Adjectives for Chain

Adjectives For Chain

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing chain, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the variety of adjectives paired with the noun 'chain' reveals the versatile implications these combinations can unlock. A 'long chain' evokes images of unending connections or burdens, while a 'heavy chain' suggests formidable constraints or significant weight, both literal and metaphorical. Describing something as a 'great chain' imbues it with grandeur or importance, transforming the simple noun into a concept of significant impact. The adjective 'whole' alludes to completeness and unity, emphasizing the strength of connection. A 'causal chain' introduces a journey through cause and effect, whereas a 'single chain' highlights simplicity and directness. Each adjective shifts the narrative, coloring the noun with nuanced meanings. Dive deeper into how different adjectives shape the perception of 'chain' in our comprehensive list below.
longShe wore a long chain with a shiny pendant.
heavyThe heavy chain is composed of two identical polypeptide chains.
greatThe great chain of being is a hierarchical structure of all things in the universe.
wholeThe whole chain was rusted and in need of replacement.
causalThe causal chain of events led to the accident.
singleShe saw a single chain of lights across the dreary sky.
endlessThe endless chain of life and death continues.
goldenThe golden chain gleamed in the sunlight, symbolizing wealth and power.
mainThe main chain of the protein is composed of amino acids.
entireThe entire chain of lakes is beautiful during the summer.
sympatheticThe sympathetic chain is a series of interconnected ganglia that extend along the spine from the base of the skull to the coccyx.
continuousThe continuous chain of mountains stretched across the horizon.
unbrokenThe unbroken chain of friendship between the two friends had endured the test of time.
sideThe tRNA molecule folds into an L-shape structure with the anticodon loop on one end and the side chain of the attached amino acid on the other end.
lightShe had a very light chain which made it very easy to manipulate.
branchedThe branched chain amino acids are leucine, isoleucine, and valine.
ossicularThe ossicular chain in the middle ear is composed of three small bones.
shortThe short chain of amino acids was unable to fold into a stable protein.
linearThe linear chain of events led to the inevitable conclusion.
keyMy husband's key chain has a school photo of his dog on it.
retailThe retail chain has been struggling to compete with online retailers.
daisyThe children skipped and giggled, creating a cheerful daisy chain that stretched across the meadow.
straightThe straight chain of carbon atoms extended from the molecule's center.
complexThe complex chain of events unfolded before his very eyes.
thinThe thin chain could not hold the weight.
doubleThe double chain at the back of her locket held a tiny picture of her mother.
largestThe largest chain of islands in the world is the Indonesian archipelago.
completeThe complete chain of events is not yet known.
brokenThe broken chain was a symbol of the shattered trust between them.
infiniteThe infinite chain of events seemed to stretch back forever.
closedPerforming squats is a closed chain exercise.
longestThe longest chain of mountains in the world is the Andes mountain range.
acidThe acid chain reacted violently with the metal.
kineticThe kinetic chain describes how muscles work together to create movement.
kinematicThe kinematic chain of the human body is a complex system of bones, joints, and muscles that work together to produce movement.
globalThe global chain of interconnectedness means that even small actions can have far-reaching consequences.
molecularThe molecular chain was composed of a series of repeating units.
vastThis vast chain of mountains stretched for miles.
extendedThe polymer comprises alternating segments of extended chain and coiled amorphous blocks.
longerThe algorithm is able to generate a longer chain with more nodes.
logicalThe logical chain of reasoning led to a compelling conclusion.
thickShe wore a thick chain around her neck.
aleutianThe Aleutian chain is a string of volcanic islands that form an arc in the North Pacific Ocean.
nascentScientists have investigated how the length of the nascent chain may affect the folding process.
volcanicThe Hawaiian islands are a volcanic chain that stretches for over 1,500 miles.
flexibleThe flexible chain swung gently in the breeze.
verticalThe vertical chain of command ensures that all members of the organization are aware of their responsibilities.
mitochondrialThe mitochondrial chain of transport consists of four complexes.
uninterruptedThe unbroken link of mountains formed an uninterrupted chain along the horizon.
massiveThe massive chain rattled as it was dragged across the dungeon floor.
invariantThe invariant chain is a protein that is expressed in the endoplasmic reticulum and is involved in the assembly and transport of MHC class II molecules.
hierarchicalThe hierarchical chain of command ensures that each employee knows to whom they report.
hawaiianThe necklace is a traditional hawaiian chain with a pendant in the shape of a sea turtle.
hugeThe huge chain stretched across the chasm, creaking and groaning with the weight of centuries.
respiratoryThe respiratory chain is a series of electron carriers that transfer electrons from NADH and FADH2 to oxygen, generating ATP.
transportThe transport chain is a series of proteins that pass electrons from one to another.
alpineThe long alpine chain of the Himalayas is home to some of the world's highest mountains.
marineThe heavy marine chain clanked as the ship was pulled into the harbor.
evolutionaryThe evolutionary chain of humans is a fascinating topic.
connectedThe connected chain held the heavy anchor in place.
slenderThe slender chain rattled as he pulled it taut.

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