Adjectives for Blocks

Adjectives For Blocks

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing blocks, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Using adjectives with the noun 'blocks' can significantly shift the meaning and imagery of your sentence. Descriptors like 'few' or 'several' quantify, offering a sense of number, while 'large' or 'small' zero in on size, painting a more vivid picture. 'Concrete' specifies material, grounding your blocks in reality, whereas 'basic' suggests a simplicity in function or form. Each adjective chosen carves out a unique narrative space, transforming 'blocks' from mere objects into the building blocks of stories, ideas, or structures, whichever context they find themselves in. Explore the full spectrum of adjectives paired with 'blocks' to elevate your writing.
fewThe grocery store is just a few blocks away.
largeThe walls of the structure were made up of large blocks
severalThere were several blocks of wood in the yard.
concreteThe construction crew used large concrete blocks to build the retaining wall.
basicThe basic blocks of a computer are the processor, memory, and storage devices.
smallThe small blocks were stacked neatly in the corner.
woodenThe children played with the wooden blocks building tall towers and elaborate structures.
hugeThe castle was made of huge blocks of stone.
stumblingThey encountered multiple stumbling blocks during the project's development.
rectangularThe concrete wall was made of big rectangular blocks
squareThe kids played with the square blocks
solidThe ancient castle was built with solid blocks of granite.
individualThe immense mansion was laid out into individual blocks each block serving a specific purpose.
largerThese larger blocks were no longer just sandbox toys but became elements of design.
separateThe text is split into separate blocks
massiveThe ancient ruins are made up of massive blocks
bigThe child stacked the big blocks on top of each other creating a tall tower.
functionalThe hardware of the computer consists of functional blocks such as the CPU and RAM.
smallerThe smaller blocks were perfect for building the model.
fundamentalThe fundamental blocks of matter are atoms.
enormousThe construction workers heaved enormous blocks into place.
heavyThe construction workers carefully lifted the heavy blocks into place.
shapedThe children played with the shaped blocks all afternoon.
adjacentThe adjacent blocks formed a solid wall.
hollowThe children built a tower with hollow blocks
angularThe angular blocks interlocked perfectly.
erraticThe erratic blocks were a testament to the power of the glacier that had once covered the land.
regionalRegional blocks can be used to target specific areas of the body.
sympatheticSympathetic blocks a type of nerve block, are commonly used to manage pain in the face, head, and neck.
roughThe rough blocks of marble were stacked in the corner of the workshop.
immenseThe immense blocks of the ancient ruins towered over the surrounding landscape.
residentialThe residential blocks were lined with trees.
multipleThe tower was made of multiple blocks
storeyThe children built tall towers with the colorful storey blocks
continentalContinental blocks are colliding with each other, resulting in the formation of mountains.
looseThe construction workers used loose blocks to create a temporary wall.
squaredThe children were playing with their squared blocks
irregularThe irregular blocks made for an interesting architectural feature.
riseThe builders used rise blocks to elevate the foundation.
peripheralPeripheral blocks are a type of nerve block that is used to numb a specific area of the body.
successiveThe successive blocks of ice formed a barrier across the river.
contiguousThe large contiguous blocks of forests provide habitat for a variety of animals.
coloredThe colored blocks were scattered all over the floor.
randomizedThe experiment was designed using randomized blocks to control for environmental variation.
emotionalPersistent emotional blocks can prevent us from experiencing true joy and fulfillment.
roadRoad blocks made it impossible to continue our travels.
buildingThe building blocks of any successful business are its employees.
inchThe machinist cut the metal using a set of 1-inch blocks.
woodWe moved the wood blocks outside of the house.
ashlarThe castle walls were made of massive ashlar blocks that weighed several tons each.
subThe building has many sub blocks
isolatedThe isolated blocks of flats contrasted with the bustling streets below.
bitThe tiny bit blocks were scattered all over the floor.
thickChildren stacked the thick blocks high.

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