Adjectives for Constraints

Adjectives For Constraints

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing constraints, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

In the complex tapestry of life and business, the noun 'constraints' often wears different adjectives that paint a nuanced story about limitations. When prefixed with adjectives like 'financial,' 'economic,' 'structural,' 'certain,' 'social,' and 'external,' the term evolves to describe myriad barriers that individuals or entities may face. "Financial constraints" evoke the common struggles of budgeting, while "economic constraints" hint at larger, market-wide limitations. "Structural constraints" delve into the physical and organizational boundaries that restrict progress, whereas "certain constraints" speak to the definitiveness of these limitations. Adding "social" and "external" to the mix, we explore the societal and environmental limitations that shape actions and outcomes. Each adjective opens a window into the diverse challenges faced in navigating constraints. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives that characterize the multifaceted nature of constraints below.
financialThe company is facing financial constraints and may have to lay off some employees.
economicThe economic constraints of the recession made it difficult for many businesses to survive.
structuralThe structural constraints of the building made it difficult to renovate.
certainCertain constraints apply to the use of this equipment.
socialSocial constraints imposed certain limits on her behavior.
externalExternal constraints placed restrictions on the project.
politicalThe political constraints imposed by the government hindered the progress of the project.
additionalThese additional constraints will help us prioritize the most important tasks.
environmentalCompanies must consider environmental constraints when making decisions about their operations.
institutionalThe government implemented new institutional constraints to address the economic crisis.
physicalThose physical constraints make it difficult to do anything.
legalThe company faced various legal constraints in its operations.
severeThe project was subject to severe constraints
budgetaryBudgetary constraints forced the company to downsize its operations.
majorThe project was completed under major constraints
linearThe linear constraints are applied to the problem formulation.
specificShe carefully followed the specific constraints of the project.
internalInternal constraints hindered the company's growth.
practicalThe project was delayed due to practical constraints
fiscalThe company is facing fiscal constraints that are limiting its ability to invest in new projects.
culturalCultural constraints influenced her decision.
domesticDomestic constraints limited the amount of aid the government could provide.
hardIn mathematical optimization, the hard constraints define the feasible region
temporalThe project was completed ahead of temporal constraints
technicalThe project was canceled due to technical constraints
seriousShe was trying to think of her thesis topic, but she had serious constraints
softThe project team had to consider soft constraints such as employee morale and customer satisfaction.
followingAdhering to the following constraints can improve performance.
geometricThe geometric constraints of the problem made it difficult to find a solution.
organizationalThe project was delayed due to organizational constraints
regulatoryThe company faced numerous regulatory constraints in their operations.
moralThe company's moral constraints limit its ability to make certain profits.
technologicalTechnological constraints limited the development of the product.
significantWe decided to postpone this project due to the significant constraints
biologicalBiological constraints set limits on the evolution of any organism.
tightThe project has tight constraints and must be completed by next week.
ecologicalThe study identified a number of ecological constraints that limit the distribution of this species.
situationalThe situational constraints of the experiment limited the number of participants.
fewerFewer constraints can occasionally be a good thing
functionalThe functional constraints of the system made it difficult to implement new features.
spatialThe designers had to work within spatial constraints when creating the tiny home.
syntacticThe syntactic constraints of this language are very complex.
constitutionalThe court struck down the law due to constitutional constraints
operationalThe company faced operational constraints due to the shortage of raw materials.
contextualThe semantics of a sentence are constrained by its contextual constraints
globalThe increasing global constraints on resources are negatively impacting the development of many third world countries.
multipleI'm sorry, but I'm not able to generate a sentence with multiple constraints
timeDue to the time constraints we had to rush the project.
ethicalThe study faced ethical constraints because of its intrusive nature.
cognitiveCognitive constraints limit the amount of information we can process at a time.
keyThe key constraints are the most urgent and important.
normativeThe proposed geographies are subject to normative constraints and limited geographic data availability.
ideologicalThe decision was made within ideological constraints
nonlinearThe optimization problem has nonlinear constraints
relevantThe team carefully considered all relevant constraints before making a decision.
developmentalEvolutionary developmental constraints limit the accessibility of some phenotypic traits.
linguisticDespite linguistic constraints people can communicate complex ideas.
strictHis job came with strict constraints on his personal life.
referentialThe referential constraints in the database ensure that data integrity is maintained.
artificialThe project was delayed due to artificial constraints imposed by management.
aboveIt is impossible to fit all the data into one table without breaking the above constraints
geometricalThe geometrical constraints imposed by the environment are substantial.
administrativeThe project was delayed due to unforeseen administrative constraints
rigid"Productivity is a challenging goal given our rigid constraints."
stringentThe research team faced stringent constraints while conducting their experiments.

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