Adjectives for Clicks

Adjectives For Clicks

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing clicks, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the perfect adjective for the noun 'clicks' can significantly alter the nuance of a sentence, painting a vivid picture of the scenario being described. Whether highlighting the 'few' clicks that signify a lack of engagement, the precision of 'double' clicks in digital navigation, the medical implication of 'systolic' clicks, the hopeful increase indicated by 'more' clicks, the accuracy of 'right' clicks, or the simplicity of 'single' clicks, each adjective serves to precisely convey different aspects and actions. Each term unlocks a unique dimension of interaction or observation, guiding the reader's understanding to new depths. Discover the full array of adjectives paired with 'clicks' to enhance your descriptive capabilities.
fewThey found the answer in just a few clicks
doubleI prefer to use double clicks to open files and folders.
moreThe website received more clicks than expected.
rightHe right clicks on the file and selects 'Open'
singleI prefer to use single clicks over double clicks.
sharpThe sharp clicks of the typewriter echoed through the quiet room.
severalThe user went through several clicks before completing their purchase.
audibleThe audience's audible clicks filled the auditorium.
loudThe clock ticked by, making relentless loud clicks
littleThe clicking of the keyboard produced little clicks that echoed through the room.
keyI heard the key clicks as she typed away at her laptop.
multipleMultiple clicks were required to complete the transaction.
metallicThe metallic clicks of the gun echoed through the empty alleyway.
successiveThe key's successive clicks echoed through the silent room.
acousticThe dolphin emitted a series of high-pitched acoustic clicks
simpleYou can do this task with just a few simple clicks
shortThe clock made a series of short clicks
rapidHer fingers flew across the keyboard, creating a rapid clicks as she typed.
faintI heard faint clicks coming from the attic.
softThe soft clicks of the mouse echoed through the room.
auditoryThe auditory clicks of the bat helped it navigate the dark cave.
quickWith a few quick clicks she completed the online purchase.
midsystolicThe presence of midsystolic clicks can indicate mitral valve prolapse.
individualThe bird calls consisted of individual clicks
fewerThis new design offers fewer clicks to complete a purchase.
andThe camera and clicks as he takes a picture.
separateI heard multiple separate clicks as I opened the door.
tinyThe tiny clicks of the mouse echoed through the silent room.
distinctThe keyboard's distinct clicks echoed throughout the room.
lateThe late clicks on the website indicate increased engagement.
aorticAortic clicks are high-pitched, metallic sounds heard over the aortic area.
leftThe user left clicks on the link to open it.
monauralThe monaural clicks were presented to the left ear at a rate of 10 per second.
extraThe extra clicks required by the user interface made the process tedious.
usualThe usual clicks were not to be heard anymore.
briefThe computer executed the program with brief clicks
pitchedThe rapid cadence of pitched clicks punctuated the monotonous hum of the machinery.
filteredThe ad network used a variety of methods to filter out the unauthentic bot clicks and instead count only the filtered clicks
repetitiveThe rapid and repetitive clicks of the mouse echo through the silent office.
subsequentA number of subsequent clicks lead to the target website.
userThe user clicks on the button to submit the form.
strangeI heard strange clicks coming from the attic.
ultrasonicThe bats used ultrasonic clicks to navigate in the dark.
rhythmicThe clock's rhythmic clicks echoed through the silent room.
consecutiveI made three consecutive clicks on the mouse.
mechanicalThe mechanical clicks of the keyboard echoed through the silent room.
regularThe clock ticked with regular clicks
occasionalThe machine made occasional clicks as it cooled down.
clickThe rapid click clicks of the keyboard echoed through the silent room.
fraudulentThe website was generating fraudulent clicks to increase ad revenue.
familiarI heard the familiar clicks of my grandmother's knitting needles as she worked on a new scarf.
buttonThe constant button clicks were driving me crazy.
binauralI listened to the binaural clicks with headphones on.
dryMy fingers pounded dry clicks against the broken keyboard.
ominousThe ominous clicks echoed through the empty hallway, sending shivers down my spine.
distinctiveThe Xhosa language features distinctive clicks when spoken.
nonThe advertisement received a huge number of non clicks
isolatedThe sounds echoed through the empty hallways as isolated clicks
characteristicThe old pocket watch ticked with characteristic clicks
sonarThe sonar clicks echoed through the silent depths of the ocean.
broadbandThe broadband clicks have been increasing steadily over the past few months.
dentalThe ǃXu and ǂHoan khoisan languages feature dental clicks as consonants.
pulmonaryThe patient's pulmonary clicks are consistent with an underlying endobronchial lesion.
nasalThe Xhosa language spoken in South Africa has many nasal clicks such as ŋǃクリック
identicalThe identical clicks of the keyboard echoed through the room.
ejectionI heard several ejection clicks when the pilot turned off the engine.
intenseThe floorboards groaned under the weight of their intense clicks
simultaneousBabies enjoy the simultaneous clicks of a rattle.
electronicThe electronic clicks of the keyboard filled the air.
soundThe sound clicks filled the room, creating an eerie atmosphere.
randomThe user navigated through the website with random clicks
lateralThe horses made lateral clicks as they walked along the road.
quietThe quiet clicks of the keyboard filled the room.

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