Adjectives for Curve

Adjectives For Curve

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing curve, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

The word 'curve' can be nuanced significantly through the use of adjectives, often altering its perception in the reader's mind. A 'normal curve' suggests a common, expected shape, perhaps referring to statistical norms or everyday objects. Contrast this with a 'smooth curve', which not only paints a picture of gentle, flowing lines but also can invoke feelings of calm and ease. 'Characteristic curve' leads us into more specialized territory, hinting at unique or defining qualities that may belong to specific contexts or technical fields. Similarly, 'standard' and 'typical' adjectives frame our understanding of a curve within norms and averages, while 'solid curve' introduces a sense of physicality and robustness. These adjectives unlock a diverse range of interpretations and insights. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives linked with 'curve' and explore the rich imagery they evoke below.
normalThe normal curve is a bell-shaped graph that represents the distribution of data in many natural phenomena.
smoothThe road's smooth curve led us out of the city.
characteristicThe characteristic curve of the transistor shows the relationship between its collector current and collector-emitter voltage.
standardThe standard curve was used to determine the concentration of the unknown sample.
typicalThe typical curve characterizes the evolution over time of a given function.
solidThe solid curve was difficult to trace.
shapedThe shaped curve of the bridge was a marvel of engineering.
lowerThe lower curve of the road led down to the river.
upperThe upper curve of the bridge is a graceful arc.
runThe run curve is a common feature of many centrifugal pumps.
averageThe average curve of the bell-shaped distribution is symmetric.
theoreticalThe theoretical curve is a graphical representation of the predicted relationship between two variables.
totalThe total curve of the road was dangerous.
dottedThe dotted curve meandered across the graph paper.
singleThe single curve of the road seemed to stretch for miles.
continuousThe road wound through the mountains in a continuous curve
closedThe closed curve encloses an area of approximately 10 square meters.
timeThe time curve indicates that the reaction rate is decreasing exponentially.
elasticThe elastic curve of the beam was determined by using the finite element method.
experimentalThe experimental curve showed a significant increase in the rate of reaction.
potentialThe potential curve provides a graphical representation of the potential energy of a system.
exponentialThe graph of the exponential curve is a straight line on a semi logarithmic plot.
sharpBe careful of the sharp curve coming up.
slightThe narrow road took a slight curve to the right.
correspondingEach separate column of the differential equations had a corresponding curve in the graph of the particular solution.
aggregateThe aggregate curve the relationship between the price level and output in the economy, is upward sloping.
currentThe current curve shows a steady increase in the number of cases.
steepThe road up the mountain had a steep curve
gentleThe gentle curve of the coastline made it an ideal spot for a picnic.
cumulativeThe cumulative curve shows the total number of cases over time.
linearThe graph of the linear curve is a straight line.
verticalThe vertical curve of the road provided a clear view of the approaching traffic.
entireThe entire curve is smooth.
flatThe flat curve indicates that the situation is under control.
slopingThe sloping curve of the hill led to a breathtaking view of the valley below.
actualThe actual curve of the road was more challenging than it appeared on the map.
upwardThe smile on her face was an upward curve that lit up the room.
parabolicThe object followed a parabolic curve through the air.
doubleThe double curve of the bridge was an engineering marvel.
topThe hand grips the top curve of the tennis ball.
sineThe graph of the sine function is a sine curve
logisticThe logistic curve is a mathematical model that describes the growth of a population over time, typically exhibiting an initial period of slow growth followed by a period of rapid growth and finally a period of slower growth as the population approaches its carrying capacity.
lightAstronomers use the light curve of an eclipsing binary to determine the physical properties of the binary system.
gracefulThe river's graceful curve meandered through the serene valley.
lumbarThe lumbar curve is the inward curve of the spine in the lower back.
volumeThe volume curve shows the relationship between the volume of a gas and its pressure.
meanThe mean curve represents the average curve of all the curves in the sample.
horizontalThe horizontal curve in the road caused us to slow down.
downwardThe road took a downward curve and disappeared into the darkness.
gaussianThe results were analyzed using a Gaussian curve
compositeThis composite curve passes through several points on the graph.
lineThe line curve made it difficult to see.
costThe cost curve shows the relationship between the quantity of output produced and the total cost of production.
temperatureThe temperature curve for this month shows a steady increase.
idealThe ideal curve smooths out the fluctuations in the measurement.
circularThe circular curve of the road made it difficult to see oncoming traffic.
bottomThe bottom curve of the vase was decorated with intricate carvings.
calculatedThe bike swerved to avoid the calculated curve in the road.
integralThe integral curves of the vector field are tangent to the level curves of the scalar field.
logarithmicThe logarithmic curve can be used to model exponential growth or decay.
lowestThe graph exhibits the lowest curve in the last quarter.
irregularThe artist's irregular curve added a sense of movement to the painting.
resultantThe resultant curve is a parabola.
pressureThe pressure curve shows the relationship between pressure and volume.
displacementThe displacement curve is a plot of velocity versus time.
concaveThe concave curve of the bowl made it difficult to hold.
fittedThe fitted curve shows the relationship between the two variables.
middleThe middle curve of the road was particularly challenging.
symmetricalThe symmetrical curve of the parabola intrigued the mathematician.
observedThe observed curve appears to be an exponential function.

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