Adjectives for Commons

Adjectives For Commons

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing commons, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The term 'commons' brings to mind shared resources or spaces, but pairing it with different adjectives can significantly alter its meaning and evoke various images. A 'global commons' suggests an emphasis on universal access and responsibility, while a 'short commons' might evoke scarcity or restrictions. The phrase 'faithful commons' can imply a dependable, collective support system, contrasting sharply with 'poor commons,' highlighting neglect or inadequacy. An 'English commons' evokes historical or geographical specificity, wheras a 'creative commons' champions innovation and open sharing. Each adjective opens a new perspective on the concept of commons, enriching the dialogue. Discover how these and other adjectives unfold their unique stories in the full list below.
globalGlobal commons refer to international shared resources that are not subject to any one nation's jurisdiction.
shortThe crew were put on short commons after the ship's provisions ran low.
faithfulThe faithful commons grumbled in the streets about the king's latest decree.
poorThere were no "poor commons" in that county.
englishThe English commons opposed the king in the 17th century.
creativeThe image was released under a creative commons license.
openThe open commons provided a place for the villagers to graze their animals.
localThe local commons were filled with people enjoying the summer weather.
publicThe public commons were a place where everyone could gather to socialize and relax.
intellectualThe intellectual commons is a shared resource of knowledge and ideas that are not subject to copyright or other restrictions.
civilThe civil commons provide a shared space for community members to engage in activities and discussions.
internationalThe Arctic is an international commons that is subject to a variety of competing claims.
romanThe Roman commons were a public space where citizens could gather for political and social activities.
extensiveThe extensive commons were ideal for grazing livestock.
freeThe free commons are a valuable resource for all of us.
irishHave you heard of the Irish Commons?
trueThe true commons is a place where everyone can share and benefit.
environmentalThe environmental commons include the global atmosphere, oceans, and other resources that are shared by all.}
hansardHansard commons is the official record of debates in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom.
urbanThe urban commons are a shared resource that can be used by all members of a community.
greenThe green commons provided a beautiful space for recreation and relaxation.
wideThe wide commons were a popular gathering place for the villagers.
medicalThe medical commons refers to the shared pool of knowledge and resources that is available to all members of a society.
culturalThe cultural commons are the shared cultural resources of a society that are not subject to copyright or other forms of intellectual property protection.
kinglyI was surprised by the kingly commons who showed great care for his subjects.
loyalThe loyal commons supported the king during the rebellion.
vastThe vast commons stretched out before them, a seemingly endless expanse of rolling hills and verdant meadows.
parliamentaryWe should meet today in the parliamentary commons
ecologicalThe ecological commons refers to the shared natural resources that are available to all.
grassyThe grassy commons were a great place to relax and play.
digitalThe digital commons is a valuable resource for students, researchers, and the general public.
wildThe spirited children were running rampant in the wild commons
atmosphericThe atmospheric commons are the global atmosphere that surrounds the Earth.
virtualThe virtual commons has emerged as a new platform for collaboration and innovation.
electronicThe electronic commons is a digital space where people can share and access information.
sandyThe children played in the sandy commons
ruralThe rural commons were a place where the community could gather.
medievalThe medieval commons were used for grazing, hunting, and gathering firewood.
rebelliousThe rebellious commons were dissatisfied with the existing norms and sought to change them.
rudeI don't appreciate your rude commons
poorerThe poorer commons led to a narrower range of opportunities.
unregulatedShepherds who graze in unregulated commons will tend to maximize their own animals' grazing and ignore the interests of the community.
unenclosedUnenclosed commons are a type of common land that is not surrounded by a fence or hedge.
veblenThe Veblen commons is a situation where individuals act in their own self-interest, but the outcome is not in the best interests of the group.
geneticThe genetic commons is a shared pool of genetic information that is available to all members of a population.
antiThe anti commons problem is a situation in which resources are underutilized because multiple individuals have the right to exclude others from using them.
weeklyThe company holds weekly commons to discuss new ideas.
sacramentalThe sacramental commons is a green space that is used for religious ceremonies.
metropolitanThe metropolitan commons are vast green spaces in the heart of the city.
bareBare commons became the territory of the poor.
calledThe parcels are called commons
marineThe marine commons are areas beyond the jurisdiction of any state and are open to use by all nations.
unmanagedOvergrazing of unmanaged commons is a major environmental problem.
danishMy ancestors fled their homeland, and found refuge in the danish commons
accessThe access commons is a shared space where people can access and share resources.
oppressedThe oppressed commons flooded the streets in protest.
uncultivatedThe uncultivated commons extended as far as the eye could see.
angryThe angry commons marched on the parliament.}
temporalThe concept of 'temporal commons' refers to shared cultural resources of the past and future.
coastalThe coastal commons provide a variety of benefits to the community, including recreation, wildlife habitat, and flood protection.
simulatedThe simulated commons provided researchers with an environment to test their theories.

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