Adjectives for Dept

Adjectives For Dept

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing dept, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the use of different adjectives with the noun 'dept' reveals a multifaceted landscape of meaning and intention. Whether referring to the '4th dept' or the '1st dept', each adjective positions the department within a hierarchical or chronological context, subtly changing its perceived importance or order. The adjective 'new' infuses the department with a sense of renewal and perhaps, modernization, distinguishing it from its predecessors. Meanwhile, 'medical' and 'public' adjectives assign a clear functional domain, directing attention to the department's role within wider societal structures. 'Select', on the other hand, hints at exclusivity or exceptional quality. Each adjective molds our understanding of the department in unique ways, revealing the nuanced layers of meaning that language can convey. Discover more about how these and other adjectives color our perception of 'dept'.
4thThe 4th dept is responsible for handling criminal cases.
1stThe 1st dept of the company is responsible for sales.
newThe department has a new dept store.
publicThe public dept has increased significantly in recent years.
legalI need to forward this email to the legal dept for review.
specialThe police have a special dept to investigate crimes against children.
holdI need to hold dept for the upcoming meeting.
federalThe federal dept decided to defer payment of student loans until the end of the year.
politicalThe candidate's advisor worked in the political dept
headquartersThe headquarters dept was busy reviewing the team's submissions.
generalOur general dept is to make our customers happy.
officeI need to go to the office dept to get some supplies.
addressI need you to address dept in your email.
militaryThe military dept is in charge of the country's defense.
documentsThe University Archives does not have the documents dept
industrialThe industrial dept has been working on a new project for the past few months.
subThe sub dept of ABC Company is responsible for customer service.
separateThe issues in the separate dept were addressed.
frenchI studied in the French dept at university.
administrativeThe administrative dept is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the company.
preparatory"How did your preparatory dept process that project?"
2903The 2903 dept is responsible for customer service.
outsideThe outside dept is responsible for customer service.
editorialI sent the revised proposal to the editorial dept
variableThe lab used a variable dept for its computing projects.
commercialThe commercial dept is responsible for generating revenue.
floridaFlorida dept of Transportation recommends you get a SunPass for faster travel.
civilI worked in the civil dept for 5 years.
rayThe ray dept is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of the head, neck, chest, and abdomen.
normalIt is a normal dept
dateI went to the date dept for a blind date.
commissaryThe commissary dept has new items that are cheap.
interiorThe Interior dept has proposed opening more land for oil and gas drilling.
chiefThe chief dept has been in charge of the project since its inception.
mechanicalThe mechanical dept has been working hard on the new project.
germanThe german dept has a new professor.
immediateYou should meet him for an immediate dept
policeI visited the police dept downtown yesterday.
writeThe write dept is responsible for writing software.
officialThe official dept released a statement regarding the recent controversy.
patientI am waiting for the patient dept to confirm my appointment.
electricalThe contractor hired an electrical dept to install the new wiring.
legislativeThe legislative dept will meet next week to discuss the new bill.
serialThe serial dept is a type of debt that is incurred over time.
secThe sec dept is responsible for the security of the company.
northernThe northern dept of Pakistan is very rich in natural resources.
3rdThe 3rd dept is difficult to schedule with.
fireThe fire dept responded quickly to the blaze, extinguishing it before it could spread.
southernI'm going to the southern dept with my family.
w010I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you mean by "w010 dept."
executiveThe executive dept voted on whether or not to close the public parks.
advisoryThe advisory dept issued a warning about the upcoming storm.
postalThe postal dept has announced that there will be a delay in the delivery of mail on Monday.
soundThe sound dept was working hard to get the audio perfect.
educationalI owe a lot of money to the educational dept

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