Adjectives for Commodity

Adjectives For Commodity

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing commodity, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe a commodity might change the whole narrative around it. Words like other and particular give a sense of diversity and specificity, revealing the unique characteristics and differentiation in a sea of sameness. When we move to descriptors like valuable and precious, the commodity is elevated, highlighting its worth and the esteem in which it is held. Adjectives such as single and scarce, on the other hand, underscore rarity and exclusivity, making something not just a product but a treasure. Each adjective paints a distinct picture, evoking different emotions and perceptions. Dive into the full list of adjectives below to explore the myriad ways in which a commodity can be described, reflecting its varied nuances and significance.
otherI need to buy some other commodity
particularThe effect of the conditions was to raise the price of this particular commodity
valuableA quality education is a valuable commodity that can open doors to opportunity and success.
preciousWater is a precious commodity in many parts of the world.
singleThe single commodity had a monopoly on the market.
scarceIt is a scarce commodity so it should not be wasted.
sameThe two products are same commodity
importantThis is an important commodity for my company.
rareThis opportunity is a rare commodity in today's economy.
marketableThe company's main marketable commodity is its software.
onlyThe only commodity that truly belonged to a specific era was information.
agriculturalThe agricultural commodity prices are expected to rise in the coming months.
specificThe specific commodity was imported from China.
majorChina is the largest importer of this major commodity
perishableFresh seafood is a perishable commodity and must be consumed quickly.
basicMilk is a basic commodity that everyone needs.
expensiveA car is an expensive commodity that many people aspire to own.
standardThe standard commodity is available in most stores.
saleableThis antique furniture is a highly saleable commodity
principalThe principal commodity of the town is wool.
compositeA composite commodity is a commodity that is composed of many individual components.
commercialThe commercial commodity was in high demand due to its scarcity.
cheapThis cheap commodity is made of plastic.
hotThis limited-edition sneaker is a hot commodity among collectors.
usefulThis appliance is a useful commodity in modern life.
vitalClean water is a vital commodity for human survival.
nonThe non commodity was purchased for a low price.
chiefThe chief commodity of the region is timber.
twoMany countries rely on two commodity exports.
multiIt is applicable for multi commodity flow optimization.
homogeneousThe homogeneous commodity problem arises when all the products in a market are identical.
salableThe salable commodity was purchased at a discount.
desirable"He is a desirable commodity," said the foreman, "and we need him at once."
culturalThe museum's collection of artifacts is a valuable cultural commodity
underlyingThe underlying commodity of the futures contract is gold.
bulkyThe bulky commodity was too heavy to carry.
vendibleI have a vendible commodity that I can offer you at a reasonable price.
necessaryPaper is a necessary commodity for students.
exportable"Soybeans" was a major exportable commodity of the early Midwest.
finishedThe finished commodity was shipped to the customer on time and in excellent condition.
oneWe only have one commodity in storage.
intensiveThe intensive commodity market is characterized by high levels of competition and low margins.
manufacturedThe manufactured commodity was of the highest quality.
limitedThe limited commodity was in high demand.
rawThe raw commodity prices have been on the rise lately.
tradableThe shares became a tradable commodity that was bought and sold like bread.
indispensableWheat is an indispensable commodity for food security.
unknownShe was an unknown commodity in the job market.
largestCopper is the largest commodity traded on the London Metal Exchange.
cheapestI bought it when it was at its cheapest commodity
dangerousThe new and dangerous commodity was not allowed on the premises.
producedOur company has produced commodity that are in high demand.
durableA durable commodity is a good that can be used multiple times without significant deterioration.
purchasableThe newly developed software is a purchasable commodity and is priced at $10 per user.
tangibleThe tangible commodity had been in her family for generations.
pricelessTime is a priceless commodity that we often take for granted.
globalThe global commodity market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years.
uniqueThe local market offered a unique commodity that was not available anywhere else.
peculiarThe peculiar commodity was a rare and unusual item that was highly sought after by collectors.
universalThis universal commodity is used as a form of currency and a means of exchange.

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