Adjectives for Blind

Adjectives For Blind

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing blind, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe a blind can significantly alter the perception of a scene or object, offering a nuanced lens through which we view the world. Descriptors like double and venetian speak to the structure and style, while adjectives such as color, big, and little address aspects of size and aesthetic. Even deaf, when paired with blind, evokes a deeper sense of sensory deprivation or isolation. Each adjective weaves its unique thread into the narrative fabric, providing layers of interpretation and insight. Dive into the full spectrum of words that breathe life into the nuanced world of blinds, enriching your vocabulary and storytelling.
venetianThe sunlight streamed through the venetian blind casting intricate shadows on the floor.
colorI'm color blind so I can't tell the difference between red and green.
bigThe big blind which is posted by the player seated to the left of the button, is the larger of the two forced bets posted prior to the flop.
deafThe deaf blind woman was able to communicate with her friends using sign language.
littleThe little blind girl stumbled through the dark forest.
mereThe mere blind of injustice motivated him to fight for the truth.
greenI am partially green blind so I cannot see the color green as well as other people.
smallThe small blind was raised to 10 chips.
stoneHe is stone blind since childhood.
poorThe poor blind man wandered the streets aimlessly.
needyThe needy blind man fumbled for his cane.
randomizedThe randomized blind method was used to ensure that participants were unaware of which treatment they were receiving.
starkThe stark blind man stumbled through the dark alleyway.
wilfullyThe witness stated that they were wilfully blind to the illegal activity occurring in their own home.
whiteThe bright sun made me white blind
redThe man is red blind
indigentThe indigent blind man stumbled through the crowded streets.
yellowThe old man was yellow blind and could only see shades of yellow and brown.
drawnThe drawn blind kept out the bright sunlight.
lessHe now felt less blind to the forces that were moulding his life.
randomisedThe randomised blind study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of the new drug.
colourThe artist was colour blind but he still created beautiful paintings.
bambooShe raised the bamboo blind and looked out at the misty morning.
darkThe dark blind was drawn across the window.
congenitallyThe congenitally blind man navigated the streets with ease, relying on his acute sense of hearing.
lameThe lame blind man hobbled down the street.
nearThe driver was near blind and could barely make out the road ahead.
prospectiveThe prospective blind woman is learning to read Braille.
willfullyThe employee willfully blind to the safety violations of the company.
blueUnfortunately the color blue appears grey to blue blind people.
agedThe aged blind man sat alone on the bench, his eyes clouded with years of darkness.
elderlyThe elderly blind man cautiously made his way down the street.
closedThe closed blind kept the sunlight out of the room.
woodenThe sun was shining into the room through the wooden blind
longerHis eyes were longer blind than the darkness that plagued his mind.
leastThe least blind man was able to see the faintest glimmer of light.
strickenEmily was stricken blind by the explosion.
metalThe metal blind rattled in the wind.
tallA tall blind man walked towards me.
adultThe adult blind man was walking down the street.
slattedThe sun streamed through the gaps in the slatted blind
newlyThe newly blind woman had to relearn how to do many things.
romanThe soft glow of sunlight filtered through the delicate fabric of the roman blind
everI have never blind to reality.
nighThe old man was nigh blind and could barely see.
portableThe portable blind was easy to set up and take down, making it perfect for camping trips.
ableAble blind people can lead perfectly normal lives.
verticalThe vertical blind softly swayed in the breeze.
corticallyThe neurologist determined that the patient was cortically blind after the examination.
grownShe has not grown blind but still needs glasses.
outsideThe outside blind kept out the bright sunlight.
sunI couldn't see clearly because of the sun blind
purgatoryThe purgatory blind saw nothing but darkness.
exteriorThe exterior blind blocked out the sun's glare.
reedSarah peeked through the reed blind to see what was going on outside.
plainThe plain blind covered the bedroom window.

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