Adjectives for Bus

Adjectives For Bus

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing bus, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe a bus can profoundly impact the reader's understanding and emotion. Whether you're discussing a 'bit crowded bus', emphasizing minor discomfort, or a 'last bus', infusing a sense of urgency and finality, each adjective adds a unique shade of meaning. Mentioning a 'local bus' might bring thoughts of community and everyday norms, whereas an 'old bus' evokes nostalgia or decay. The 'next bus' teases anticipation or impatience, and a 'common bus' suggests familiarity or ordinariness. Each nuance reveals a different facet of the transportation experience, enriching the narrative. Dive into the full spectrum of adjectives associated with 'bus' and uncover the layers of interpretation they bring.
bitThe computer was unable to communicate with the bit bus
localI took the local bus to the city center.
oldHe missed the old bus and waited for the next.
lastWe must hurry, or we'll miss the last bus
nextI'll catch the next bus to get to work.
commonThe passengers crowded into the common bus as it passed through the busy streets.
singleThe single bus arrived promptly at the bus stop.
publicI took the public bus to get to work today.
crowdedThe crowded bus made its way through the busy city streets.
yellowThe yellow bus stopped at the corner.
bigThe big bus rumbled past the stop.
serialPlug your USB device into the serial bus
deckerThe double-decker bus trundled through the busy streets.
internalThe internal bus was delayed due to a mechanical issue.
externalThe external bus had poor service.
motorThe motor bus was late, and I missed my appointment.
miniThe mini bus was packed with passengers.
infiniteThe infinite bus assumption is often invoked to obtain approximate solutions for large interconnected power systems.
mainThe main bus will arrive at the station in 10 minutes.
sharedI have to take a shared bus to work.
redThe big red bus drove past us.
freeI took the free bus to work this morning.
universalThe universal bus is a serial input/output system for connecting devices to a computer.
charteredThe chartered bus arrived at the airport on time.
schoolThe yellow school bus arrived at the bus stop.
dailyHe took the daily bus to school.
trolleyThe trolley bus rolled silently down the street.
emptyThe empty bus pulled into the deserted station.
bidirectionalThe bidirectional bus ran on electric power during off-peak periods.
blueThe blue bus arrived at the station late.
parallelThe parallel bus connects multiple devices simultaneously, allowing for efficient data transfer.
wrongI got on the wrong bus and ended up on the other side of town.
standardThe standard bus service is convenient and affordable.
regularI usually take the regular bus to go to work.
greenThe green bus drove past the school.
speedI took the speed bus to work this morning.
wideThe wide bus passed by the stop with a roar.
lateI missed the meeting because I took the late bus
tokenThe workstations take turns sending data on the token bus
globalThe global bus service will be operational from next week.
dualThe PCI Express x16 or dual bus architecture supports up to four graphics cards.
doubleI waited for the red double bus to arrive.
boundI caught the early bound bus to work on Monday.
ricketyHe grimaced as the rickety bus lurched forward, sending him sprawling.
conditionedI waited for the conditioned bus to arrive.
multiplexedA multiplexed bus allows multiple signals to be transmitted on a single physical path.
secondaryThe secondary bus was delayed due to traffic.
100I waited for the 100 bus for over an hour.
electricThe electric bus quietly glided through the city streets.
synchronousThe synchronous bus provides high data transfer rates for devices connected directly to the memory bus.
wireThe wire bus is a kind of computer bus which uses a single wire to connect multiple devices.
neutralThe neutral bus was fully charged and ready for use.
slackThe slack bus is the reference bus for the power system and is typically assigned a voltage magnitude of 1.0 per unit and a voltage angle of 0 degrees.
hugeA huge bus drove through the town.
classWe missed our class bus
488I need to catch the 488 bus to get home.
asynchronousThe asynchronous bus architecture allows each peripheral device to operate independently of the CPU, improving overall system performance.
twoTwo buses passed by.
peripheralThe peripheral bus is designed to interact with the CPU using a daisy-chain configuration.
israeliThe israeli bus was attacked with a powerful bomb.
threeThere are three bus at the bus stop.
lineThe line bus arrived at the station on time.
occasionalMy office is close, so I walk to work; I only take the occasional bus
conventionalMany passengers were waiting to ride the conventional bus
oncomingThe oncoming bus was too fast to stop.

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