Adjectives for Columns

Adjectives For Columns

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing columns, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe columns significantly impacts the visual and structural perception they convey. A first column sets the stage, creating expectations, while a Corinthian column invokes images of ancient elegance and architectural prowess. The posterior column, often overlooked, plays a crucial role in supporting and finishing the structural narrative. Parallel columns introduce harmony and rhythm, guiding the observer’s eye across the scene, whereas the last column signifies completion and finality. Utilizing vertical columns accentuates height and grandeur, imposing a sense of awe. Every adjective opens a new dimension of appreciation and understanding, highlighting the significance of meticulous descriptor selection. Explore the full list of adjectives below to discover the perfect word that encapsulates the essence of your columns.
firstAll job applicants must enter their name in the first columns
corinthianThe grand entrance was supported by towering Corinthian columns
posteriorThe posterior columns are the two medial columns of the spinal cord that carry sensory information to the brain.
parallelThe two companies stood side by side with parallel columns of armed guards.
lastWe wanted to specify the number of rows and columns of the output, so that the last columns would not be filled with zeros.
verticalThe vertical columns supported the massive weight of the building.
doricThe stately building was adorned with elaborate Doric columns
severalThe building had several columns supporting the roof.
ionicThe Ionic columns on the temple were adorned with carvings.
longThe long columns of the ancient temple stretched up to the sky.
whiteThe old house had white columns in the front.
flutedThe Doric columns of the temple entrance featured eye-catching fluted columns
doubleThe spreadsheet had double columns for each data point.
slenderThe slender columns reached high into the vaulted ceiling.
concreteThe concrete columns supported the weight of the building.
separateData are commonly arranged into separate columns to help with analysis.
tallThe tall columns reached up to the sky.
massiveIts lower part is ornamented with an arcade of massive columns
shortThe ancient ruins had short columns that were worn by time.
multipleThe table had multiple columns each one containing a different category of data.
woodenThe wooden columns of the porch supported the roof of the house.
hugeThe temple was supported by huge columns
heavyThe heavy columns supported the weight of the roof.
packedThe researchers were able to improve upon packed columns which are currently used in industry.
brokenThe ruins were a desolate place, filled with broken columns and crumbling walls.
interiorThe architects designed the home with exposed interior columns
regularThe author penned regular columns in the newspaper.
ironThe iron columns of the building were strong and imposing.
adjacentThe adjacent columns are separated by a vertical bar.
additionalThis JSON has additional columns such as the 'id' column.
frenchThe grand entrance was flanked by towering French columns
lateralThe lateral columns are located on either side of the spinal cord.
ocularResearchers mainly focus on the primary visual cortex, where neurons tend to assemble as ocular columns based on their preference for the visual field location.
tuscanThe beautiful building had Tuscan columns holding up the roof.
roundThe grand hall was supported by round columns that reached up to the high ceiling.
appropriateThe table should have the appropriate columns for the data that it contains.
solidThe towering mountains stood firm like solid columns reaching up to the heavens.
squareThe square columns of the ancient temple stood tall and imposing.
greekThe grand entrance was flanked by imposing Greek columns
anteriorThe anterior columns of the spinal cord contain the motor neurons that innervate the skeletal muscles.
twistedThe ancient building had twisted columns that reached toward the sky.
clusteredThe clustered columns are the primary key columns.
narrowThe porch was trimmed with narrow columns
handThe accountant used hand columns to add up the numbers.
followingThere are some meaningful data in the following columns
fifthThe enemy had many fifth columns within the city.
classicalThe classical columns of the temple stood tall and majestic.
exteriorThe exterior columns of the building were made of marble.
halfThe half columns of the building were supported by ornate brackets.
correspondingThe corresponding columns in the two tables have the same data type.
basalticThe beach was characterized by its beautiful basaltic columns
keyThe key columns for the join were not identical.
monolithicThe ancient temple was supported by towering monolithic columns
thickThe building was supported by thick columns
respectiveThe table shows the data in the respective columns
romanThe grand building had impressive Roman columns
tubularThe tubular columns stretched high into the air.
beautifulThe ancient temple had beautiful columns that reached up to the ceiling.
thinThe tall, thin columns held up the roof.
fourthThe fourth columns of the table contained the customer's addresses.
loftyThe grand hall was adorned with lofty columns that reached up to the vaulted ceiling.
grayThe old building had grand gray columns that reached up to the sky.
circularThe circular columns of the temple were adorned with intricate carvings.
structuralThe building's structural columns were made of steel.
giantThe ancient temple was adorned with towering giant columns that reached towards the heavens.
spiralThe spiral columns soared up to the vaulted ceiling, casting an ethereal glow upon the sanctuary.
cylindricalThe cylindrical columns of the temple were adorned with intricate carvings.
denseIts dense columns of red brick stretched away towards the north.
smallerThe building was supported by smaller columns

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