Adjectives for Cells

Adjectives For Cells

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing cells, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The choice of adjective when describing cells can illuminate a spectrum of biological contexts and functionalities. The term 'red' or 'white' cells, for instance, immediately places us within the realm of hematology, distinguishing between the carriers of oxygen and warriors of the immune system, respectively. Meanwhile, adjectives such as 'epithelial' and 'endothelial' navigate us towards the types of cellular linings within our bodies, showcasing the roles cells play in different bodily functions. The mention of 'human' cells specifies the organismic context, and 'normal' cells can denote a state of health or typical structure. Each adjective unlocks a unique perspective on cellular biology, illustrating the diverse characteristics and roles cells embody. Dive deeper into our comprehensive list of adjectives to explore the rich tapestry of cellular narratives.
redThe blood test showed decreased red cells
epithelialThe lining of the stomach is made up of epithelial cells
endothelialEndothelial cells do not proliferate as much as other cells in the body.
humanHuman cells contain DNA, which is made of four different types of nucleotides.
normalThe normal cells were not affected by the treatment.
whiteWhite cells are found in the blood and help fight infection.
culturedThe cultured cells were grown in a petri dish.
giantGiant cells are large, multinucleated cells that are found in a variety of tissues.
smoothThe smooth cells of the epidermis lack hair follicles and sweat glands.
mammalianMammalian cells are eukaryotic cells that contain a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles.
infectedThe highly contagious virus rapidly infected cells throughout the body.
individualThe individual cells of the organism are very small and numerous.
inflammatoryThe inflammatory cells infiltrated the damaged tissue.
malignantThe doctor informed the patient that they had malignant cells
dendriticDendritic cells are a type of antigen-presenting cell that play a role in the immune system.
fatThe fat cells in her body were just starting to show.
embryonicEmbryonic cells which are the earliest form of cells in an organism, have the potential to develop into any type of cell.
positivePositive cells respond to emotionally evocative words and images.
bacterialThe bacterial cells were stained with a Gram stain.
adjacentThe cancer cells spread to adjacent cells
glialGlial cells are non-neuronal cells in the central nervous system.
neoplasticAbnormal proliferation of neoplastic cells can lead to the formation of tumors.
solarThe solar cells on the roof of the house were generating electricity from the sun's rays.
somaticSomatic cells make up the body's tissues and organs.
pyramidalPyramidal cells are the most common type of neuron in the cerebral cortex.
peripheralThe peripheral cells make up the outer layer of the nervous system.
hematopoieticHematopoietic cells are stem cells that give rise to all blood cells.
immunePowerful new drugs can help the immune cells in the body fight off the HIV virus.
phagocyticThe phagocytic cells engulf the pathogenic agents and destroy them.
isolatedIsolated cells can be used to study the effects of specific factors on cell function.
matureThe mature cells were then stained with a fluorescent dye.
likeThe tiny organism is like cells
nucleatedNucleated cells are cells that contain a nucleus.
corticalThe cortical cells are responsible for higher-order functions such as perception, thought, and language.
eukaryoticEukaryotic cells are more complex than prokaryotic cells.
deadThe dead cells floated to the surface of the pond.
intactThe scientists examined the intact cells under the microscope.
lymphoidLymphoid cells are a type of white blood cell that are found in the lymph nodes and other lymphoid tissues.
spleenThe spleen cells were collected and analyzed for immune cell populations.
neuralNeural cells are specialized cells in the nervous system.
nerveNerve cells are responsible for transmitting messages throughout the body.
numerousThe scientist observed numerous cells under the microscope.
intestinalIntestinal cells are responsible for absorbing nutrients from food.
producingThe plant's producing cells were responsible for the flower's beautiful colors.
retinalThe retinal cells respond to light and send signals to the brain.
immatureImmature cells are often found in rapidly dividing tissues.
columnarThe columnar cells in the intestine are responsible for absorption of nutrients.
roundThe round cells were seen under a microscope.
sensorySensory cells in our skin, eyes, ears, nose, and tongue allow us to perceive the world around us.
leukemicLeukemic cells are often found in the blood and bone marrow of patients with leukemia.
specializedSpecialized cells perform specific functions within an organism.
squamousThe squamous cells of the epidermis are thin and flat.
tubularThe proximal tubular cells are responsible for reabsorbing approximately 65% of the filtered sodium.
shapedThe pollen grains have three-shaped cells.
viable"This technology can selectively isolate viable cells of interest as well as other purity-based cell selection applications."
epidermalEpidermal cells also known as skin cells, form the outermost layer of the skin.
hepaticHepatic cells are the primary functional units of the liver.
abnormalThe biopsy revealed abnormal cells indicating the presence of cancer.
activatedThe activated cells were then analyzed for their expression of specific genes.
multinucleatedMultinucleated cells are found in skeletal muscle.
secretoryThe secretory cells in the small intestine produce enzymes that help break down food.
ratThe scientists conducted experiments on rat cells
vegetativeVegetative cells are the cells that are responsible for the growth and maintenance of the plant.
ciliatedCiliated cells line the respiratory tract and help move mucus and debris out of the lungs.
undifferentiated"Undifferentiated cells", also known as stem cells, have the potential to develop into any cell in the body.
primitiveThe primitive cells are the building blocks of all living organisms.
pancreaticPancreatic cells produce insulin which is used in glucose metabolism.
endocrineEndocrine cells were scattered in the gastric glands, mainly located in the bases of glands.
mucosalThe mucosal cells line the digestive tract and are responsible for producing mucus.
bipolarBipolar cells are interneurons that play a key role in transmitting information from photoreceptors to retinal ganglion cells.
outerThe outer cells of the epidermis are called keratinocytes.
renalRenal cells are responsible for filtering waste products from the blood.
sensitiveThe sensitive cells in the body need to be protected.
follicularThe follicular cells of the thyroid gland produce thyroid hormone.
germGerm cells are the cells that give rise to gametes.
formingA cluster of cells forming cells over time.
derivedDerived cells are cells that have differentiated from stem cells.

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