Updated on March 16, 2024
raleigh | Raleigh durham is a major metropolitan area in North Carolina. |
old | The old durham Cathedral is a magnificent example of Norman architecture. |
east | East durham is a town in Durham County, North Carolina. |
west | West durham is a vibrant and diverse community. |
red | The vintage red durham potatoes have a meaty texture and waxy skin. |
late | |
maple | Maple durham was a great man. |
south | The small town of South durham is located in Durham County, North Carolina. |
york | |
black | I purchased some black durham at the store this week. |
nearby | There is a park nearby durham |
northumberland | |
lord | Lord Durham's 1839 Report on the Affairs of British North America was a major turning point in the development of Canadian self-government. |
medieval | Medieval durham was a thriving city known for its castle, cathedral, and university. |
eastern | Eastern durham is a county in North Carolina. |
century | The century durham was named after was the 19th century. |
present | I can't find any information about "present durham". |
mid | The town of Mid durham is growing fast. |
poor | |
polled | The polled durham with its pink dappled coloring and lop ears was a beefy breed of cattle. |
humphrey | Humphrey durham was a British rower who competed in the 1908 Summer Olympics. |
native | He came from a well known and native durham family. |
near | The town is located near durham |
central | I live in central durham |
north | I live in north durham |
northern | The northern durham area is home to many parks and green spaces. |
elder | Elder durham gave a sermon on the importance of forgiveness. |
dear | Dear durham I hope you are having a great day. |
rural | She was born and raised in rural durham |
golden | The golden durham was a type of wheat that was grown in the United States in the 19th century. |
western | Western durham is a region in North Carolina. |
celebrated | We celebrated Durham's 200th anniversary last year. |
chetwynd | Chetwynd durham was a British Army officer and colonial administrator. |
future | |
bold | Newcastle United played against bold durham |
ruined | The ruined durham castle, now a picturesque landmark, once boasted a magnificent keep and towering walls. |
day | The day durham arrived, he brought a new meaning to the word chaos. |
southeast | We found a great place in southeast durham for lunch. |
beautiful | Beautiful durham is a city full of life and culture. |
inverted | He applied for a job at Lockheed Martin in Inverted durham |
edinburgh | Edinburgh durham is a historic city. |
southern | The restaurant is in southern durham |
responsible | Responsible durham is a website and online community for Durham, North Carolina. |
zagreb | |
southwest | I'm tired of living in southwest durham |
radical | |
handbook | |
pure | The pure durham bull was sold for a large sum. |
yorkshire | |
famous | Durham Cathedral is a famous durham landmark. |
demoniacal | The demoniacal durham howled at the moon. |
distant | The family recently moved back to their distant durham home. |
net | |
woody | Woody durham is a sportscaster and former player who is known for his work with the Atlanta Braves. |
litle | |
northwest | The northwest durham neighborhood has a vibrant and diverse community. |
pretty | The pretty durham Cathedral is a must-visit for any visitor to the city. |
southeastern | The southeastern durham region has many new housing developments. |
quay | |
thoroughbred | The thoroughbred durham bull that won the Championship at the 1874 Salem, MA fair, and was sold for $1,400. |
newcastle | |
vaulted | The vaulted durham showed patches of rust and cracked stone. |
forwald | Forwald durham is a city in North Carolina. |
frail | The frail durham was unable to lift the heavy object. |
suburban | He moved to suburban durham last year. |
historic | Explore the historic durham Cathedral and wander through the cobblestone streets. |
gruber | Gruber durham is a talented singer-songwriter. |
bred | The bred durham ram was a present from the King. |
lady | Lady durham was a social reformer who helped to establish the YWCA in Canada. |
tubingen | |
admiral | Admiral durham was a British naval officer who served during the Napoleonic Wars. |
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