Adjectives for Capture

Adjectives For Capture

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing capture, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to accompany the noun 'capture' can significantly alter its meaning and evoke varied emotional responses. A 'first capture' brings a sense of beginning and novelty, while a 'final capture' suggests conclusion and finality. The term 'radiative capture' dives into the realm of physics, showing how specificity can transform a simple concept into something complex. Adding 'British' as an adjective could insinuate a geographical or cultural context, perhaps referring to a historical event or characteristic. Meanwhile, 'easy capture' conveys the effortlessness of an action, making it approachable. Each adjective opens a new dimension to the noun, enriching the text with precise connotations and imagery. Explore the full spectrum of adjectives paired with 'capture' to master nuanced expression.
firstThe first capture was a wild moment.
radiativeIn the process of radiative capture the kinetic energy of a projectile is transformed into energy of a captured neutron.
britishThe British capture of Fort Ticonderoga was a major victory in the American Revolutionary War.
electronElectron capture is a type of radioactive decay in which an atomic nucleus captures an electron from its surrounding electron cloud.
finalThe final capture of the fugitive was a testament to the tenacity of the law enforcement team.
easyWith easy capture you can quickly snap photos of documents or receipts.
regulatoryRegulatory capture occurs when a regulatory agency becomes subservient to the industry it regulates.
subsequentThe subsequent capture of the fugitive took several months.
secondThe second capture of the prisoner was more difficult than the first.
bestThe photographer's lens best captured the moment.
neutronThe atomic nucleus can capture a neutron and release energy by a process called neutron capture
successfulThe successful capture of the fugitive was a major victory for law enforcement.
digitalThe digital capture of the image was clear and detailed.
actualThe actual capture of the suspect was made possible by the anonymous tip.
possibleThe warning of a possible capture put the entire village on high alert.
immediateThe fugitive was taken into immediate capture
frenchThe French capture of Quebec in 1759 was a turning point in the French and Indian War.
maritimeThe maritime capture of the merchant vessel was executed swiftly and efficiently.
betterMy new camera has a better capture rate than my old one.
directThe company's direct capture technology allows it to quickly and accurately acquire data from a wide range of sources.
schematicThe engineer used schematic capture to design the circuit.
initialThe initial capture of the suspect was successful.
eventualThe eventual capture of the fugitive was a relief to the community.
recentThe recent capture of the fugitive was celebrated by the authorities.
japaneseThe Japanese capture of Singapore in 1942 was a significant event in World War II.
completeThe police officers had a complete capture of the fugitive.
videoThe video capture process is complete.
thermalThe thermal capture method can be used to measure the thermal conductivity of materials.
englishThe english capture of the city was swift and decisive.
speedyThe speedy capture of the suspect surprised everyone.
liveThe wildlife photographer used live capture to get close-up shots of the elusive mountain lion.
originalThe original capture of the suspect was made by a security camera.
orbitalThe spacecraft successfully entered orbital capture around the celestial body.
efficientUtilizing an efficient capture system, the researchers secured the elusive specimen for further analysis.
jointThe joint capture of the suspects was a remarkable feat of police work.
illegalThe illegal capture of the endangered bird was condemned by conservationists.
germanThe german capture was a major blow to the Allied forces.
rapidThe device's rapid capture capabilities allowed for efficient data collection.
imminentThe fugitive knew his imminent capture was unavoidable.
brilliantThe photographer's brilliant capture of the eagle in flight was breathtaking.
electronicThe radioactive atom underwent electronic capture resulting in a decrease in atomic number.
ultimateThe ultimate capture was a moment to remember.
lightLight capture is a crucial process in photography.
quickThe hikers used a quick capture to photograph the elusive mountain goat.
suddenThe sudden capture of the criminal shocked the community.
laserLaser capture allowed the isolation and analysis of specific cells.
nuclearThe researchers observed nuclear capture of iron in the liver cells.
effectiveThe effective capture of the suspect led to a successful prosecution.
incidental"Bycatch" is another term for incidental capture
doubleThe young girl's double capture of the frisbee amazed the onlookers.
forcibleThe police made a forcible capture of the suspect after a long chase.
turkishThe Turkish capture of Constantinople in 1453 marked the end of the Byzantine Empire.
dutch"Dutch capture' describes a hasty retreat where a team loses possession within its own half shortly after winning the ball back."
timeHis time capture device failed to record the exact moment of the explosion.
russianThe Russian capture of the city was a major turning point in the war.
muonThe muon capture process is used to study the weak interaction.
slowThe slow capture of the enemy base took several hours.
atrialAtrial capture was achieved in 10 out of 12 (83%) patients.
temporaryThe temporary capture of the fugitive allowed the police to gather evidence against him.
spanishThe Spanish capture of the city was a major turning point in the war.
selectiveThe selective capture of data allows for the preservation of specific information while excluding others.
automaticThe camera's automatic capture feature made it easy to take photos without having to manually focus.
antigenAntigen capture is a process by which specific antibodies bind to and remove foreign antigens from the body.
valuableThe valuable capture was presented to the museum.
screenYou can use the screen capture tool to record your computer screen.
parasiticThe parasitic capture of host cells is a common strategy among viruses.
swiftHis swift capture of the fugitive amazed the police.
inevitableThe fugitive's inevitable capture brought closure to the manhunt.
occasionalThe occasional capture of wild animals is allowed in the reserve.
successiveThe use of successive capture or multiple captures in a single experiment, is a powerful tool in behavioral research.
portugueseThe Portuguese capture of Malacca in 1511 marked the beginning of European colonialism in Southeast Asia.
simultaneousThe researchers performed simultaneous capture of electroencephalography and magnetic resonance imaging data.
treacherousThe treacherous capture had him imprisoned for a crime he did not commit.
dramaticThe dramatic capture of the fugitive was captured on film.
accidentalThe accidental capture of the suspect was a stroke of luck for the police.
postThe post capture analysis showed that the attack was a phishing scam.
bloodlessThe bloodless capture of the city was a testament to the commander's strategic brilliance.

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