooked details, while a few bits indicate scarcity or the beginning of a collection. Significant bits, on the other hand, highlight the importance of even the smallest units in larger systems. Using these descriptors allows writers to navigate the vastness of information and significance with precision. To learn how each of these adjectives and more can further nuance the concept of bits, see the full list below.
littleLittle bits of confetti floated through the air.
smallThe bread was cut into small bits
fewShe knew she had only few bits of time to solve the puzzle.
significantThe most significant bits of the data are stored in the first byte.
tinyHe had to fix the tiny bits of the broken plate.
moreI need more bits to process this request.
oddWhen the odd bits came together, it made an odd machine.
variousShe examined the various bits of broken glass strewn across the floor.
lastThey made a final attempt to retrieve the last bits of information.
individualIndividual bits of information can be combined to form a larger picture.
brokenThe broken bits of pottery lay scattered across the floor.
extraThis sentence has extra bits like punctuation.
lowerThe lower bits of the address are used to select a specific memory location.
additionalThe additional bits were not necessary.
leastThe least bits of information are often the most important.
bestI remember the best bits of school.
upperThe upper bits of the number are used to represent the exponent.
interestingI found some interesting bits of information in the book.
randomHe gave her a box full of random bits
fewerThe file has fewer bits than the original.
scatteredThe scattered bits of information were finally pieced together.
isolatedThe isolated bits of information were difficult to piece together.
correspondingThe corresponding bits were flipped to represent the inverse value.
smallerCompare the way one program talks to another program to the way one computer talks to another computer, and you will see smaller bits and pieces in the latter.
separateThe separate bits of the puzzle are fitting together.
brownedHe scraped the browned bits from the bottom of the pan.
consecutiveThe code iterated over the array and counted the number of consecutive bits set to 1.
discreteThe data structure was comprised of discrete bits
occasionalI stirred occasional bits of pancake batter into the muffin mix.
digitalThe computer's memory stores digital bits
keyI need to collect the key bits of information from the article.
multipleThe computer can perform multiple bits at the same time.
redundantThe redundant bits in the data are used for error correction.
looseMake sure to check the machine for any loose bits
usefulThe guests were given useful bits of advice.
successiveThe successive bits of data came in slowly over the course of several hours.
tidI enjoyed all the cozy tid bits from the local festival.
twoI only had two bits in my pocket.
rightmostThe rightmost bits of the binary number represent the least significant digits.
leftmostThe leftmost bits of the register are set to 0.
brownI can see some brown bits in the food.
brightDespite the overcast sky, bright bits of sunlight managed to sneak through the gaps.
adjacentThe adjacent bits in the binary representation of the number are both 1.
overheadThe overhead bits of the protocol include a header and a trailer.
sharpBe careful of the sharp bits on the broken glass.
enoughI had enough bits to buy my favorite skin.
charmingThe room was filled with charming bits and bobs.
niceI only eat the nice bits of my food.
daintyHe carried dainty bits of sandwiches on a silver platter.
choicestShe picked out the choicest bits for herself.
unusedThe unused bits of data are often ignored.
minuteChocolate is added to the batter in minute bits
unrelatedHe collected unrelated bits of information and tried to piece together the story.
relevantFocus on the relevant bits that are important to you.
transmittedThe data stream is made up of 8-bit transmitted bits
fragmentaryThe fragmentary bits of the puzzle lay scattered across the floor.
tornThe torn bits of paper lay scattered on the floor.
prettyShe had such pretty bits of jewelry I almost didn't notice her shoes

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