Adjectives for Cycles

Adjectives For Cycles

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing cycles, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe cycles can dramatically alter the perception of time, nature, and frequency. A long cycle suggests a protracted duration, emphasizing patience or endurance. In contrast, few cycles highlight rarity or selectiveness, potentially underscoring significance. Economic cycles point to fluctuations affecting wealth and resources, inviting discussions on stability and predictability. Meanwhile, natural cycles indicate a rhythm inherent to the environment, often linked to life's intrinsic processes. Successive cycles denote a series of occurrences, suggesting continuity or repetition. The nuances between these descriptions can vastly influence understanding and interpretation. For a more comprehensive exploration on how adjectives enrich our concept of cycles, discover the full list below.
severalThe process went through several cycles before it was complete.
fewThe study was conducted over a period of few cycles
economicEconomic cycles are the upswings and downswings in an economy.
longRotating machinery may have these long cycles
naturalThe earth's natural cycles have been disrupted by human activities.
successiveThe successive cycles of growth and decay were clearly evident.
shortThe short cycles of life kept him always on the go.
menstrualWomen's menstrual cycles last about 28 days.
regularThe hormone estrogen is excreted in regular cycles
seasonalThe Earth's seasonal cycles are driven by the tilt of its axis and its orbit around the Sun.
normalThe average of these normal cycles increased.
biogeochemicalBiogeochemical cycles regulate the flow of elements and molecules through ecosystems.
yearThe year cycles have changed over time.
annualThe weather patterns follow annual cycles
subsequentThe subsequent cycles revealed a similar pattern.
reproductiveMany tropical animals have evolved reproductive cycles that are synchronized with the seasonal changes in resources.
multipleThe machine went through multiple cycles before it stopped working.
thawThe ground has been frozen for months, but the recent thaw cycles have made it easier to dig.
shorterThe spinning of the wheel slowed down, resulting in shorter cycles
consecutiveThe team won three consecutive cycles
anovulatoryAnovulatory cycles are cycles in which ovulation does not occur.
ovulatoryRegular ovulatory cycles should be established to ensure conception.
irregularHer irregular cycles made it difficult to predict her ovulation.
halfThe alternating current flows through half cycles
motorThe motor cycles roared down the highway.
complexThe water filtration system employed complex cycles to ensure optimal purification.
climaticThe earth's climatic cycles have influenced the evolution of life.
previousWe can anticipate that current economic trends will follow previous cycles
longerThe planet's longer cycles were responsible for the changes in climate.
additionalThis process requires several additional cycles to complete.
termThe term cycles lasted for 200 years.
globalWarming oceans are disrupting global cycles like the water cycle.
endlessThe relentless machine continued its endless cycles without fail or respite.
viciousBreaking away from vicious cycles of poverty and inequality requires systemic change.
dailyThe daily cycles of nature are a reminder of the constant change in our world.
solarSolar cycles are roughly 11 year periods of time.
tidalThe moon's gravitational pull creates tidal cycles that affect the Earth's oceans.
negativeThere are no negative cycles in this graph.
thermalThermal cycles can cause fatigue and failure in materials.
positiveThe board approved the release of funds for several impact-driven projects that included building safer bike lanes and creating positive cycles in local neighborhoods.
darkI was tired because I had dark cycles under my eyes.
minorThe solar system is subject to minor cycles
repetitiveThe repetitive cycles of life continued, as the sun rose and set each day.
lunarThe lunar cycles affect the tides of the Earth.
daySome animals' day cycles are more than 24 hours.
alternateThe system was designed to operate through alternate cycles of heating and cooling.
biologicalThe study of biological cycles is called chronobiology.
periodicAstronomers predicted the periodic cycles of the comet.
monthlyThe production of pharmaceuticals is subject to monthly cycles
cardiacThe heart beats in regular intervals known as cardiac cycles
glacialThe Earth's climate has undergone several glacial cycles over the past millions of years.
recurrentThe recurrent cycles of nature are a reminder of the beauty and impermanence of life.
cosmicThe cosmic cycles of birth, death, and rebirth are reflected in the human experience.
stableThe system was able to reach stable cycles through the process.
lifeThe life cycles of butterflies are fascinating.
earlierSnowfall in the earlier cycles was lighter than this year's, with lows in the thirties.
fewerThe engine operates with fewer cycles per second.
diurnalNocturnal animals are active during the night, while diurnal animals are active during the day, following the earth’s 24-hour diurnal cycles
distinctThe climate is characterized by distinct cycles of wet and dry seasons.
geochemicalGeochemical cycles are the processes by which elements and their compounds move through the Earth's environment.
rapidThe machine went through rapid cycles of heating and cooling.
electoralThe electoral cycles of some countries are shorter than five years.
typicalObserving the typical cycles of the ocean and the atmosphere helps us understand the global climate.
spontaneousThe spontaneous cycles of nature are a testament to its resilience.
reversibleCarnot engines operate using reversible cycles
hourThe hour cycles passed and the moon eventually began to wane.
interglacialThe climate has been cycling through glacial and interglacial cycles for over 2 million years.

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