Updated on March 16, 2024
deep | Practicing deep breathing techniques can help reduce stress. |
heavy | I could hear his heavy breathing as he approached. |
rapid | Her rapid breathing indicated her anxiety. |
shallow | I noticed he was having shallow breathing |
normal | I was surprised by her normal breathing |
own | |
difficult | |
quiet | Her quiet breathing indicated she was sleeping soundly. |
diaphragmatic | Diaphragmatic breathing also known as belly breathing, is a type of breathing that uses the diaphragm muscle to draw air into the lungs. |
spontaneous | The patient resumed spontaneous breathing after the surgery. |
fire | The dragon unleashed its fire breathing fury upon the unsuspecting villagers. |
regular | Her regular breathing and relaxed posture reassured me that she was at ease. |
bronchial | The bronchial breathing was especially loud in the left upper lobe. |
slow | Maintaining slow breathing will help you stay calm. |
disordered | The patient was admitted to the hospital with disordered breathing patterns. |
periodic | The patient's periodic breathing was a sign of their deteriorating condition. |
hard | |
abdominal | Engage in deep abdominal breathing exercises to promote relaxation and reduce stress. |
rhythmic | Inhale and exhale with steady, rhythmic breathing |
stertorous | The patient's stertorous breathing indicated a partially obstructed airway. |
nasal | Nasal breathing is the process of breathing through the nose. |
air | Sharks are air breathing fish. |
positive | |
intermittent | I awoke to intermittent breathing and coughing |
irregular | The patient was admitted to the hospital with irregular breathing |
quick | Her quick breathing indicated her anxiety. |
soft | Her soft breathing lulled him to sleep. |
steady | My steady breathing was the only sound in the silent room. |
proper | When practicing mindfulness, it is essential to focus on proper breathing |
noisy | She was lying in her bed, her noisy breathing the only sound in the room. |
controlled | The yoga teacher instructed us to focus on our controlled breathing |
correct | Correct breathing is essential for maintaining good health and well-being. |
fetal | The fetus's breathing is called 'fetal breathing', which is very different from post-birth breathing. |
ordinary | As she sat waiting, her ordinary breathing sounded loud in the quiet room. |
loud | The sound of his loud breathing filled the room. |
vesicular | The patient's lungs were clear to auscultation, with normal vesicular breathing |
tidal | Tidal breathing is the normal, rhythmic breathing that occurs at rest. |
gentle | Her gentle breathing filled the room with a sense of peace. |
pressure | The pilot managed to maintain control of the aircraft despite the pressure breathing equipment malfunctioning. |
ragged | Her ragged breathing was the only sound in the otherwise silent room. |
conscious | Inhale deeply, practicing conscious breathing to calm your mind. |
labored | The patient was admitted to the hospital with labored breathing and a high fever. |
harsh | She gasped for air, her harsh breathing echoing through the empty hall. |
tubular | The proficient soprano was able to keep singing throughout their illness thanks to tubular breathing |
even | Her even breathing put me at ease. |
deeper | Take some time to relax and focus on deeper breathing |
lip | She became increasingly aware of how odd it must have looked to be lip breathing in the middle of the street. |
rough | |
asthmatic | My grandmother has been suffering from asthmatic breathing for the past few years. |
relaxed | Inhale deeply and practice relaxed breathing to reduce stress. |
easy | After the long run, she felt a sense of relief with easy breathing |
continuous | Her continuous breathing indicated that she was still asleep. |
hoarse | The patient's hoarse breathing indicated a respiratory infection. |
oppressed | The oppressed breathing of the patient was evident from their wheezing and shortness of breath. |
faint | Her faint breathing was the only indication that she was still alive. |
hurried | Her hurried breathing indicated her run had been a difficult one. |
obstructed | |
thoracic | Thoracic breathing involves using the muscles of the chest to expand the lungs. |
painful | The painful breathing caused him a lot of discomfort. |
mindful | Taking a moment for mindful breathing can help center the mind and reduce stress. |
costal | The patient demonstrated costal breathing characterized by shallow breaths originating from the upper chest. |
yogic | Focusing on yogic breathing can bring about a sense of calm. |
amphoric | Her amphoric breathing a resonant hollow sound, was a sign of a serious lung problem. |
artificial | The doctor administered artificial breathing to the unconscious patient. |
mouth | |
out | I was out breathing heavily after running the marathon. |
paradoxical | The patient's paradoxical breathing made it difficult to effectively ventilate her. |
laborious | |
abnormal | The abnormal breathing was a sign of respiratory distress. |
calm | With calm breathing I focused on the present moment. |
uneven | |
cavernous | The cavernous breathing of the old man echoed through the hospital room. |
over | My friend is over breathing after running the marathon. |
apneustic | The patient has been suffering from apneustic breathing characterized by long pauses at the end of inspiration and an increased breathing rate. |
patient |
oral | He is prone to oral breathing due to his enlarged tonsils. |
alternate | Diaphragmatic and alternate breathing techniques can help control stress and anxiety, and calm the nervous system. |
measured | He started deep, measured breathing to calm himself. |
forced | The patient’s forced breathing showed an improvement in their pulmonary function. |
quickened | Her quickened breathing suggested she had something important to say. |
fast | The panting creature's fast breathing indicated it had been running for some time. |
circular | The musician continued to play the didgeridoo, relying on circular breathing to maintain a continuous sound. |
rhythmical | Her rhythmical breathing betrayed her calm exterior. |
easier | Taking up yoga helped him immensely with his breathing and he felt easier breathing after every session. |
feeble | The patient's feeble breathing was a cause for concern. |
water | The diver had the incredible ability of water breathing |
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