Adjectives for Corp

Adjectives For Corp

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing corp, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to pair with 'corp' can deeply influence the perception and understanding of the term. A 'diplomatic corp' suggests a group engaged in international relations, emphasizing negotiation and political tact. A 'medical corp' shifts the focus to healthcare professionals, often linked with emergency response or military medicine. Meanwhile, a 'foreign corp' highlights international or cross-border operations, and a 'public corp' points to entities owned by the government, serving the community's interests. The term 'nonprofit corp' further introduces the aspect of organizations operating without profit motives, for societal, cultural, or humanitarian goals. Each adjective unveils unique facets of 'corp', painting a vivid picture of its roles and functions in various contexts. Dive into the full list of adjectives to explore the rich nuances each brings to 'corp'.
diplomaticThe diplomatic corp of the United States is located in Washington, D.C.
medicalThe medical corp provided excellent care to the patients.
foreignThe foreign corp had to pay taxes in accordance with the laws of their home country.
publicHe owned stock in a public corporation, such as Apple.
nonprofitThe nonprofit corp seeks to provide aid to the underprivileged.
4thI used to be in the 4th corp
navalThe naval corp conducted a training exercise off the coast of California.
privateHe works for a private corp in the city.
largeA large corp is a company that has a large number of employees and revenue.
cmeCME corp is a leading provider of financial services.
courtesyThe courtesy corp will be responsible for the financial aspects of the event.
entireThe entire corp had been bought by the conglomerate.
deadThe dead corp lay in the street.
basedThe based corp is the best in the world.
uniThe uni corp is a large multinational corporation.
personalThe lawyer helped them form a personal corp
individualThe individual corp has been working on this project for several months.
clinicalI'm sorry, I don't know what you mean by "clinical corp".
municipalThe municipal corp has decided to increase the water rates by 10%.
totalTotal corp is a large company.
localThe local corp has been in business for over 50 years.
realThe real corp was pleased with the employee's accomplishments.
internationalThe international corp had offices in several countries.
lanceThe Lance corp was in charge of the mission.
frontalThe frontal corp is responsible for higher-level cognitive functions.
militaryThe military corp is responsible for the defense of the country.
lppLPP corp is a Polish fashion company that operates a chain of clothing stores in Central and Eastern Europe.
commercialThe commercial corp is a for-profit organization.
capsuleCapsule corp is a fictional company in the Dragon Ball franchise.
marineThe Marine Corps is the smallest and most elite branch of the United States Armed Forces.
cauldThe cauld corp was laid out on a bier.
distressedThe distressed corp won't be able to obtain long-term funding on the financial market.
8thThe 8th corp has been deployed to the front lines.
creeditableCreeditable corp is a financial services company that provides innovative solutions to its clients.
megaI work for a mega corp
lowerThe company's lower corp held a meeting to discuss the new project.
clearThe clear corp was a success.
3rdThe 3rd corp is responsible for the defense of the Eastern United States.
domesticThe domestic corp handled the real estate transaction.
comiqueThe comique corp performed a hilarious act that left the audience roaring with laughter.
cooperativeThe cooperative corp will help small businesses grow and prosper.
profitThe profit corp reported a loss in its latest quarter.
professionalThe professional corp has released its annual report.
biomedicalBiomedical corp is a leading provider of innovative medical devices.
redThe red corp is a large corporation that has been in business for over 100 years.
diagnosticThe diagnostic corp had a new machine to test for diseases.
carrierCarrier corp is a global provider of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems.
firmThe firm corp has been in business for over 20 years.
late"Slow down!" she yelled at the late corp car.
7thThe 7th corp is a highly skilled and experienced group of professionals.
metroI took the Metro corp train to work this morning.
comI work for a large com corp in the city.
5thThe 5th corp excelled at their mission.
grayThere are rumors that the mysterious Gray corp is behind the recent power outages.
subependymalSubventricular zone (SVZ) subependymal corp are neurons.
youngerThe younger corp is a promising up-and-comer in the tech industry.
overseasI worked for the overseas corp for 10 years.
microsoftMicrosoft corp is an American multinational technology company.
superior"Unless you're a competitor of Superior Corp.," she had answered at the time.
civilianThe civilian corp helped to rebuild the city after the war.
ownedIt owned corp that was the entity that engaged in the particular production process.
federal The federal corp is a large corporation that is owned by the government.
loyalThe loyal corp members stood by him through thick and thin.

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