Adjectives for Causes

Adjectives For Causes

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing causes, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Understanding the nuances of adjectives when paired with the word 'causes' can significantly alter the meaning conveyed. For instance, 'other causes' suggest alternatives or additions, while 'many causes' emphasizes the abundance of reasons behind an event. 'Common causes' points to widespread or usual reasons, contrasting with 'natural causes', which imply a grounding in the inherent or environmental. 'Possible causes' introduce a speculative element, indicating uncertainty or potential reasons. Lastly, 'various causes' highlight diversity or a range of reasons. Each adjective adds a layer of specificity and context, enriching the discourse. Delve deeper into how these and other adjectives unveil different dimensions of 'causes' in the full list below.
otherSuch neglect has other causes besides political instability
manyThere are many causes for the current economic crisis.
commonThe most common causes of the disease are obesity and lack of exercise.
naturalThe patient passed away from natural causes
possibleThere are many possible causes for this problem.
variousSeveral various causes led to the accident.
severalThere are several causes for the increase in crime rates.
mainThere are many main causes of unemployment.
majorClimate change has major causes that need to be addressed.
physicalThe lab may have switched the physical causes
principalThe principal causes of the disease were smoking and drinking.
finalThe doctrine of final causes is a teleological theory that argues that all things in nature have a purpose or end goal.
externalThe external causes of death include accidents, homicides, and suicides.
chiefThe chief causes of global warming are the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and agriculture.
realThey are hiding the real causes of the tragedy.
secondaryThe secondary causes of the accident are still under investigation.
frequentImproper disposal of garbage is one of the frequent causes of urban flooding.
specificA deficiency in certain nutrients can lead to specific causes of disease.
primaryThe primary causes of the problem were lack of planning and poor execution.
immediateThe immediate causes of the accident are still under investigation.
potentialThis product has several potential causes for the allergic reaction.
excitingThe exciting causes of the war were revealed.
efficientThe efficient causes of the French Revolution were complex and multifaceted.
multipleThe rise in sea levels has multiple causes
basicThe basic causes of economic fluctuations are numerous and complex.
internalTheir internal causes are poorly understood.
fundamentalUnderstanding the fundamental causes of political unrest is crucial for crafting effective solutions.
trueProfound meditation is a sound way to rectify true causes
predisposingThe marriage counselor identified several predisposing causes for the couple's frequent arguments.
probableThe probable causes of the accident are still under investigation.
unknownThe unknown causes of the disease are still under investigation.
moralThe war was fought for moral causes
proximateProximate causes are those that immediately precede and precipitate an event.
environmentalOur organization fights for environmental causes
psychologicalHis strange behavior has psychological causes
civilThe lawyer is known for taking on difficult civil causes
organicThe increase in crime is likely due to organic causes
followingHe died the following causes heart failure, drowning, and a broken spine.
ultimateEvolutionary theory explores the ultimate causes of species diversity.
mechanicalThe mechanical causes of the accident are still under investigation.
numerousThere are numerous causes for the decline in bee populations.
likelyThe likely causes of this issue are hardware failure or software bugs.
worthy"The donation will go toward three worthy causes the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and the United Way.
accidentalThe accidental causes of death include drowning, falls, and poisonings.
commonestThe commonest causes of homelessness are poverty, mental illness, and addiction.
usualThe usual causes of the disease are unknown.
geneticSome diseases have genetic causes
structuralSocioeconomic disparities often stem from structural causes
rareThe hospital specialized in rare causes
contributoryThe contributory causes of the accident were speeding and drunk driving.
remoteThe remote causes of the accident are still being investigated.
deeperWe must seek to address the deeper causes of social inequality.
obviousHis clever story about the lost dog had obvious causes
liberalThe mayor ran on a platform of liberal causes like gun control and universal healthcare.
infectiousThere are several infectious causes of diarrhea.
relatedThe country is facing a range of related causes of poverty, including unemployment, lack of education, and poor healthcare.
charitableMany celebrities donate money to charitable causes
physiologicalStress can result in various physiological causes such as increased blood pressure, headaches, and insomnia.
assignableAssigning assignable causes to tasks can help prevent them from happening again.
slightSlight causes brought on great changes.
supernaturalThe strange noises in the house were attributed to supernatural causes
biologicalThe study found several biological causes for the disease.
criminalThe police are investigating the criminal causes behind the robbery.
occasionalThere are occasional causes for this.
hiddenThe student's unusually high score raised suspicions of hidden causes

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