Adjectives for Competitors

Adjectives For Competitors

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing competitors, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Selecting the right adjective to describe competitors can drastically change the tone and perspective of your analysis. A foreign competitor introduces international nuances, while a new competitor suggests emerging threats. Potential competitors are still on the horizon, posing uncertain challenges. Major competitors highlight the dominant players, and when we refer to many competitors, it underscores a crowded marketplace. Lastly, direct competitors bring to mind businesses that are vying for the exact same customer base. Understanding these subtleties is crucial for developing effective strategies and communications. Explore the full spectrum of adjectives to describe competitors, each with its unique implications, below.
foreignOur company has to watch out for its foreign competitors
newThe market welcomed three new competitors in the last quarter.
potentialOur potential competitors are growing rapidly in the market.
majorOur major competitors are Microsoft and Google.
manyThe market has many competitors
directOur direct competitors are reducing their prices.
mainMicrosoft and Apple are our main competitors
successfulThe most successful competitors often have a strong work ethic and a positive attitude.
europeanOur company's products are popular with consumers who are fans of European competitors
japaneseMany of the Japanese competitors including Inaba and Onoe, were young and inexperienced.
localOur company outperforms its local competitors
internationalOur business is facing increasing competition from international competitors
strongThe company faced strong competitors in the global market.
americanThe American competitors outperformed the British competitors.
largerNumerous small banks have closed recently because of competition from larger competitors
domesticGeneral Motors is one of the largest domestic competitors in the United States.
formidableThe company faced formidable competitors in the tech industry.
chiefWe had to outsmart our chief competitors to win the market share.
globalWe are facing increasing competition from global competitors
principalOur principal competitors are local businesses with similar products.
possibleWe must consider our possible competitors before we launch this product.
powerfulThe market is full of powerful competitors
keyThe company identified its key competitors and developed strategies to outmaneuver them.
numerousThe company has numerous competitors in the market.
actualWe will monitor your and your actual competitors' performance on a regular basis.
weakerNew companies face difficulties to grow because of the well-established weaker competitors
aggressiveThe company had aggressive competitors that made it difficult to grow market share.
effectiveEffective competitors often analyze their own strengths and weaknesses.
overseasThe company faces stiff competition from overseas competitors
efficientThe efficient competitors outperformed their rivals in the marketplace.
industrialThe new company faces tough challenges from several industrial competitors
closestWe kept a close eye on our closest competitors
commercialThe two companies are commercial competitors in the software industry.
westernEastern competitors try to stay ahead of their western competitors
dangerousWe need to watch out for those dangerous competitors
formerThe former competitors came together to form an alliance.
topOur top competitors are Acme Corp. and XYZ Inc.
fierceThe two companies were fierce competitors in the electronics industry.
closeApple and Samsung are close competitors in the smartphone market.
nearestOur nearest competitors on the other hand, have been struggling to keep up.
fewerWith fewer competitors it was easier for the company to dominate the market.
asianOur asian competitors have been gaining market share in recent years.
independentThe two companies are independent competitors in the market.
strongestThe company had to compete with its strongest competitors
outsideThe project is only weak because of outside competitors and other factors such as supply chain issues.
monopolisticMonopolistic competitors offer similar but differentiated products in a market with many producers.
strongerThe company struggled to compete against stronger competitors in the industry.
maleThe male competitors were impressive.
perfectThe market is composed of perfect competitors
largestThe company made several acquisitions over the last year, increasing its market share to become one of its largest competitors
biggestGoogle and Microsoft are the biggest competitors in the search engine market.
costThe business drove down the prices below cost competitors to gain market share.
unsuccessfulThe unsuccessful competitors were left disappointed and disheartened.
regionalTheir regional competitors were targeting the bigger cities.
rivalThe two companies were rival competitors in the technology industry
weakDespite facing weak competitors the company struggled to maintain its market share.
superiorShe won the gold medal despite competing against superior competitors
visShe vis competitors with envy as she watches their superior work.
keenThe team faced tough competition from several keen competitors
youngerThe veteran runner was defeated by younger competitors

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