Adjectives for Candles

Adjectives For Candles

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing candles, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective for 'candles' can illuminate a scene with nuance and ambience. From a 'lighted candle' casting a solitary glow in a dark room, to 'few candles' twinkling in a serene space, each combination evokes a different mood and setting. 'White candles' can symbolize purity and peace, while 'many candles' might suggest festivity or solemnity. A 'foot candle' introduces a measure of light intensity, adding a layer of precision. These nuances showcase the power of adjectives in transforming mere nouns into vivid imagery. Delve into the full array of adjectives to discover just how vividly a candle can burn in the realm of imagination.
lightedThe flickering light of lighted candles cast intricate shadows on the walls.
footThe light level was measured at 200 foot candles
manyThe room is dim, but many candles help to provide some light.
whiteThe white candles flickered in the gentle breeze.
fewThe dim glow of a few candles illuminated the small room.
votiveThe altar was adorned with votive candles and incense.
tallThe tall candles illuminated the room with a warm glow.
romanThe neighborhood kids lit up the sky with colorful roman candles during the Fourth of July celebration.
redThe flickering red candles cast an eerie glow on the room.
scentedThe room was filled with the soft glow of scented candles
moreHer eyes twinkled like more candles than I could even count.
smallThe flickering light of small candles illuminated the dimly lit room.
largeThe large candles flickered in the darkness, casting an eerie glow upon the room.
severalThere were several candles flickering on the table.
blackThe black candles flickered in the dim room.
standardType Ia supernovae are used as standard candles to measure the expansion of the universe.
yellowThe warm glow of yellow candles illuminated the room.
electricThe flickering light of electric candles cast a warm glow on the room.
litThe room was dimly lit by flickering lit candles
tinyThe tiny candles flickered softly, casting a warm glow on the room.
greenThe flickering green candles cast strange shadows on the walls.
pinkThe pink candles flickered merrily on the table.
thickThe thick candles flickered in the darkness.
numerousHer warm, inviting abode was illuminated by numerous candles
freshThe fresh candles filled the room with a comforting glow.
fatThe fat candles flickered and danced, casting eerie shadows on the walls.
hugeThe huge candles flickered in the wind.
shadedThe shaded candles cast a warm glow on the room.
blessedThe blessed candles illuminated the altar with a warm glow during the solemn ceremony.
blueThe flickering blue candles cast an eerie glow on the room.
innumerableThe grand hall was illuminated by innumerable candles casting a warm, inviting glow.
holyThe holy candles flickered in the dim light of the chapel.
altarThe altar candles flicker in the dim light.
unlitThe unlit candles flickered in the faint breeze.
tallowThe soft glow of the tallow candles illuminated the room.
dippedThe dipped candles illuminated the room with a warm, inviting glow.
colouredThe brightly coloured candles illuminated the room with a warm glow.
flickeringThe flickering candles cast long shadows across the dimly lit room.
burnedThe room smelled strongly of burned candles
brightThe bright candles illuminated the room with a warm glow.
countlessThe room was dimly lit with countless candles
enoughShe lit enough candles to brighten up the whole room.
thinThe thin candles flickered softly, casting a warm glow on the room.
beautifulThe beautiful candles flickered in the dim room.
unlightedThe power outage left the room lit only by the dim glow of unlighted candles
burntThe acrid smell of burnt candles filled the room.
madeMy grandmother made candles for a hobby.
homemadeThe sweet aroma of homemade candles drifted throughout the room.
dimShadows danced wickedly in the dim candles' glow.
giantThe giant candles flickered in the darkness.
slenderThe slender candles flickered in the dim light, casting eerie shadows on the walls.
taperedThe flickering light of tapered candles illuminated the dimly lit room.
myriadThe myriad candles cast a warm glow throughout the room.
memorialThe family lit memorial candles in honor of their lost loved one.
enormousThe room was dimly lit by the flickering light of enormous candles
fragrantI lit some fragrant candles for a cozy ambiance.
cheapThe store was selling cheap candles with a pleasant scent.
purpleI lit the purple candles to create a relaxing atmosphere.
extinguishedThe extinguished candles cast an eerie glow on the room.
waxenThe scent of the waxen candles filled the room with a sweet aroma.
paleThe pale candles cast an eerie glow on the shadowy room.
decorativeThe decorative candles provided a warm and inviting ambiance to the room.
goldenThe flickering light of golden candles cast a warm glow upon the room.
compositeI'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean by "composite candles."
perfumedThe room was filled with the sweet scent of perfumed candles
burningThe burning candles cast a warm glow on the room.
flaringThe flickering flames of the flaring candles cast eerie shadows across the room.
flamingThe room was dimly lit by the glow from flaming candles
sacredThe sacred candles flickered in the dim light, casting an ethereal glow upon the altar.

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