Adjectives for Chicken

Adjectives For Chicken

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing chicken, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to pair with 'chicken' can immensely alter the dish's appeal, hinting at its flavor, preparation style, or even its warmth. Describing a chicken as 'fried' evokes a crispy, indulgent experience, while 'cold' chicken might suggest a refreshing salad addition or a leftover delight. 'Little' chicken might bring thoughts of a quaint meal or a dish suited for children, whereas 'roast' promises a hearty, comforting flavor profile. Opting for 'whole' chicken indicates a family-style serving, and 'grilled' hints at smoky undertones and healthier choice. Each adjective not only impacts the sensory expectation but also the emotional response to the dish. Discover how each adjective uniquely transforms 'chicken' through our full list below.
friedThe aroma of freshly fried chicken filled the air.
coldThe cold chicken was left on the counter.
littleThe little chicken ran around the yard pecking at the ground.
roastThe aroma of the roast chicken filled the kitchen.
wholeI bought a whole chicken from the store.
roastedI love the smell of roasted chicken on a Sunday afternoon.
youngThe young chicken pecked at the ground for food.
cookedI prefer cooked chicken to fried chicken.
liveWe ordered the live chicken for dinner.
broiledI'm having broiled chicken for dinner.
boiledI had boiled chicken for dinner last night.
deadThe dead chicken lay on the side of the road.
whiteI cooked a delicious white chicken for dinner.
domesticThe domestic chicken is a domesticated fowl, a subspecies of the red junglefowl.
bakedThe aroma of baked chicken permeated the kitchen.
rawCook the raw chicken thoroughly to avoid food poisoning.
pluckedThe plucked chicken was roasting in the oven.
leftoverI made a delicious soup with the leftover chicken
blackThe black chicken clucked loudly at the farmer.
southernMy family loves the southern chicken I make every Sunday.
fatThe fat chicken pecked at the corn.
curriedThe curried chicken was the perfect meal for a cold winter's day.
brownThe brown chicken pecked at the ground.
barbecuedMy family loves eating barbecued chicken for Father's Day.
stewedI ate stewed chicken yesterday.
frozenI bought some frozen chicken at the grocery store.
hotThe hot chicken was so spicy that it made my eyes water.
dicedThe diced chicken was cooked in a delicious sauce and served over rice.
skinlessI put the skinless chicken in the oven to roast.
headlessThe headless chicken ran around in circles, much to the amusement of the onlookers.
lemonThe lemon chicken had a tangy flavor.
niceThe crispy fried chicken was nice chicken
shreddedDo you want some of my shredded chicken?
deliciousThe mouthwatering aroma of the delicious chicken wafted through the air.
spicyI really enjoyed the spicy chicken last night!
maleThe male chicken also known as a rooster, is responsible for protecting the flock and mating with the hens.
rangeI prefer range chicken to free range chicken
mincedShe stir-fries minced chicken with chopped celery and carrots.
choppedThe flavors of the chopped chicken and vegetables paired well together.
creamedMy mom decided to cook creamed chicken for dinner.
plumpI prefer plump chicken over lean chicken.
sickThe sick chicken sneezed and coughed all day.
fry"How long should I fry chicken?", asked the novice cook.
wildThe wild chicken escaped from the farm and ran into the forest.
occasionalDuring the pilgrimage, they relied on occasional chicken and foul tasting camel milk for sustenance.
slicedThe sandwich had sliced chicken lettuce, and tomato.
styleI'm going to style chicken for dinner.
halfI ate half chicken for dinner.
scrawnyThe scrawny chicken pecked at the ground, searching for food.
yellowThe yellow chicken pecked at the corn.
crispyThe crispy chicken had a delicious crunch.
sweetThe sweet chicken dish was a big hit at the party.
famousThe famous chicken crossed the road to get to the other side.
fricasseedThe fricasseed chicken was tender and flavorful.
fryingThe smell of frying chicken filled the air.
leanThe lean chicken was a healthy and satisfying meal.
pottedHe loves potted chicken
proverbialDon't count your chickens before they hatch, as the proverbial chicken often meets an untimely demise.
organicI prefer to buy organic chicken when it is available.
poachedThe salad was topped with poached chicken
toughI struggled to chew through the tough chicken
goldenThe golden chicken laid an egg of pure gold.
enoughI couldn't eat enough chicken last night.
greasyThe greasy chicken sat on the plate, its skin glistening under the lights.
leggedThe legged chicken ran quickly across the barnyard.
transferTransfer chicken from the pot to the bowl.
succulentThe succulent chicken was roasted to perfection with a crispy skin and juicy meat.

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