Updated on March 16, 2024
social | The social democrats are a political party that advocates for social justice and economic equality. |
many | Many democrats voted in favor of the bill. |
liberal | The Liberal democrats are a British political party. |
southern | The Southern democrats were a powerful political force in the United States from the 1870s until the 1960s. |
conservative | The conservative democrats are often seen as the more fiscally conservative wing of the party. |
northern | |
most | Most democrats believe in a strong social safety net. |
congressional | Congressional democrats have criticized the president's budget proposal. |
white | The white democrats supported the civil rights movement. |
radical | The radical democrats are challenging the status quo. |
prominent | |
revolutionary | Revolutionary democrats fought for a more just and equitable society. |
moderate | More moderate democrats have criticized the move. |
christian | The Christian democrats are a centrist political party in Germany. |
regular |
former | Several former democrats who helped Mr. Trump win the election were in the audience. |
bourgeois | The bourgeois democrats who had led the revolution, were now in power. |
german | The German democrats were a political party in Germany founded in 1918. |
loyal | Loyal democrats have always been a key part of the party's base. |
progressive | The progressive democrats one of the key liberal groups in congress, pushed their agenda. |
wing | The wing democrats proposed a new bill that would provide funding for renewable energy research. |
fellow | Everyone in this room are fellow democrats |
true | True democrats are tolerant of opposing views. |
western | Western democrats have been working to pass a new bill that would increase funding for education. |
russian | |
registered | Several registered democrats participated in the protest. |
deliberative | Deliberative democrats prioritize considering citizen preferences before making decisions. |
constitutional | The Constitutional democrats were a political party in Imperial Russia. |
independent | The independent democrats are a minority in the Senate. |
extreme | The extreme democrats in the party are pushing for a more progressive agenda. |
traditional | Traditional democrats are worried about the party's lurch to the left. |
dissident | |
urban | Urban democrats are generally more progressive than their rural counterparts. |
influential | Influential democrats gathered to discuss the upcoming election. |
polish | The Polish democrats are a political party in Poland. |
called | The political party called democrats supports a progressive agenda. |
line | Line democrats met in a secret caucus on Monday to discuss their platform. |
anti | |
disaffected | The disaffected democrats voted for a third-party candidate. |
rural | Rural democrats often express concerns about the economy and healthcare. |
enough | Enough democrats voted no that the motion failed. |
ardent | The ardent democrats rallied to defend the rights of those in need. |
one | One democrats representative didn't vote. |
incumbent | Incumbent democrats face a tough challenge in the upcoming election. |
gold | The gold democrats were a faction of the Democratic Party in the late 19th century that favored a gold standard. |
deserving | The deserving democrats were rewarded for their hard work. |
genuine | Genuine democrats believe in a transparent and accountable government. |
minded | The minded democrats voted against the bill. |
centrist | |
australian | The Australian democrats were a centre-left political party in Australia. |
class | Class democrats believe the wealthy should pay more in taxes. |
senior | Senior democrats in Congress are calling for an investigation into the matter. |
disgruntled | The disgruntled democrats protested the election results outside the state capitol. |
five | Five democrats were there. |
participatory | Participatory democrats are citizens who actively participate in the political process. |
staunch | The staunch democrats never stray from their party's platform. |
athenian | The Athenian democrats were an influential group of politicians in the 5th century BC. |
honest | Honest democrats are committed to serving their constituents. |
file | The file democrats are a group of people who support the Democratic Party. |
ultra | The ultra democrats were opposed to the war. |
four | Four democrats attended the meeting to discuss the new budget. |
antislavery | |
jeffersonian | The Jeffersonian democrats were a political party in the United States that existed from 1801 to 1825. |
seven | Seven democrats are running for office. |
austrian | The Austrian democrats were a political party in Austria from 1861 to 1934. |
agrarian | The agrarian democrats sought to protect the interests of small farmers. |
antiwar | Antiwar democrats protested the Vietnam War. |
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