Adjectives for Consent

Adjectives For Consent

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing consent, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to pair with 'consent' can delicately transform its significance and impact. 'Informed consent' highlights a scenario where all parties are thoroughly educated about the implications of their agreement, emphasizing the importance of knowledge in the exchange. 'Common consent' on the other hand, underscores a collective agreement, suggesting a scenario where everyone is in agreement without the necessity for formal authorization. Meanwhile, 'mutual consent' denotes a reciprocal agreement, reflecting a shared decision-making process. The nuances introduced by 'unanimous', 'general', and one's 'own' consent further delineate the levels of agreement and participation among parties involved. Explore the full list of adjectives to fully grasp the wide-ranging implications that these modifiers can have when paired with 'consent'.
informedThe doctor obtained informed consent from the patient before performing the procedure.
commonThe plan was adopted by common consent
mutualBoth parties reached a mutual consent before signing the contract.
unanimousThe committee members voted by unanimous consent to approve the new policy.
generalThe general consent of the people is essential for the legitimacy of a government.
parentalThe principal asked for parental consent before posting student photos online.
priorThe use of personal data is subject to prior consent
freeThe victim's free consent was violated during the assault.
tacitThe tacit consent of the group allowed the decision to be made quickly.
voluntary"Voluntary consent" refers to the freely given agreement of a person to participate in a particular act or decision.
writtenIt is necessary to obtain written consent prior to any treatment.
popularWe need popular consent for this decision.
previousThe board can only terminate the contract after receiving previous consent from the customer.
reluctantWe were forced to give reluctant consent to the merger, knowing that it would harm the company in the long run.
validThe patient gave valid consent for the surgery.
formalThe patient provided formal consent for the procedure.
impliedThe doctor proceeded with the surgery based on the patient's implied consent
royalThe king gave his royal consent to the marriage.
expressThe terms of service require express consent before collecting user data.
patientThe doctor obtained patient consent before performing the surgery.
jointThe new agreement will require joint consent to make any changes.
silent"Let's just assume silent consent and proceed" the detective said pragmatically.
parliamentaryThe bill was passed with a large parliamentary consent
necessaryObtaining the necessary consent is important for ethical research.
congressionalThe bill requires congressional consent before any funds can be appropriated.
proxyThe child's proxy consent was not obtained before the surgery.
readyHe gave his ready consent to the offer.
presumedMany states have adopted presumed consent laws for organ donation.
oralThe physician obtained the patient's oral consent before performing the procedure.
implicitThe terms of service included an implicit consent clause.
passiveThe patient gave passive consent to the procedure.
spousalIn some jurisdictions, spousal consent is required for certain medical procedures.
grudgingI gave my grudging consent to the plan.
longerI signed the document after reading and understanding the longer consent form.
hearty"Hearty consent is a legal concept that refers to a person's explicit and unequivocal agreement to something."
hypotheticalThe hypothetical consent of the participant is necessary for the research to proceed.
papalThe papal consent was required for the validity of the marriage.
rationalShe obtained rational consent for the surgery.
graciousThe gracious consent of the Queen was finally obtained after much deliberation.
cordialThe cordial consent of both parties ensured a harmonious resolution.
meaningfulShe had given meaningful consent to participate in the study.
legislativeThe amendment requires the legislative consent of the states.
imperialThe imperial consent was required for the establishment of new towns.
deliberateI gave deliberate consent to the plan.
uniform"We have discussed the procedure, the benefits, and the risks," he said. "Do you consent to having me perform the procedure with you under uniform consent?"
provincialThe provincial consent was required before the project could begin.

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