Adjectives for Breath

Adjectives For Breath

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing breath, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The word 'breath' can evoke a multitude of images and feelings, largely influenced by the adjectives that precede it. A 'deep breath' might transport one to moments of relaxation or intense focus, while a 'long breath' signals patience or the bracing for news. The 'last breath' introduces a finality, a poignant end, contrasting with the expectancy of a 'bated breath'. The warmth of a 'hot breath' can imply closeness or heat of the moment. Each adjective, from 'deep' to 'hot,' colors the noun with distinct shades of meaning and emotion, inviting readers to explore the story behind each breath. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives paired with 'breath' and the nuances they unfold below.
deepTake a deep breath and relax.
longAfter a long breath he finally calmed down.
lastWith her last breath she whispered a secret that changed everything.
sameThe politician denounced the opposition's stance in the same breath that he praised his own party's policies.
batedThe audience listened with bated breath as the speaker revealed the truth.
hotThe dragon's hot breath melted the ice crystals.
badThe dentist warned her that her bad breath was due to poor dental hygiene.
nextI waited with bated breath for his next breath hoping that it would be the one that brought me the truth.
veryHe cherished every very breath since he came so close to losing his life during the terrible accident.
singleHe can finish saying this sentence in a single breath
quickShe took a deep, quick breath and tried to compose herself.
slowWatching the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she took slow breaths filled me with a sense of peace.
sharpHer sharp breath was a clear indication of her surprise.
vitalHer quivering lips released her vital breath in a feathery escape.
foulThe smell of garlic wafted from his mouth, a foul breath that could clear a room.
latestHe drew his latest breath as the sun rose.
coldHer cold breath created a cloud in front of her as she exhaled.
bigHe filled his lungs, taking a big breath before he dove into the lake.
raggedHer ragged breath echoed through the dimly lit room.
freshThe dentist was pleased with my fresh breath
indrawnShe took an indrawn breath her chest rising and falling as she tried to calm herself.
heavyHer chest rose and fell with each heavy breath she took.
fieryThe dragon's fiery breath scorched the earth.
divineThe divine breath filled her being, igniting a spiritual awakening.
drawnHer drawn breath echoed throughout the quiet house.
slightestThe slightest breath stirred the leaves of the aspen tree.
coolThe cool breath of the air refreshes my lungs.
exhaledHe exhaled breath and smoke filled the room.
faintHe drew a faint breath and sighed.
icyThe icy breath of the winter wind sent shivers down their spine.
enoughShe held enough breath to speak only one sentence.
leastThe slightest breeze would take his least breath away.
collectiveThe audience held its collective breath as the tightrope walker inched across the high wire.
fragrantHer fragrant breath was like a summer breeze carrying the scent of blooming flowers.
offensiveThe offensive breath from the garlic bread was too much for her to bear.
shallowShe took a shallow breath and stepped into the unknown.
fleetingIn the tapestry of life, her fleeting breath whispered secrets untold.
poisonousThe venomous dragon exhaled poisonous breath at its prey.
balmyHe tried to ignore her balmy breath as she whispered in his ear.
deeperI took a deeper breath and tried to calm myself down.
quietThe sleeping baby had a quiet breath
faintestShe could feel the faintest breath of air on her cheek.
sourHer sour breath reeked of garlic.
mortalIn the realm of the living, mortal breath mingled with the ethereal essence of dreams.
audibleHe took an audible breath before beginning his speech.
stinkingJohn couldn't stand the smell of his stinking breath
outgoingWith each outgoing breath he felt a sense of relief.
chillThe chill breath of the winter wind whistled through the trees.
harshThe harsh breath of the wind whipped at my face.
painfulHer painful breath was like a knife in my heart.
lifeThe life breath of the forest filled their lungs.
staleThe stale breath of the swamp filled her lungs as she made her way through the dense undergrowth.
suspendedHe watched her every move with suspended breath
unsteadyThe suspect's unsteady breath hinted at his anxiety.
loudHis loud breath could be heard from across the room.
frostyHer frosty breath created a thin layer of ice on the windshield.
perfumedThe perfumed breath of jasmine filled the air.

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