Adjectives for Catch

Adjectives For Catch

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing catch, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the adjectives attached to the noun 'catch' reveals a diverse range of nuances, each adding a unique shade of meaning to our conversations. A 'total catch' can imply an absolute, often unexpected success, whereas a 'good catch' praises someone's or something's value. The 'annual catch' references a periodical yield, typically from fishing or hunting, showcasing a measure of productivity. A 'great catch' elevates this concept, highlighting exceptional value or achievement. 'Clean catch' may pertain to the purity or skillfulness of the catch, and 'average catch' normalizes expectations against a standard. Such adjectives enrich our language, offering a spectrum of interpretation to the simple act of catching. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives that pair with 'catch' and the subtle nuances they convey below.
totalThe total catch for the day was over 100 fish.
goodYour intuition helped you make a good catch
annualThe annual catch of fish in the lake has been declining in recent years.
greatThe goalie made a great catch saving the game.
cleanThe wicket-keeper made a clean catch at the boundary.
averageThe angler's average catch was 10 fish per day.
littleShe has a little catch in her voice when she sings.
allowableThe allowable catch for this species is 10,000 pounds per year.
commercialFishermen have seen catch rates drop in commercial catch operations since the dams were built.
onlyThe only catch is that you have to be willing to work hard.
bigThe fisherman had a big catch of salmon.
fairThe defender made a fair catch at the 20-yard line.
dailyThe fish market displayed the daily catch
fineHe is a fine catch
entireThe fisherman's entire catch was sold at the market.
bestThe fisherman was proud of his best catch a 10-pound trout.
incidentalThe incidental catch of sea turtles in fishing gear is a major concern for conservationists.
easyThat was an easy catch for the shortstop.
freshThe restaurant's fresh catch of the day was a delicious salmon platter.
largestThe largest catch of the day was a 10-pound salmon.
biggestThe fisherman reeled in his biggest catch of the season.
marineThe marine catch was plentiful this season.
miraculousThe miraculous catch of fish filled the boat to the point of sinking.
slightThere is a slight catch in my plan that I need to tell you about.
niceThe outfielder made a nice catch to end the inning.
maximumThe team put in maximum catch effort to achieve their goals.
betterI better catch you up on all the good stuff you missed.
greatestHe made the greatest catch of his career.
yearlyThe yearly catch of fish has been declining over the past decade.
suddenThe sudden catch in his breath made it clear that something was wrong.
successfulThe fisherman made a successful catch bringing in a large tuna.
spectacularThe outfielder made a spectacular catch to rob the batter of a home run.
meanHe showed off his mean catch by climbing the tree with ease.
potentialBeware of the potential catch
globalThe global catch of tuna has been declining in recent years.
quickThe quick catch by the fielder saved the match from slipping away.
sustainableThe sustainable catch limit for this species is 10,000 pounds per year.
handedThe crowd roared as the outfielder made a spectacular handed catch
hugeThe fisherman made a huge catch yesterday.
divingThe outfielder made a diving catch to save the game.
valuableThe treasure hunter discovered a valuable catch an old golden locket.
overallThe overall catch for the season was low due to the lack of rain.
recreationalThe recreational catch of nonnative fish species in Lake Tahoe is estimated to be around 8,000 fish per year.
wonderfulThe angler was proud of the wonderful catch
glottalThe speaker produced a glottal catch in the middle of the sentence.
luckyThe fisher's lucky catch filled up the entire boat.
latestThe latest catch of the day was a massive tuna.
abundantThe fisherman returned to the shore with an abundant catch
sharpThe wicketkeeper made a sharp catch to dismiss the batsman.
splendidThe splendid catch of the day was a massive tuna.
pitchThe pitcher threw the ball with a perfect pitch catch
biggerThe fisherman was hoping for a bigger catch
difficultThe outfielder made a difficult catch on the warning track.
prime"That's a prime catch" said the fisherman, holding up the enormous salmon.
rareThis rare catch is something I've never seen before.
desirableShe was considered a desirable catch for any bachelor.

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