Adjectives for Bones

Adjectives For Bones

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing bones, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe bones can deeply impact the image or feeling conveyed in a sentence. Whether emphasizing the long bones that contribute to height, the human bones that connect us to our ancestry, or the dry bones that evoke images of deserts and archeological digs, each adjective adds a unique shade of meaning. Descriptors such as small or nasal bones can detail anatomy with precision, while old bones whisper tales of history and time passed. Uncover the full spectrum of adjectives used with 'bones' to enrich your descriptions and narratives.
longThe long bones in the arms and legs are the most vulnerable to breaks.
human"It is nothing but a few old dried human bones and fragments of clothes and jewelry"
dryThe scattered dry bones rattled in the wind.
smallThe cat's small bones were easy to feel under its fur.
nasalThe nasal bones are two small, flat bones that form the bridge of the nose.
oldThe old bones creaked as she moved.
brokenThe doctor suspected he had broken bones but an X-ray was needed to confirm.
bareHe stripped the argument down to its bare bones
facialThe facial bones of the skull protect the brain and support the face.
cranialThe newborn infant has a wider head with fontanelles, spaces between the cranial bones
highThe model had high bones and a statuesque figure.
fossilThe dinosaur fossil bones were carefully extracted from the excavation site.
temporalHer temporal bones were fractured in the accident.
veryThe biting cold chilled her to her very bones
flatThe skull contains many flat bones
tubularTubular bones such as the humerus, have a hollow center that contains bone marrow.
strongCalcium and vitamin D can help you maintain strong bones
whiteThe sun bleached the white bones of the dead whale.
shortThe short bones in the wrist are called carpals.
burntThe burnt bones were scattered around the campsite.
deadThe dead bones rattled in the wind.
bleachedBleached bones lay scattered across the desolate landscape, a testament to the harsh conditions that once prevailed.
pelvicThe pelvic bones are the bones that form the pelvis, which is the bony structure that supports the lower abdomen and the trunk of the body.
prominentHer prominent bones stuck out from her thin body.
adjacentThe adjacent bones in the spine are called vertebrae.
brittleMy grandmother has brittle bones due to osteoporosis.
animalThe archeologists carefully brushed away the dirt to reveal the animal bones
charredThe charred bones lay scattered among the ashes.
tinyI found a bird's nest full of tiny bones
separateThe ancient fish had separate bones
occipitalThe occipital bones form the back and base of the skull.
largerThe professor studied the anatomy, admiring the larger bones
thinSarah's thin bones could be seen through her skin.
numerousThe creature had numerous bones protruding from its back.
wormianWormian bones which are small bones found in the sutures of the skull, are often associated with genetic disorders.
scatteredBleached scattered bones lay strewn across the sun-drenched desert floor.
fragileHe was born with a condition that left him with fragile bones
crossThe black cross bones on the flag warned of the danger.
hollowThe birds are light and can fly because they have hollow bones
malarThe malar bones are located below the eyes and form part of the cheekbones.
frontalThe frontal bones of the cranium are located anteriorly between the parietal bones and the sphenoid bone.
mammothThe museum had a display of mammoth bones
smallerWe have smaller bones but we are no less strong.
wearyI could feel it in my weary bones that it was going to be a long day.
softThe bird's soft bones made it easy for the cat to catch it.
healthyExercising regularly can help build and maintain healthy bones
delicateThe delicate bones of the sparrow were visible through its thin skin.
dermalThe dermal bones of the skull are thin and flat.
zygomaticThe zygomatic bones also known as cheekbones, are part of the facial skeleton.
tarsalThe tarsal bones form the heel and ankle.
irregularThe irregular bones in the body are the vertebrae, the ribs, the sternum, the hip bone, and the skull.
affectedThe injury affected bones in her leg.
lazyThe lazy bones refused to lift a finger to help.
slenderHer slender bones and graceful movements made her a captivating dancer.
collarShe broke her collar bones when she fell off the bike.
sharpThe sharp bones of the fish could easily puncture your skin.
superiorHer superior bones gave her an advantage in physical activities.
sphenoidThe sphenoid bones are located at the base of the skull and form part of the middle cranial fossa.
fossilizedThe researchers discovered fossilized bones and other relics from a bygone era.
correspondingThe corresponding bones of the skull are the frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital and sphenoid.
whitenedThe whitened bones of the long-dead animal lay scattered across the ground.
oracleOracle bones provided an important source of information about ancient Chinese history.
bloodyThe dog chewed on the bloody bones with delight.

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