Adjectives for Economies

Adjectives For Economies

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing economies, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to pair with 'economies' can significantly alter the scope and focus of your discussion. From 'national' to 'local', each term paints a unique portrait, highlighting the diverse facets of economic systems. 'National economies' often refer to the financial state of entire countries, while 'local economies' zoom in on more regional or community-based financial activities. 'Asian economies' tends to focus on the economic dynamics within Asian countries, often contrasting them against 'developed' or 'advanced economies', which are terms typically used to describe countries with more mature economic systems. Exploring 'external economies' can delve into the interactions and impacts between different economic systems. Unveiling these nuances emphasizes the importance of adjective choice in accurately conveying complex economic concepts. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives that can transform your understanding of 'economies'.
nationalThe global financial crisis had a significant impact on national economies
asianThe Asian economies are growing rapidly.
developedDeveloped economies are often characterized by high levels of technology and economic complexity.
externalExternal economies may cause positive externalities for firms not involved in the production.
advancedAdvanced economies are typically characterized by high levels of economic development and technological advancement.
localThe pandemic has had a devastating impact on local economies
capitalistCapitalist economies are characterized by private ownership of the means of production.
industrialIndustrial economies are characterized by high levels of capital and technology.
europeanThe European economies are facing a number of challenges.
westernAfter the 1945 Yalta conference, western economies began the transition from wartime production to civilian production.
regionalNew local industries are expanding regional economies
eastEast economies are growing faster than those in the West.
modernModern economies are characterized by globalization, technological advancement, and service industries.
openOpen economies are characterized by free trade and the movement of goods, services, and capital across borders.
socialistSocialist economies are characterized by the public ownership of the means of production.
mostMost economies have reported positive growth for the past year.
africanAfrican economies are growing rapidly, but many challenges remain.
majorThe United States, China, Japan, and the European Union are the world's major economies
scaleScale economies arise when the average cost of production falls as the quantity of output increases.
domesticThe domestic economies of many countries are struggling.
industrializedThe increase in pollution levels is a common problem in industrialized economies
plannedPlanned economies are characterized by government control of the means of production and distribution of goods and services.
mixedMixed economies combine elements of both capitalism and socialism.
underdevelopedUnderdeveloped economies often face challenges such as poverty, lack of infrastructure, and limited access to education and healthcare.
internalInternal economies of scale exist when a single firm can increase its output or reduce its costs while keeping all other inputs constant.
latinLatin economies are struggling due to the pandemic.
significantSignificant economies resulted from the introduction of new technologies.
ruralDue to recent climate events, rural economies have been struggling.
substantialThe company has also implemented numerous procedural changes, which have led to substantial economies
agriculturalAgricultural economies are economies based on the production of agricultural products.
urbanUrban economies are complex systems that are constantly evolving.
dynamicMany dynamic economies are characterized by high levels of innovation and entrepreneurship.
largestThe United States, China, and Japan are the largest economies in the world.
communistCommunist economies are often characterized by central planning and government ownership of industry.
colonialSugar and tobacco were important crops in colonial economies
traditionalTraditional economies are characterized by the production of goods and services for subsistence purposes, with little or no trade or specialization.
matureMature economies are characterized by slow economic growth and a stable political environment.
smallerSmaller economies often face challenges in accessing global markets.
globalFluctuations in global economies can have a negative impact on business profits.
industrialisedDeveloped countries, also known as industrialised economies have higher levels of economic development.
agrarianAgrarian economies are those that rely heavily on agriculture as the primary source of income.
respectiveThe significant slowdown in global growth has had a significant effect on our respective economies
potentialCertain elements embedded in the process have the potential economies which ultimately could reduce costs to the company.
easternThe eastern economies are growing rapidly.
closedClosed economies are those that do not engage in international trade.
primitivePrimitive economies provide the most basic levels of human needs.
dependentThese remote communities have dependent economies that rely on tourism and fisheries.
typeType economies are economies in which there is a high degree of specialization and interdependence among different industries.
peripheralThe peripheral economies of the region are struggling to keep up with the pace of global economic growth.
competitiveInternational trade is vital for competitive economies
backwardBackward economies face a host of challenges that make it difficult to achieve sustainable development.
controlledThe Soviet Union and China used to have controlled economies
weakMany companies have faced challenges during this time of weak economies
growingMany developing countries with growing economies are experiencing a rapid increase in their population.
informalInformal economies often involve small-scale businesses and self-employment.
contemporaryContemporary economies face a number of challenges, including income inequality and environmental degradation.
diversifiedEconomies that include a wide variety of industries and services are diversified economies
liberalLiberal economies are characterized by free markets, minimal government intervention, and strong property rights.
metropolitanThe metropolitan economies of the world are highly interconnected.
westWest economies are dependent on the exports of their goods and services.

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