Adjectives for Conventions

Adjectives For Conventions

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing conventions, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the nuances of adjectives paired with the noun 'conventions' reveals the diverse contexts in which it operates. From 'social conventions' that guide our interpersonal interactions to 'international conventions' that dictate global protocols, each adjective enriches the noun with specific shades of meaning. 'National conventions' may evoke a sense of unity or division, depending on the context, while 'certain conventions' underscore the specificity and agreed-upon standards within any domain. Literary and constitutional conventions, on the other hand, navigate the realms of creative expression and legal frameworks, respectively. Each pairing illuminates a unique aspect of conventions, highlighting their significance and variability across different fields. Explore the full spectrum of adjectives to uncover the depths of 'conventions'.
socialMany social conventions can be quite strange when you first encounter them.
internationalThe UN has passed many international conventions to protect human rights.
nationalThe national conventions are held every four years.
certainWe should respect certain conventions when working with colleagues.
literaryThe writer's use of literary conventions enriched the narrative.
constitutionalThe constitution does not include constitutional conventions which are uncodified rules, practices, precedents, and customs.
politicalThe political conventions for the two major parties will be held in the summer of 2024.
severalThere were several conventions occurring in the city that weekend.
annualHotel managers attend annual conventions to network with colleagues.
variousWe enjoyed various conventions together.
linguisticLinguistic conventions are the implicit rules governing a language's use, including grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
culturalMany of the cultural conventions associated with wedding ceremonies vary from one region to another.
followingWhen following conventions it's essential to adhere to established norms.
genericMany cultural practices follow generic conventions
standardWe adhere to standard conventions to ensure intelligible communication.
traditionalThe film industry often adheres to traditional conventions when creating new releases.
artisticThe artist followed the artistic conventions of the time.
formalThe company's formal conventions require that all employees dress in business attire.
theatricalThe play followed traditional theatrical conventions
notationalThe notational conventions vary in different disciplines.
stylisticAdherence to stylistic conventions ensures consistency and clarity in written communication.
usualThe student submitted the assignment without following the usual conventions
regionalThe regional conventions of the local government have been revised.
dramaticThe play adhered to the traditional dramatic conventions complete with a rising action and a climax followed by falling action.
poeticHis poetic conventions were evident in the alliteration and imagery he employed.
multilateralCountries often establish multilateral conventions to address global issues.
presidentialThe presidential conventions are held every four years to select the party's nominees for president and vice president.
moralShe had always defied the moral conventions of her time.
previousHe broke with previous conventions and became more progressive.
arbitraryThe meeting time was determined by arbitrary conventions
rhetoricalThe speech was full of rhetorical conventions such as appeals to emotion and repetition.
numerousThe treaty was ratified by numerous conventions
relevantThe organizers of the conference invited speakers from different disciplines, encouraging interdisciplinary discussions and the sharing of diverse relevant conventions in research.
rigidWe are bound by rigid conventions that can be difficult to break free from.
mereSocial etiquette is nothing more than a set of mere conventions
earlierThe team decided to revert to earlier conventions
academicThe paper adheres to the academic conventions of the discipline in terms of its structure and citations.
strictThe play followed strict conventions and had little room for improvisation.
musicalThe composer disregarded all musical conventions and wrote a piece that was completely original.
aestheticThe aesthetic conventions of the time dictated that women should wear modest clothing and long hair.
visualThe visual conventions of the novel are strikingly different from those of the film.
typographicalTypographical conventions are rules for using symbols and other elements in a written text.
classicalThe play adheres to the classical conventions of unity of time, place, and action.
familiarWe followed familiar conventions in order to appeal to a wider audience.
pictorialThe article highlighted the artist's use of pictorial conventions
orthographicThe orthographic conventions of a language dictate how words are spelled and how sounds are represented by letters.
romanticThe movie followed all the usual romantic conventions
victorianShe adhered to all the strict Victorian conventions
contemporaryThe novel adheres to the contemporary conventions of the genre.
artificialThe traditional family was one of the earliest artificial conventions created by humans.
centuryThe century conventions are used to calculate the century number from a given year.
respectiveRepresentatives from each of the two sides of the issue attended their respective conventions
grammaticalThe letter 'i' is always capitalized according to grammatical conventions

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