Adjectives for Diagram

Adjectives For Diagram

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing diagram, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Exploring the world of diagrams, we quickly uncover the significance of adjectives in framing our understanding. A schematic diagram strips complexity to its bones, offering a focused outline, while a simple diagram ensures accessibility for all levels of expertise. The complete diagram, on the other hand, leaves no stone unturned, providing a thorough overview. Meanwhile, a functional diagram zeroes in on operation and utility, critical for practical applications. Every adjective adds a layer of nuance, transforming a mere diagram into a storytelling tool that guides, instructs, and informs. For a deeper dive into how these adjectives and more can shape your perception of diagrams, explore our full list below.
schematicPlease look at the schematic diagram of the product to see the parts included.
bodyThe body diagram is a useful tool for understanding how forces and moments act on a body.
simpleThe simple diagram illustrated the concept.
typicalThe typical diagram representing its operation is shown below.
completeThe complete diagram is available in the appendix.
functionalThe functional diagram provides a clear overview of the system's components and their interactions.
simplifiedThe simplified diagram clearly illustrates the working principle of this device.
lowerThe lower diagram shows a simplified view of the different parts of a typical microcomputer system.
correspondingThe publication of the diagram will provide corresponding diagrams about the system.
aboveYou can see the information from the above diagram
levelThe expert explained the mechanism based on a level diagram
upperThe upper diagram shows the relationship between the two variables.
polarThe polar diagram is a graphical representation of the response of a system to a sinusoidal input signal as a function of frequency.
basicPlease refer to the basic diagram for clarification.
dimensionalThe dimensional diagram illustrates the relationship between the different variables.
freeHere is a free diagram for you to use.
ternaryThe ternary diagram is a useful tool for representing the relationships between three variables.
entropyThe entropy diagram captures the relationship between entropy and temperature within a closed system.
bendingThe bending diagram shows the bending moment at each point along the beam.
detailedThe detailed diagram provided a comprehensive overview of the system's components and their interactions.
lineThe line diagram shows the relationship between the two variables by connecting the data points with lines.
timeThe time diagram shows the time and location of when each event happened.
conceptualThe conceptual diagram visually depicts the complex interactions between the different components of the system.
handThe hand diagram shows the muscles and bones of the hand.
triangularThe triangular diagram is a graphical representation of the relative proportions of three components in a mixture.
potentialThe potential diagram shows the relationship between the potential energy of the system and the position of the particles.
sectionalThe sectional diagram shows the internal structure of the machine.
equivalentThese two equations have the equivalent diagram as below.
annexedThe annexed diagram shows a simplified overview of the system.
momentBy utilizing the moment diagram the maximum bending moment and shear force can be precisely determined.
topThe top diagram shows the system architecture.
temperatureThe temperature diagram is shown in Figure 1.
rayThe ray diagram shows the path of light through a lens.
leftI prefer the left diagram
theoreticalThe theoretical diagram shows the relationship between the variables.
structuralThe building's structural diagram indicated that the foundation could support the weight of the new addition
volumeThe volume diagram shows the relationship between the volume of a gas and its pressure.
circularThe circular diagram clearly demonstrates the cyclical nature of the data.
roughCould you send me a rough diagram of the plan?
conventionalThe topic is about a conventional diagram
partialLacking exact details, he sketched a partial diagram of the area, with only approximate distances and directions.
compositeThe composite diagram illustrates the relationship between the different components of the system.
generalizedThe generalized diagram serves as a useful visual representation of the system's components and their relationships.
logicThe logic diagram helped us to identify the flaws in our argument.
neatThe report included a neat diagram of the proposed changes.
bottomI prefer the bottom diagram because it is easier to read.
logicalThe logical diagram outlines the efficient workflow of the system.
stressThe stress diagram shows the relationship between the stress and the strain in a material.
electricalThe electrical diagram showed a clear path for the current to flow.
floralStudy the floral diagram carefully to understand the arrangement of the floral parts.
causalThe causal diagram illustrates the relationship between variables.
elementaryThe elementary diagram made it easy to understand the complex concept.
overallI will email you an overall diagram summarizing the current system.
idealThe ideal diagram should include these variables.
hypotheticalShe explained the hypothetical diagram to her students.
pressureThe researcher kept a pressure diagram with them while going outside.
williotThe Williot diagram is a graphical representation of the relationship between the different types of interactions that can occur between two objects.
constitutionalThe constitutional diagram was designed to ensure that no one branch of government could become too powerful.
isothermalThe isothermal diagram shows the relationship between pressure and volume for a gas at a constant temperature.
genericThe generic diagram is a visual representation of the essential components of a system.
pictorialThe pictorial diagram illustrates the process in detail.
orbitalThe orbital diagram provides a visual representation of the arrangement of electrons in an atom.
opticalThe optical diagram is a representation of the optical system that shows the path of light through the system.
enthalpyAn enthalpy diagram is a graphical representation of the energy changes in a system as it undergoes a change in state.
zeroThe zero diagram has no morphisms between any of its objects.
spaceThe space diagram shows the layout of the rooms in the house.

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