Adjectives for Civilization

Adjectives For Civilization

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing civilization, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the nuances of adjectives paired with 'civilization' reveals the depth and diversity of human societies. Words like 'western', 'modern', and 'european' describe geographical and temporal aspects, conveying a civilization's influence and era. 'American' often highlights specific cultural or historical contributions, while 'ancient' invites us into the mysteries and wisdom of early societies. 'Human' emphasizes the collective journey of mankind through time. Each adjective opens a window into the complexities and achievements of civilizations, shaping our understanding of their legacy and impact. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives that bring to life the many facets of civilization below.
westernWestern civilization has a long and rich history.
modernModern civilization has brought about many advancements in technology and medicine.
europeanEuropean civilization has a long and complex history.
americanAmerican civilization has been shaped by a variety of factors, including its unique geography, its diverse population, and its history of immigration and colonization.
ancientScientists discovered new artifacts from an ancient civilization
humanHuman civilization has come a long way since its inception
christianChristian civilization is a term used to describe the cultural and societal norms that have been shaped by Christianity.
chineseThe Chinese civilization is one of the world's oldest and most continuous civilizations.
greekAncient Greek civilization had a profound impact on the development of Western culture and thought.
industrialThe rapid growth of industrial civilization has led to significant environmental degradation.
romanThe Roman civilization flourished for over five hundred years, leaving a lasting legacy on the world.
advancedDue to constant advancements, humans have now become an advanced civilization
indianThe Indus Valley civilization was one of the earliest and most advanced of the Indian civilizations.
higherIt was believed that the discovery of copper tools in Central Europe proved a higher civilization
islamicThe Islamic civilization was a major center of learning and culture during the Middle Ages.
urbanThe urban civilization has led to a significant increase in population density.
contemporaryTechnology is the backbone of contemporary civilization
egyptianAncient Egyptian civilization flourished along the Nile River for over 3,000 years.
whiteThe white civilization has a long and rich history.
presentThe present civilization is facing many challenges.
mayaThe ancient Maya civilization flourished in Mesoamerica from approximately 2000 BCE to 900 CE.
classicalAncient Greece and Rome are examples of classical civilizations.
frenchFrench civilization has flourished for hundreds of years.
technologicalThe technological civilization has advanced at an unprecedented rate.
complexThe Indus Valley Civilization was a complex civilization that flourished in the basins of the Indus River in modern-day Pakistan and western India from 3300 BCE to 1900 BCE.
trueTrue civilization is a discipline of the heart, not of the mind.
superiorThe remnants of that superior civilization had long since been discovered on the moon.
medievalMedieval civilization brought about many advancements in the fields of science, technology, and art.
highestThe ancient Egyptians were renowned for their highest civilization
mayanThe Mayan civilization flourished in the Maya Region, which today comprises southeastern Mexico, the entirety of Belize and Guatemala, and the western parts of Honduras and El Salvador.
hellenicHellenic civilization was a powerful force in the ancient world.
mycenaeanThe Mycenaean civilization flourished in Greece from around 1600 to 1100 BCE.
olderThe older civilization left behind many mysteries that still intrigue scholars today.
japaneseJapanese civilization has a long and rich history, dating back to the Yayoi period in the 3rd century BC.
calledThe ancient Egyptians had a great city called civilization
progressiveThe progressive civilization has led to remarkable advancements in technology and society.
africanThe african civilization has a rich history and culture.
spanishThe Spanish civilization has a rich history and culture that dates back centuries.
aztecThe Aztec civilization flourished in central Mexico from the 14th to the 16th centuries.
muslimThe Muslim civilization flourished during the Middle Ages, making significant contributions to science, mathematics, and philosophy.
harappanThe Harappan civilization flourished in the Indus River Valley from around 2600 to 1900 BCE.
arabArab civilization enriched the world with its vast contributions to science, mathematics, philosophy, and art.
primitiveThe primitive civilization had a complex system of beliefs and customs.
globalGlobal civilization is a term used to refer to the interconnectedness of the world's cultures and economies.
century"Century civilization" is the longest-lasting civilization in human history.
orientalOriental civilization is a broad term that refers to the cultural achievements of East Asia.
latinLatin civilization flourished in Europe for many centuries.
universalA universal civilization would be a society that embraces and celebrates the diversity of human cultures, beliefs, and values.
hellenisticHellenistic civilization is a fusion of Greek culture and ideas with those of other cultures, especially the East.
earliestThe earliest civilization flourished in Mesopotamia around 3500 B.C.
byzantineThe Byzantine civilization left an unforgettable mark on the world of politics, art, and architecture.
sumerianThe Sumerian civilization was one of the earliest civilizations in the world.
russianI am interested in Russian civilization
alienI wonder if an alien civilization will visit Earth in my lifetime.
oldestThe oldest civilization is believed to be located in Mesopotamia.
dayAs the sun set, the day civilization's hustle and bustle faded into a tranquil night.
incaThe Inca civilization located in the Andes mountains, constructed a vast network of roads and cities connected by a system of messengers.
mesopotamianThe Mesopotamian civilization was one of the earliest and most advanced civilizations in the world.
aryanThe aryan civilization is considered one of the oldest and most advanced in history.
capitalistThe capitalist civilization is based on the principles of private property, free markets, and profit maximization.
bourgeoisThe bourgeois civilization is characterized by its emphasis on individualism and materialism.
brilliantFlourishing during the Middle Ages, the Gupta Dynasty was a brilliant civilization that left an indelible mark on the world.
classicThe classic civilization of Greece left a lasting legacy of art, architecture, and philosophy.
archaicThe archaic civilization had a rich culture and a complex social structure.

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