Adjectives for Cheats

Adjectives For Cheats

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing cheats, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the world of cheats can be an eye-opening experience, revealing how the choice of adjective can deeply influence our perception and condemnation. Descriptors like other, such, and many hint at the vastness and variety, while great and greatest may evoke thoughts of magnitude or even admiration. Conversely, common suggests something widespread and perhaps trivialized. Each adjective, selected with care, nuances our understanding of cheats, painting them in shades ranging from notorious to nearly normalized. Dive into the full spectrum of adjectives linked with cheats and uncover the subtle implications behind the words.
otherThey got caught using other cheats on their math test.
suchThere are such cheats in the exam.
manyHe was caught using many cheats in the game.
greatGreat cheats never prosper.
commonWe should be on the lookout for the common cheats
greatestThe greatest cheats are those that appear to be honest.
professionalProfessional cheats are not honest and are likely to get caught.
notoriousThe notorious cheats were caught red-handed during the exam.
littleMy little cheats always get me in trouble.
mereIn the game of life, shortcuts are mere cheats
perfectThe perfect cheats allowed them to win the game with ease.
severalJack's win against the champion yesterday seemed suspicious given his several cheats during the game.
variousThe students used various cheats to get through the exam.
onlyOnly cheats would use this method to win
pettySophia accused Mark of petty cheats
eminentThe eminent cheats were caught red-handed in their elaborate scheme.
holyThe pious monk used holy cheats to win at cards.
cunningCunning cheats often outsmart even the most vigilant of opponents.
grossThe gross cheats were caught cheating on their exams.
lazyLazy cheats often take shortcuts to avoid hard work.
unscrupulousThe unscrupulous cheats were caught red-handed.
piousThe pious cheats of the priest were finally exposed.
wilyThe wily cheats tricked the unsuspecting victim out of their money.
potentialThe player base is growing and so are the potential cheats
plainJoan said she didn't cheat but her teacher found plain cheats in her bag.
welfareThe government is cracking down on welfare cheats
privateThe private cheats were used to give the player an unfair advantage.
vulgarThe vulgar cheats fooled the naive gambler.
cleverThe clever cheats devised an ingenious plan to outwit their opponents.
grubbingThe grubbing cheats squandered their ill-gotten gains.
dexterousThe dexterous cheats swiftly palmed the valuable artifact.
vileThe vile cheats stole my money.
necessarySome necessary cheats are acceptable.
deliberateShe was accused of being one of the deliberate cheats
monyMony cheats only cheat themselves.
legalThe lawyer used legal cheats to win the case.
chevalierThe chevalier cheats at cards.
infamousThe infamous cheats were caught red-handed committing fraud.
dimThe dim cheats attempted to steal the plans.
wildestThe wildest cheats were found in online casinos.
ingeniousScientists built a new engine using ingenious cheats to conserve energy.
sordidThe sordid cheats disguised their deceit with smiles.
frequentThe frequent cheats of the students upset the teacher.
slovenlyThe slovenly cheats were caught red-handed.
worstThey were the worst cheats in the game.
idleIdle cheats bring about no good.
dextrousThe dextrous cheats quickly picked the lock to the vault.
subtleHer subtle cheats were only discovered after a thorough investigation.
greedyGreedy cheats seek unjust rewards.
literaryHe used literary cheats to pass his exams.
fairThe students were caught using fair cheats during the exam.
desperateThe desperate cheats had a plan to steal the money.
numerousThe game was riddled with numerous cheats
errantThe errant cheats were finally caught and punished.
grossestI can't believe he used such grossest cheats to win the game.
falseThe false cheats can never win.
interestInterest cheats are fraudsters who charge higher interest rates on loans than what is legally allowed.
coyoteThe sneaky coyote cheats by stealing food from other animals.

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