Adjectives for Cnn

Adjectives For Cnn

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing cnn, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The use of adjectives with the noun 'CNN' can significantly alter the angle or perspective from which this media giant is viewed. A 'dim CNN' could imply a lack of vibrancy or relevance in the current media landscape, while 'small CNN' might suggest a diminution of its presence or influence. Conversely, 'large' or 'giant CNN' reflects its vast reach and impact across the globe. The adjective 'American' underscores its roots and primary audience, whereas 'autonomous CNN' might hint at operating independently of external pressures or influences. Each adjective uniquely shades the noun, painting a multifaceted picture of one of the world's leading news sources. Dive deeper into how different adjectives unveil various facets of CNN.
dimThe dim cnn room was lit with faint golden light.
smallThe small cnn posted a story about the new movie.
largeThe large cnn building loomed over the city skyline.
americanI watched the news on American cnn last night.
autonomousThe autonomous cnn can be used to detect objects in real-time.
giantThe giant cnn sign lit up the skyline.
dimensionalThe model uses a 2-dimensional CNN to learn the spatial features of the input data.
blackI watched the black cnn news channel.
nonlinearNonlinear CNNs provide a powerful mechanism for learning complex patterns in data.
gallupGallup CNN's poll showed that 63% of Americans believe that the country is on the wrong track.
globalI watch global cnn everyday.
calledI called cnn this morning to report a news story.
standardThe standard cnn model is a convolutional neural network with three convolutional layers, two fully connected layers, and a softmax output layer.
muchI watched much cnn last night.
cellThe cell cnn is a great way to learn about cellular biology.
preI watched CNN before pre cnn was popular.
singleThe single cnn reporter called the police.
languagelanguage cnn is a popular news network that covers a wide range of topics, including politics, business, and entertainment.
linearThe linear cnn model achieved state-of-the-art results on the task.
tardiveTardive cnn is a type of movement disorder that can occur as a side effect of certain medications.
siamSiam cnn improves tracking in crowded scenes.
ubiquitousUbiquitous cnn has permeated modern life.
uncoupledThough commonly used for images, uncoupled CNNs are excelling across modalities.
latestThe latest cnn headline is about the conflict in Ukraine.

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