Adjectives for Canon

Adjectives For Canon

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing canon, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the diverse adjectives associated with the noun 'canon' unveils a rich tapestry of meaning and significance across various contexts. From 'literary' canons that define the essence of classic and contemporary literature, to 'buddhist' and 'biblical' canons that offer a window into spiritual doctrines, the use of these qualifiers highlights the revered nature of the texts and practices they describe. 'Sacred' underscores the holiness attributed to religious writings, while 'entire' and 'traditional' reflect on the completeness and enduring legacy of canonical works. Each adjective not only colors the noun with specific connotations but also invites readers into a deeper understanding of the material's cultural and spiritual essences. Dive into the full list of adjectives below to explore the nuanced dimensions that these descriptors bring to 'canon'.
literaryThe literary canon is a list of works that are considered to be the most important and influential in a particular language or culture.
buddhistThe Buddhist canon is a collection of religious texts revered by adherents of Buddhism.
sacredThe sacred canon of the Bible is a collection of books that are considered to be divinely inspired and authoritative.
biblicalThe biblical canon refers to the official collection of books recognized as holy scripture by a particular religious tradition.
entireThe entire canon of Sherlock Holmes stories was written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
traditionalThe traditional canon of Western literature and art is dominated by male perspectives.
westernThe western canon is a body of literature and art that is considered to be of high cultural value in the Western world.
minorThe minor canon was a petty officer in the Church of England.
secondThe second canon of the Catholic Church is the Bible.
wholeThe whole canon of Jane Austen's work consists of six novels.
christianThe Christian canon is the collection of texts that are considered sacred scripture by a particular Christian tradition.
classicalThe classical canon comprises the works of literature and art that are considered to be of the highest quality and most enduring significance.
americanThe American canon has long been dominated by white male authors.
thirdThe third canon is a work of art.
deepThe book has a deep canon of literary criticism.
presentThe present canon of the Bible was established in the fourth century.
narrowThe narrow canon of literature studied in schools often fails to reflect the diversity of human experience.
sixthThe sixth canon of the Council of Trent deals with the issue of justification.
honoraryThe honorary canon led the procession in full regalia.
confucianThe Confucian canon developed over time to encompass the Five Classics and Four Books.
scripturalThe scriptural canon of the Old Testament was established over centuries, with various books being included at different times.
fourthThe fourth canon of the Council of Nicea was adopted in 325 AD.
englishThe English canon includes Jane Austen and Virginia Woolf among its esteemed authors.
ancientThe ancient canon of literature is a treasure trove of wisdom and beauty.
fifthThe fifth canon is the one with the most complicated fugue.
lateThe late canon is a collection of texts that were added to the Bible after the original canon was established.
augustinianThe Augustinian canon held a deep reverence for the ancient scriptures.
officialThe official canon of the Harry Potter series includes seven books.
strictThe music adheres to the strict canon of the Baroque period.
culturalThe cultural canon of a society shapes the values and beliefs of its members.
partThe choir sang a part canon in perfect harmony.
modernistThe modernist canon is a contested and ever-evolving body of work.
criticalThe critical canon of American literature is often dominated by male authors.
famousThe famous canon was a gift from the King.
eighthThe eighth canon of the Council of Nicea dealt with the question of clerical discipline.
romanThe ancient Roman canon a part of the Catholic Church, has existed for centuries
chineseHe knows the Chinese canon by heart.
rabbinicIn Judaism, the rabbinic canon refers to the authoritative collection of Jewish religious texts.
shakespeareanScholars of literature have documented their interpretation of the Shakespearean canon for centuries.
poeticThe poetic canon of the 20th century was dominated by modernism.
closedThis text contains religious references, but they come from a closed canon
doubleThe two voices sang in double canon
fundamentalThe fundamental canon of the church was established in the early centuries of Christianity.
philosophicalThe philosophical canon is a set of widely read and influential works in philosophy.
aestheticThe aesthetic canon of the Baroque period emphasized asymmetry and grandeur.
regularThe regular canon is the collection of recognized works of a particular author or group.
seventhThey sang the seventh canon in the key of G.
calledThe works of celebrated writers are called canon
artisticThe artistic canon of the Renaissance was shaped by the rediscovery of classical art.
academicThe academic canon is a set of works that are considered to be essential reading for students in a particular field of study.
taoistThe Taoist canon is a collection of religious texts that are considered sacred by Taoists.
musicalThe musical canon is a set of rules that govern the composition and performance of music.
greekThe Greek canon is a collection of sacred scriptures that are considered authoritative by the Eastern Orthodox Church.
alexandrianThe Alexandrian canon was a list of ten poets who were considered the greatest by the scholars of Alexandria.
ecclesiasticalThe ecclesiastical canon was established to provide guidance and order within the religious community.
authoritativeThe authoritative canon of the Bible is a list of books that are considered to be inspired by God and therefore included in the Christian Bible.
muratorianThe Muratorian canon is the earliest known list of the canonical books of the New Testament.
maleThe male canon is a set of literary works that have been traditionally valued and studied by men.
propheticThe assumption that the prophetic canon reflects the original sequence of the prophetic books is challenged by text-critical arguments.
dramaticThe new musical features a dramatic canon that builds to a powerful crescendo.
ninthThe ninth canon was the most important.
tibetanWhen I search in Google about 'atavism', I can see that there are several links to the 'Tibetan Canon' provided.
centuryThe 20th century canon of American literature is a diverse and complex body of work.
marxistThe marxist canon is a body of literature that includes the works of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and other theorists.
orthodoxThe author's work explores the orthodox canon of Christian theology.

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