Adjectives for Checking

Adjectives For Checking

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing checking, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to pair with the noun 'checking' can subtly shift its meaning and impact. A 'cross checking' might evoke images of rigorous verification or sports, while 'careful checking' suggests a meticulous, attentive process. Similarly, 'double checking' emphasizes accuracy and thoroughness, contrasting with 'self checking' which implies a level of independence and self-reliance. 'Constant checking' might hint at an ongoing, perhaps obsessive action, whereas 'further checking' suggests additional, perhaps more detailed, scrutiny. Each adjective frames 'checking' in a unique light, painting a picture that resonates with specific contexts and intentions. Dive into the full spectrum of adjectives linked with 'checking' to explore the nuances they unfold.
crossThe defenseman was penalized for cross checking
carefulThe careful checking of the documents revealed several errors.
doubleI'm double checking the results to make sure they're accurate.
constantHe was under constant checking of his blood pressure.
furtherThe chairman is currently unavailable due to further checking
frequentFrequent checking of emails can often lead to unnecessary stress.
automaticMy bank offers automatic checking for overdrafts.
periodicRegular periodic checking is essential to ensure a system's stability.
worthThis new restaurant is worth checking out!
modelModel checking is a formal verification technique used to check whether a given software model satisfies a set of properties.
finalThe final checking of the project was completed last week.
regularThe restaurant is conducting regular checking of the staff for Covid-19.
diagnosticThe diagnostic checking of the system revealed no errors.
routineThe routine checking will take place at 10 am.
symbolicThe symbolic checking process aims to find if a formula is true or false for all possible variable values.
thoroughIt is important to ensure thorough checking before making any important decisions.
extensiveThe lawyer performed extensive checking of the documents before the trial.
detailedWe conducted a detailed checking on the system to ensure its integrity.
freeOpen a new savings account or take advantage of our free checking options.
continuousThe continuous checking of the system ensured its reliable operation.
visualThe visual checking revealed no anomalies.
additionalWe need additional checking before we can make a decision.
systematicThe systematic checking of the data revealed no errors.
dynamicDynamic checking verifies the type of an object at runtime.
compulsiveThe patient exhibits compulsive checking repeatedly verifying that the door is locked.
strictEnsure strict checking is enabled to prevent type coercion vulnerabilities.
strongThe team's strong checking led to their victory.
internalInternal checking is an essential part of ensuring the accuracy and reliability of financial data.
properThis sentence has proper checking
subsequentA subsequent checking of the records revealed the error.
independentIndependent checking is a process of verifying the accuracy of data by comparing it to another source.
suddenThe sudden checking of the school lockers surprised the students.
manualI need to perform manual checking before I can approve the request.
completeThe check bounced due to complete checking failure.
marginalThe treatment has shown marginal checking and potential response.
preliminaryThey did a preliminary checking of the patient before letting them into the clinic.
basedThe bank is based checking all of their accounts.
mutualThe two firms have a mutual checking arrangement.
dailyI am doing daily checking on my social media accounts.
spotThe auditor used spot checking to review the accounting records.
rigorousThe code underwent rigorous checking to ensure accuracy and reliability.
quickI need a quick checking to confirm.
rapidThe police officer performed a rapid checking of the vehicle.
spellMy computer's spell checking program is very good.
excessiveShe habitually checked the door lock multiple times before leaving the house due to excessive checking
easyEasy checking allows you to keep track of your finances.
accurateThe accurate checking of the data is essential to ensure its reliability.
necessaryThe necessary checking seemed to be thorough and accurate.
immediatePlease proceed with the immediate checking of the accounts and report back by Friday.
automatedAutomated checking is a feature of the system which allows for the automatic verification of certain criteria.
occasionalI had no choice but to keep working, with occasional checking of my phone.
experimentalThe student's experimental checking was meticulous.
forwardForward checking is a constraint propagation technique used in constraint satisfaction problems.
formalFormal checking is used in software development to ensure that the code conforms to a set of predefined rules.
lessThere is less checking involved in the direct licensing system.
efficientThe efficient checking process saved the company a significant amount of time and money.
mereThe mere checking of attendance is not enough to ensure engagement.
lineThe line checking process was completed successfully.
errorThe car's engine had an error checking the spark plugs.
meticulousThe meticulous checking ensured that no mistakes were made.
randomSomeone intercepted my package during random checking
jointMy husband and I have a joint checking account.
closeThe close checking of the accounts revealed a discrepancy.
bodyThough she's been struggling with body checking and an eating disorder, she has not sought professional help.
adequateEnsuring adequate checking of the system is essential.
periodicalPeriodical checking of the equipment is crucial for its optimal performance and longevity.
syntacticSyntactic checking is an important part of natural language processing.
probabilisticProbabilistic checking is a formal verification technique that uses probability distributions to model the behaviour of systems and check their properties.

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