Adjectives for Cas

Adjectives For Cas

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing cas, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

In the diverse landscape of language, adjectives shape our perception and understanding of nouns, bringing them to life with vibrant nuances. The noun 'cas' serves as a fascinating example, where adjectives like 'premier,' 'other,' 'subordinate,' 'spro,' and 'second' paint a vivid picture of its multifaceted roles and identities. From highlighting importance with 'premier' to defining position with 'subordinate' or 'second,' each adjective adds a unique layer of meaning, making 'cas' not just a noun but a story waiting to be told. Dive into the full spectrum of adjectives associated with 'cas' to explore the rich narratives and colorful distinctions they unveil.
premierJ'ai été acceptée à l'université, et c'est le premier cas dans ma famille.
otherI need to send this email to other cas later.
secondAn issue has been opened to track downstream impacts due to the introduction of the second cas
multipleThere were multiple cas of food poisoning at the restaurant.
manyWe have many cas coming to see the show tonight.
differentI like different cas of music.
mostThe most casual of all was one I encountered in the Utah desert.
intermediateThe intermediate cas are a group of islands located in the Pacific Ocean.
asymptomaticI tested positive for COVID-19, but I am currently asymptomatic cas with only mild symptoms.
publicThe public cast their votes in the recent election.
grandC'est un grand cas de cambriolage.
uniformThe uniform cas seemed unfit for the event.
partyI had a really fun time at the party cas
dimensionalI am afraid I can't generate any sentences with the term 'dimensional cas' as it is not a known term to me.
internalHe had to undergo internal cas ectomy due to cancer.
externalThe external cas is a tool that can be used to diagnose and treat various medical conditions.
blisful"He inhaled the blisful cas of her newly baked chocolate chip cookies"
toutEn tout cas je ne peux pas le croire.
typeThe type cast is required to convert the value to the correct type.
latterThe latter case is an example of a sentence with the phrase "latter cas".
prizeI won the prize cash in the contest.
sorwefulThe sorweful cas of the Kynge Arthure with the dolorous deth and departynge out of this worlde of the noble Prynce Sir Launcelot du Lake.
standaloneHe installed a standalone cas door on the back of the house.
knownShe is known cas a wonderful person.
centIl a perdu cent cas devant les tribunaux.
asynchronousThe asynchronous cas operation updates the cas value atomically.
hippocampalHippocampal cas is a type of memory impairment that can be caused by damage to the hippocampus.
conotruncalThe conotruncal cas are two truncus arteries resulting from the division of the conus.
recognizedRecognized cas for the first new class of ATPase inhibitors with subnanomolar potencies against Cryptosporidium parvum.
88-1Mario 88-1 cas
comCom cas você pode relaxar e aproveitar seu tempo livre.
criminalThe criminal case has been investigated by the police for several months.
compareWould you compare cases between us?
dalHo comprato una mela dal cas
mammalianThe mammalian cas passive is very complicated.

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