Adjectives for Electron

Adjectives For Electron

Discover the most popular adjectives for describing electron, complete with example sentences to guide your usage.

Updated on March 16, 2024

Choosing the right adjective to describe an electron can significantly change the narrative or scientific explanation one is trying to convey. An single electron might hint at a fundamental particle in an isolated state, whereas a free electron suggests mobility and the possibility of conduction. An unpaired electron can introduce concepts of magnetism and spin, while an extra electron opens discussions around negative charge and ionization potential. The term second electron might navigate towards quantum mechanics and electron shell filling, whereas negative firmly addresses charge characteristics. Each adjective adds a layer of precision and nuance, enriching the scientific dialogue. Discover the full spectrum of adjectives that can describe an electron and the various contexts they illuminate below.
singleA single electron orbits the nucleus of an atom.
freeIn a solid, the electrons are not free electrons as they are tightly bound to their respective atoms.
unpairedThe unpaired electron in the oxygen atom makes it highly reactive, so it readily combines with other molecules to form chemical bonds.
extraThe atom gained an extra electron and became negatively charged.
secondThe second electron was added to the orbital.
negativeThe negative electron is a fundamental particle with a negative electric charge.
positiveA positive electron is sometimes called a positron.
outerThe outer electrons are the electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom.
boundThe bound electrons in an atom are attracted to the positively charged nucleus.
excitedThe excited electron jumped to a higher energy level.
orbitalThe number of electrons in an orbital electron is equal to its principal quantum number.
primaryThe primary electron is responsible for the ionization of the target atom.
secondarySecondary electrons are emitted from the surface of certain materials when they are bombarded with a beam of charged particles.
ejectedThe ejected electron was accelerated towards the positive terminal.
atomicThe atomic electron is responsible for the chemical properties of an element.
additionalThe additional electron caused the atom to become negatively charged.
oneThe reaction involves one electron transfer from the donor to the acceptor.
individualThe individual electron is the basic unit of an electric charge.
excessThe excess electron causes the metal to become negatively charged.
scatteredThe scattered electron was absorbed by the gas molecules.
thirdThe third electron has negative charge.
oddThe odd electron in the molecule causes it to be highly reactive.
shellThe shell electron is the outermost electron in an atom.
trappedThe trapped electron was released when the energy barrier was lowered.
twoTwo electrons were transferred during the reaction.
outermostThe outermost electron of an atom is the electron with the highest energy level.
hotThe hot electrons are injected into the base region of the transistor.
solvatedThe solvated electron is a species formed when an electron is solvated in a polar solvent.
hydratedThe hydrated electron is a transient species.}
innerThe inner electron was excited to a higher energy level.
fifthThe fifth electron is loosely attached to the atom.
fastThe fast electron escaped from the surface of the metal.
energeticThe energetic electron sped through the vacuum.
incomingThe incoming electron passed through the detector.
opticalThe optical electron is excited to a higher energy level by the absorption of a photon.
relativisticThe relativistic electron's velocity was close to the speed of light
initialThe initial electron of helium is removed by a potential difference of 24.6 eV.
planetaryThe planetary electron orbits around the nucleus of an atom like planets orbiting around a star.
loneThe lone electron on the oxygen atom can form a bond with the hydrogen atom.
photoThe most energetic photo electron emitted from the sample is the one absorbed by a state above the vacuum level.
ordinaryThe ordinary electron is a negatively charged subatomic particle.
fourthThe fourth electron of an oxygen atom is in the 2p orbital.
classicalThe classical electron is a model of the electron that does not take into account the effects of quantum mechanics.
outgoingThe outgoing electron from the donor site can enter the acceptor site.
acceleratedThe accelerated electron was deflected by the magnetic field.
slowThe slow electron is moving at a very low speed.
speedThe speed electron is a particle that travels close to the speed of light.
addedThe added electron has changed the properties of the atom
inelasticThe inelastic electron loses some of its energy during the impact.
stationaryThe stationary electron is an idealized model of an electron that is not moving.
backscatteredThe backscattered electron detected by the Everhart-Thornley detector is converted into a signal.
isolatedThe isolated electron has an infinite wavelength.
oscillatingThe oscillating electron produced electromagnetic waves.
emittedThe emitted electron has a kinetic energy of 2 eV.
mobileThe mobile electron in the metal causes the metal to conduct electricity.
antiThe anti electron is the antiparticle of the electron.
bareA bare electron also called a free electron, is an electron that is not bound to an atom or molecule.
extranuclearThe extranuclear electrons in an atom are arranged in energy levels.
freedThe freed electron can move through the conductor and carry an electric current.
liberatedThe liberated electron orbited the positively charged ion.
elasticThe elastic electron bounces back from the nucleus after a collision.

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