Adjectives for Crown

Adjectives For Crown

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing crown, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe a crown can dramatically alter the perception of royal authority and heritage. An imperial crown conjures images of vast empires and supreme rulers, while a half crown might suggest a more nuanced, perhaps diminished authority. Mentioning an English or British crown evokes specific national histories and identities, with each adjective framing the crown within a distinct cultural and historical context. A large crown emphasizes grandeur and opulence, whereas a Spanish crown may draw connections to Spain's rich royal history. The adjectives we pair with nouns like 'crown' are gateways to deeper stories, inviting readers to explore the full list of adjectives and the subtle nuances they bring to light.
imperialThe ancient Chinese imperial crown was magnificent and represented the power of the emperor.
halfI gave the beggar a half crown
englishThe English crown has been a symbol of royal authority for centuries.
britishThe British crown made a public statement regarding their riches.
largeThe queen's large crown was encrusted with jewels.
goldenThe king wore a golden crown that sparkled in the light.
smallThe small crown was placed on the prince's head.
frenchThe king wore a magnificent french crown during the coronation ceremony.
royalThe king wore a royal crown on his head.
squareThe king wore a golden square crown on his head.
goldThe king wore a gold crown on his head.
laurelThe victorious athlete wore a laurel crown upon his head.
tripleThe horse won the Triple crown in 1973.
doubleThe double crown was a symbol of power and authority in ancient Egypt.
porcelainThe dentist inserted a new porcelain crown on my decayed molar.
portugueseThe Portuguese crown ruled over Brazil from 1500 to 1822.
kinglyThe kingly crown sat atop his head, a symbol of his power and authority.
scottishThe Scottish crown jewels are kept in Edinburgh Castle.
clinicalThe clinical crown is the portion of a tooth that projects above the gingival margin.
polishThe king was crowned with the polish crown
redThe king wore his red crown with pride.
civicThe civic crown was a headdress given to Roman citizens who saved a life in battle.
gloriousThe victor wore a glorious crown of laurel leaves.
danishThe Danish crown is the official currency of Denmark.
swedishThe Swedish crown is the currency of Sweden.
hungarianThe Hungarian crown was first used in the 11th century.
bohemianThe bohemian crown emerged under the rule of Charles IV.
germanThe German crown Prince's visit to England was a great success.
beautifulThe princess wore a beautiful crown adorned with jewels.
baldThe man had a bald crown and a long white beard.
roundedThe tall oak tree had a rounded crown
heavenlyThe queen wore a heavenly crown upon her head.
temporaryThe temporary crown will protect your tooth until the permanent one is ready.
broadThe tree has a broad crown with dark green leaves.
ducalThe ducal crown was encrusted with jewels.
denseThe branches of the oak tree formed a dense crown
thornyThe martyr wore a thorny crown to symbolize his suffering.
earthlyThe king wore an earthly crown adorned with rubies and diamonds.
flatThe bishop wore a flat crown
shapedThe king wore a shaped crown
jewelledThe king wore a jewelled crown on his head.
castilianFerdinand and Isabella united Spain under the Castilian crown
brightThe bright crown sparkled in the sunlight.
pointedThe queen wore a pointed crown adorned with jewels.
jeweled"The queen wore a jeweled crown"
conicalThe tree has a conical crown
quarterShe handed him the quarter crown she had been saving for the bus fare to town.
tallThe tall crown of the oak tree was a beacon in the distance.
papalThe pope wore a papal crown during the ceremony.
immortalThe immortal crown rested upon his head, a symbol of his eternal reign.
regalThe queen wore the regal crown with pride during the ceremony.
corruptibleThe corruptible crown fell from the king's head, rolling in the dust.
incorruptibleThrough the years, Frederick Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Italy, gained a reputation for his incorruptible crown
starryShe wore a starry crown upon her head.
eternalThe eternal crown of victory lay upon the warrior's weary head.
greenShe wore a green crown on her head.
metalThe king wore a metal crown on his head.
richThe king wore a rich crown on his head as he walked down the aisle.
stainlessThe stainless crown of the watch was in perfect condition.
roundThe king wore a round crown upon his head.
narrowThe tree has a narrow crown
giltThe king wore a gilt crown on his head as a symbol of his power.
holyThe king wore the holy crown on his coronation day.
austrianThe Austrian crown was the currency of Austria from 1892 to 1924.
fittingThe king placed a fitting crown upon his head.
ceramicThe dentist placed a ceramic crown on the decayed tooth.
yellowThe monarch butterfly has a yellow crown which contrasts with its darker wings.
leafyThe ancient oak tree stood tall with its leafy crown reaching towards the sky.
shavenThe monk's shaven crown reflected the sunlight.
oliveThe victorious athlete was crowned with an olive crown
artificialThe artificial crown was placed on the monarch's head during the coronation ceremony.

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