Adjectives for Clinton

Adjectives For Clinton

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing clinton, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the adjectives like 'former', 'democratic', 'general', 'presidential', 'anti', and 'young' alongside the noun 'Clinton' reveals a rich landscape of public and private personas. Each adjective brings a unique shade of meaning, underlining the diverse roles and perceptions associated with Clinton. From 'former' highlighting past positions of power, to 'democratic' underscoring political affiliations, and 'young' recalling earlier periods in life or careers, these modifiers sketch a multifaceted figure in American political and cultural life. Delve deeper into how adjectives color our understanding of Clinton, hinting at the complexity behind public figures. Explore the full list of adjectives for more insights into the nuanced implications of language.
formerFormer clinton adviser Paul Begala said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union" that Clinton will likely run for president in 2024.
generalGeneral clinton was a Revolutionary War general.
youngYoung clinton was a very talented politician.
oldOld clinton is a town in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, United States.
lateLate clinton was waiting for the bus
proThe poll results were pro clinton
huronHuron clinton is a Michigan State Recreation Area.
britishThe British clinton fossil site, known for its tetrapod tracks, is located in New York State in the United States.
incumbentIncumbent clinton gave an impassioned speech at the convention.
nearbyThe nearby clinton House was the site of the wedding.
presidentPresident clinton signed the North American Free Trade Agreement into law in 1993.
pelhamPelham clinton was a British Conservative politician who served as the Member of Parliament (MP) for the Tamworth constituency from 1832 to 1847.
preThe pre clinton era was characterized by economic prosperity.
venerableVenerable clinton was a respected elder in the community.
futureFuture clinton is a mystery
bushThe Bush clinton administration was a period of relative peace and economic prosperity.
liberalLiberal clinton used her health to buy sympathy votes.
worthyDespite the worthy clinton campaign, Republicans held their 2008 nominating convention in Minneapolis.
oppositeShe voted against Clinton and was the opposite clinton on many issues.
celebratedCelebrated Clinton's first 100 days in office.
wrongThe wrong clinton was elected.
vigilantVigilant clinton meticulously guarded the castle's entrance.
angryAngry clinton denies responsibility for Benghazi attack.
superiorIn the wake of the scandal, Clinton's superior clinton was forced to resign.
fellowMy fellow clintons, with big...
powerfulPowerful clinton speech inspires national debate.
relievedRelieved clinton sighed in contentment after the intense negotiations.
elderElder clinton was a well-respected member of the community.
observedI observed clinton in the park the other day.
astonAston clinton is a village in Buckinghamshire, England.
ninthNinth clinton is a busy street in Manhattan.
chelseaChelsea clinton is the daughter of former US President Bill Clinton and former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
famousThe famous clinton family has a long history of public service.
centristCentrist clinton emphasized bipartisanship and cooperation.
victoriousVictorious clinton celebrated her victory with a triumphant speech.
youthfulAs the youthful clinton demonstrated, needing to inspire is not a requirement to be inspirational.
classicThe classic clinton smile was on full display at the event.
charismaticCharismatic clinton delivered a rousing speech that inspired the crowd.
outgoingOutgoing clinton will be honored with a reception at the Clinton Primary School auditorium.
respectableRespectable clinton sat in the library reading.
ambitiousAmbitious clinton was aiming for a promotion.
baddesleyBaddesley clinton is a magnificent moated manor house in Warwickshire.
benevolentBenevolent clinton a philanthropist, donated his fortune to various charitable causes.
cautiousCautious clinton weighed his options before making a decision.
tecumsehTecumseh clinton was an American politician who served as a U.S. Representative and Senator from New York.
pompousPompous clinton strutted around the room, his nose high in the air.

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