Adjectives for Commands

Adjectives For Commands

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing commands, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The use of adjectives with the noun 'commands' can dramatically alter the perception and reception of the directive involved. For instance, 'divine commands' evokes a sense of spiritual or religious authority, imposing a far deeper significance than 'simple commands', which suggests straightforwardness and ease of understanding. 'Military commands', contrastingly, bring to mind a structured and possibly rigid execution. The diversity in adjectives such as 'following', 'several', and 'various' further highlights the multifaceted nature of commands in different contexts. Each adjective unlocks a unique nuance, reflecting the intent, complexity, and domain of the commands. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives typically paired with 'commands' below.
followingThe captain was following commands from the admiral.
divineThe divine commands require us to act with compassion.
militaryThe general issued military commands to his troops.
variousThe computer received various commands
basicThe dog obeyed basic commands
verbalThe sergeant bellowed verbal commands to his troops.
specificOnly specific commands are allowed.
specialThe computer only responds to special commands
additionalThe program failed due to additional commands in the script.
majorThe general issued major commands to his troops.
respectiveThe officers carried out their respective commands diligently.
relatedThe "related commands" feature allows users to quickly access relevant commands based on the current context.
furtherThe sergeant shouted out his further commands
appropriateChildren should follow appropriate commands from their parents.
royalThe king issued his royal commands to his loyal subjects.
availableWhat are the available commands?
unifiedThe unified commands provided a streamlined and efficient approach to managing the disaster response.
macroThe macro commands are used to automate tasks.
externalThe administrator used external commands to reboot the server.
lawfulThe police officer has lawful commands
regionalThe JTF is designed to work with combatant commanders and theater special operations commands (SOCOMs), as well as regional commands to enhance the USSOCOMs ability to conduct operations globally.
moralWe must always obey moral commands
previousPlease enter the previous commands
levelThe level commands were easy to follow.
usefulI need to learn how to use the useful commands
arbitraryThe boss gave arbitrary commands to his employees.
dosThe dos commands can be used to manage files and directories.
keyUse key commands to navigate your computer more efficiently.
internalThe computer's internal commands are executed by the CPU.
subsequentThe subsequent commands were executed without error.
complexThe general issued complex commands to his subordinates.
sharpThe sergeant's sharp commands cut through the chaos.
necessaryHe gave the necessary commands
terminalTo access the terminal commands enter 'xargs' followed by the desired command.
navalThe admiral issued clear-cut naval commands to the fleet.
operationalThe general issued operational commands to the troops.
imperialThe emperor declared his imperial commands to the assembled courtiers.
peremptoryThe general issued peremptory commands to his troops.
administrativeThe command-line interface provide administrative commands for creating and managing Azure Sphere devices.
oralThe commanding officer only uses oral commands while having his training classes.
strictThe teacher gave his students strict commands to follow.
interactiveThe interactive commands allowed users to customize their experience.
parentalThe child disobeyed the parental commands
sternThe captain issued stern commands to his crew.
harshThe sergeant barked harsh commands
aboveAbove commands do not match any action.
advancedConnect to the Wi-Fi network with advanced commands
correspondingPlease execute the corresponding commands
validEnter valid commands to continue
authoritativeThe instructor issued authoritative commands to the students.
remoteThe system can be controlled using remote commands sent over the network.

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