Adjectives for Bytes

Adjectives For Bytes

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing bytes, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe 'bytes' can significantly alter the perception and understanding of technological capacities and limitations. Whether discussing the 'first bytes' of a newly developed software, the 'bit bytes' that highlight minimal digital quantities, or the 'next bytes' in line for processing, each term provides insight into the chronological and quantitative aspects of digital data. Moreover, addressing the 'few bytes' left on a device can provoke concerns about storage, while 'more bytes' suggest an abundance or need for expansion. Finally, 'last bytes' often evoke a sense of completion or finality in digital transactions. Explore the full spectrum of adjectives paired with 'bytes' to grasp their nuanced implications in technology.
firstWe only trust the first bytes of the Bitcoin blockchain.
bitThe bit bytes were stored in the computer's memory.
fewThe file takes up only a few bytes of storage.
nextThe next bytes of the message contain the payload.
moreI need more bytes to process this information.
lastI tried to save the last bytes of my dignity, but it was too late.
additionalWe must meet for additional bytes of research.
severalI copied several bytes of data to the clipboard.
consecutiveThe consecutive bytes in the file are 0x41, 0x42, and 0x43.
totalThe total bytes of the file are 300.
individualThe individual bytes of a file are stored in a contiguous block of memory.
secondI'm having second bytes about this decision since it doesn't seem like a good time.
overheadThe overhead bytes of the message were too large, causing the transmission to fail.
significantThe study found that the first 8 significant bytes of a header were enough to identify different file types.
contiguousThis area consists of contiguous bytes of the same type.
fewerThe file has fewer bytes than the original.
multipleThe transmitted data was stored as multiple bytes rather than individual bits.
singleThe number of single bytes is an important metric to monitor.
availableThe number of available bytes of free space in the volume is reported in the file system's status block.
rawThe raw bytes were stored in a binary file.
successiveThe programmer wrote the binary data into successive bytes
lowerThe lower bytes of the address represent the offset within the page.
unusedThese unused bytes should be deleted.
randomThe hacker encrypted the random bytes using the latest encryption algorithm.
freeYour computer has 212 free bytes of memory.
upperThe upper bytes of the 32-bit word should be zero.
nullThe string contained null bytes
keyThis is a key bytes
actualThe transfer speed is measured in actual bytes per second.
adjacentThe adjacent bytes in the memory are stored in a contiguous manner.
subsequentAll subsequent bytes are encoded as the start of one or more base64 values.
unsignedThe chunk of memory contained 10 unsigned bytes
enoughI have enough bytes to complete this task.
topThe header contains the top bytes of a file.
correspondingThe corresponding bytes were stored in a cache.
followingThe following bytes represent the content to be processed.
leastthe least bytes a string can have is an empty string
lowestThe lowest bytes of the file were corrupted
validThe file contains valid bytes
incomingWe're handling 50 billion incoming bytes each day.
sequentialIt is important to preserve the sequential bytes of the data when transferring it.
rightmostThe rightmost bytes are 0xFF.
hexadecimalThe computer data stored in hexadecimal bytes
oddI was curious about the odd bytes in the transmission.
committedThe committed bytes refer to the amount of physical memory allocated to a program or process.
arbitraryThe arbitrary bytes were encoded in base64.
maximumThe maximum bytes for a message sent using this method is 8192 bytes.
parallelThe parallel bytes of the data were sent simultaneously.
uninterpretedThe uninterpreted bytes were successfully transmitted.
leftmostThe leftmost bytes of the IPv6 address are used to determine the network prefix.
encryptedThe encrypted bytes were safely stored in the database.
megabyteThe file is 10 megabyte bytes in size.
slackThe slack bytes were hanging loosely from the ceiling.
addressableThe addressable bytes of the memory are 8.
halfHalf bytes can be used to optimize memory usage in certain computer systems.
erroneousThe erroneous bytes in the message corrupted the data.
variableThe function uses variable bytes to factor the input, creating an output key that is longer than the input key.
audioThe audio bytes were clear and easy to understand.
encodedThe encoded bytes represent the binary format of the data.

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